2 Valid Perc Scripts Till Surgery Recovery Then Subs (Top voted first)


I have been on suboxone for 6 months due to the decision to get off percocets. In the last 5 days I have had 2 major surgeries but my sub script doesnt expire till tues and my sub doctor told me to use the pain meds the surgeons gave me then the day before the operation he changed his mind. I am in extreme pain. In Massachusetts do u think I can fill the percs on tuesday? I am bleeding and in terribke pain

9 Replies

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Michelle, I'm sorry that your Suboxone doctor changed his mind and left you in terrible pain! He sounds like a complete jerk!! Suboxone and Percocet are two different medications, and you should be able to fill your Percocet without waiting for the Suboxone script to expire. If you're really worried about it, you can go to a different pharmacy and pay cash for the Percocets. Please don't forgo this needed pain medication after two surgeries in less than a week!! The surgeon knew you needed pain relief, that's why you were precribed the meds. By all means go and have them filled!! Your Suboxone doctor is a sorry piece of crap for putting you through this! There's a time and place for everything! Right now you need pain relief, you can go back on the subs after you have recovered fully!! Please get them filled, you need relief!! God Bless you, and please let me know how you're doing and what happened. I hope you get some pain relief, and have a speedy recovery!!!

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Keikee, she has been taking Subs, and her doc knew she was having surgery, and told her to take the Percocet scripts her surgeon wrote for her, then changed his mind and told her not to the day before the surgery, leaving her with no pain relief!! I think Michelle was worried about the Suboxone script still being valid with pills left on it until Tuesday, and she was worried how that would look at the pharmacy if she went to have her two VALID PERCOCET SCRIPTS WRITTEN BY HER SURGEON FILLED!!! BY ALL MEANS SHE SHOULD FILL HER SCRIPT FOR THE PERCS RIGHT NOW!!!

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Thank you very much. The recovery from the two painful surgeries should only take 3-4 weeks then I will go back on the subs but due ti the extreme current pain the subs provide no relief at all.

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Forgive me, Michelle. Please know that I'm the last person on earth would have an uncaring attitude about anyone in pain of any kind for any reason. I really was confused about the Suboxone script verses the Percocet script and why the Sub doctor would say one thing and then another. The foremost concern in my mind was the Suboxone and how very important that medicine is for your well-being and I wouldn't want you to get on that Dr's bad side because alot of those guys will drop you in a heartbeat if they think you're doing something they told y ou not to do as far as accepting prescriptions for narcotics from other docs. I agree a hundred percent you need both the me Suboxone and the Percocet. I don't know t the laws and regulations in Massachusetts. I'm in Ohio and in Ohio the pharmacy board has an electronic ledger of every script for controlled substances and the person who filled it at what pharmacy. Ohio pharmacists check the ledger before filling any script of that nature so it wouldn't matter here whether you used cash or not. The pharmacists think they're Gods in this state and would confiscate the Percocet script and not give it back to you. They don't care what kind of pain you're in. It's horrible. Either that or they'd write in big red ink all over "do not fill, check pharmacy board". Some nightmare thing like that. Oh yes, I care very much. We are going thru hell here due to a DEA/Pharmacy board/Ohio State Attny "dragnet". Two very big PM Centers are CLOSED. And there was no warning whatsoever. Literally, hundreds & probably a thousand or more folks were left high and dry with no medicine. Just leaving us to sweat it out. Cold turkey or whatever it's called. Several elderly ladies I know from the clinic have pain pumps that are refilled on a monthly basis and those ladies showed up for their appt just like everyone else only to find the office closed with no information on what they're to do about their near empty vital pain meds! The authorities don't give a DAMN about people suffering severe chronic pain. Their actions say it all. They think of the patients of the clinics as common street junky drug addicts. Myself included. I sincerely hope you've gotten your pain under control, Michelle. You're definitely in my prayers.

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Michelle, you're very welcome! I know you are in need of the necessary pain relief from the Percocet while recovering from your surgeries, and plan to continue your treatment with Suboxone after your recovery from them. I hope you feel much better soon, and hope you had your script for the Percocet filled, and are feeling better already. Please post back to let me know how you're doing. God bless!

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Thank you kitty. I got them yesterday turns out because of the surgeries I could have filled them days ago. I feel so much better

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Michelle, I'm so glad that I could help! I'm so happy that you are feeling much better and have pain relief now! You are in my prayers, hope you recover soon from your sugeries, and best of luck with your Suboxone treatment and recovery in the future! God Bless!! :D

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Keikee, sorry about your current situation. The Suboxone doctor WAS NOT the doctor who prescribed the Percocet's to Michelle, her SURGEON who performed her two SURGERIES DID!! Two entirely DIFFERENT DOCTORS!! Michelle had told the Suboxone doctor about the scripts is all, and at first he said ok then changed his stupid mind! She is entirely justified in this case to fill her scripts! If it was the same doctor who wrote both scripts, then it would be a different story! And by the way, it's against the law for a pharmacist to keep your script if you ask for it back! Most people don't know this, and pharmacists will take advantage of that if you let them, the exception being if it's too early to fill it, and you're a regular customer, then they might hold on to it until time to fill it.

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I think I might be a bit confused, Michelle. I'm assuming the Dr prescribing the Suboxone is a pain management specialist. Is that correct? And the Suboxone is prescribed to ease your dependence on Percocet, correct? And you have a legit written prescription from the Suboxone Dr, but the Suboxone Dr has told you NOT to fill his/her script and to only take what your surgeon prescribed for the pain from a very recent surgical procedure you are recovering from? Still not positive I have all the info I need to help you but if I'm understanding that the Suboxone Dr has told you NOT to fill the script he/she gave you, you best NOT fill it. Rather, call the surgeon and ask for something for pain because you've been told not to fill the pain meds from the Suboxone Dr. I have a feeling a detail is missing here. If that's the case, give us the missing details and we'll take it from there. Best of luck!

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