2.5mg Of Brintellix (Top voted first)


I went from lexapro to Prozac. Prozac made me worse. Today I was prescribed Brintellix. I am terrified of taking Medicine and what it could do to me.. would it be okay to break .5mg in half just to see how I do?

2 Replies

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It is always best to follow your doctor's dosing instructions, thus you should ask, and if they approve, it should be fine to do so.

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight changes, anxiety, and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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What time of the day is best to take Trintellix? In the morning or at night ? I started 2 weeks ago and I am having terrible side affects , feeling much worse than before the pills, my anxiety is the worse I have ever had, this medicine is making me so sick and feeling with no energy at all. I am taking 10mg daily.

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