2 Months Post Harvoni Treatment Edema Of Hands
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I did 12 weeks of Harvoni and cleared the virus, finished treatment June 7th 2015. During treatment had some edema of feet and legs, it went away. Now 2 months later having edema of hands every morning upon waking. Anyone else reporting these symptoms ? Severe joint pain also.
2 Replies
Harvoni was my only option except for a liver transplant. Finished it May 23, 2016. By June 3rd I had diverticulitis, bigtime. Then as soon as that was healed my feet swelled up like footballs, pain was horrible. GOUT they said. Interesting that I have been a vegan/vegetarian for 40 years. One Urgent care doc said GOUT was not always related to diet... but metabolic changes!!! Over four months I had to limp around whimpering. Tart Cherry Juice helped, I think. Since then I had four more full blown bouts with Diverticulis. For the last two months my body has been covered with deep red lesions, I look like a monster. My legs and ankles are twice the normal size and I can barely walk. Trying acupuncture and MD's. Nights are so miserable, and I cannot take any sort of pain med.
Hello, Kittykat! How are you feeling? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.
However, you aren't the first person to have reported such a thing. It is unusual for a medication to keep causing side effects so long after finishing treatment, though, so it hasn't actually been definitively tied together, yet.
The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, headache and weakness.
Have you consulted your doctor? It would be best to have this checked out, just in case.
Are you on any other medications?
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