2 Auto Accidents (Top voted first)


Ok people I REALLY need some help here. I will try to be as brief as possible but I need solutions. Im 39 (in 2 days) and have been dealing with chronic back pain since a serious auto accident when I was 17. I broke my back, fusion of L1-L3, had steel rods put in and taken out a year later. After the initial recuperation I was not on any type of prescriptions for pain. I was young and I just dealt with it. Oddly you start to just "get used" to feeling that way and it just becomes a part of your life. Jump to 2008...another auto accident. (Can I just clarify that neither accident was my fault.) Not as serious but seemed to do more damage and reawaken old injuries as well. So now Im dealing with back and neck pain on a daily basis at 35. I was prescribed Vicodin and Soma which has helped me to be able to function like a normal person. Tried to ween me off of the Vicodin with 800mg Ibuprofen but come to find out Im allergic to most NSAIDS. Didnt find out until I started to go into anaphylactic shock. Awesome. Since that 2nd accident I have also had a child, he's 2. Very stressfull on back and neck but got thru it. Moved recently, lost insurance and previous doctor stopped refilling my prescription forcing me to go "cold turkey". The past week and 1/2 has been the most excruciating time in my life and I almost feel like Im heading toward depression...or at least symptoms of depression. No insurance, which means very expensive to go see a doctor with money we just dont have. But it's incredibly obvious to me that if I don't get help soon I am going to get much worse. My son and husband mean the world to me and I am incapable of being the person I need (and want) to be for them and that's just not acceptable to me. The medical/insurance industry is clearly not what it needs to be to help people like me that truly need help (and 8 gizillion other people Im sure) but Im stuck in the middle where we would not qualify for any assistance either. So my question is...the Vicodin withdrawl has been bad enough and I am genuinely afraid of what happens in a week when I am out of my Soma. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding herbal, homeopathic recommendations or any other insight on what I can do? Any suggestion would be appreciated.

3 Replies

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Grace, I'm not sure where you live, but one thing you can try is calling around to your local hospitals and see if they have any social workers that may be able to help.

They often have details on special assistance programs for people that fall between the cracks of qualifying for traditional assistance.

For instance, I make too much money each month to qualify for government assistance, but can't afford to pay for doctor's visits and prescriptions on my own, so they helped me find a program that covers any doctor's visits related to my medical conditions.

My doctor also works with my by prescribing the cheapest medication options first, since I still pay for the prescriptions myself.

Most hospitals do have departments like this to help people in these types of situations, but few people actually know about them.


Have you also looked into any prescription medication programs that may help cover your medications?

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Grace yes the reply prior to mine is very detailed info..good and true info... A suggestion is to go to the ER if you get sick or cannot stand the withdrawl and pain..bring your prior prescriptions and any other mrI's or recent dr, notes/diagnostic reports.at when you check out a lot of hospitals will ask for a down payment t, but will not deny you care if you don't have that down payment, but they will give you paperwork to apply for their discount programs also give you other resources. Meanwhile you could get a 3 day supply that you might have to cut in half, gives you time and ways for relief ..good luck, I have been there. stay persistent and positive!!Sorry if this info is late, I just realized your post was from a few weeks ago!!

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Are my vicoden still safe to take after spilling water on them?They completely melted together

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