13 Weeks Pregnant Taking Subutex
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I have been taking subutex for about 7months now , before that I took suboxone for 2 yrs . I like the subutex a lot better not near as groggy and less headaches. I have been very careful about not getting pregnant and somehow it happened . I take half of an 8mg tablet 3 times a day but here recently since being pregnant it doesn't seem to be working as well , I realize I have a lot of extra blood flow and am assuming that's probably why. Also everytime I go to put them under my tounge within 2-4 mins the morning sickness kicks in and I throw everything up including the majority of the pill . Well it's 9 days till I get my next refill and I'm out and I don't know what to do. Should I call my Dr to see if I can refill early or what ? I guess I'm just afraid to ask him but I don't want to withdraw and risk a miscarriage :-?
9 Replies
Need a doctor that will prescribe me subutex in the dallas area
You are okay. I took subutex while pregnant an didn't harm my baby at all. He's a healthy strong smart 1month old baby. It sucks cause I can't find subutext here cause I live on an island. An my doctor just freaking switched me to Suboxone without me knowing an now she doesn't even let anyone take subutext in this town. But I tell you this your okay. I was worried at first an would take little amounts but your baby get it to no matter what. It goes throug Your blood stream.
Don't be scared. I'm o n subutex and when i went to my first baby Dr I told them everything. If ur on Medicare they will help u w the RX and finding. a Dr that will help u n prescribe subutex. I know ur scared but there is help out there for u. i went thru it myself and still am. I'm 27 weeks pregnant
Hey girl. Keep doing what you are doing. I did the same thing over 18 months ago. I took myelf from 2- 8 mg subutex a day down to only 1 mg a day. I was so scared, like you, but my doctor as well told me that she respected me and that I'm about only one of the only patients to truly care to get off and protect my child as best I could. I tried to completely stop, but couldn't and believe it or not, my doctor didn't even want me to try. The stress it causes your unborn can be deadly. So I did as least I could to get through the day and my son also was out of the hospital within 5 days of being born. I went to Grant Hospital in Ohio where they have Nationwide Children's Hospital right there on the 3rd floor and the doctor there is known in the US for being one of the top researchers and doctors to babies born to opiate addiction, HE WAS GREAT and not to brag, but I am proud that he bragged about how great I did and the low dose I was on. It;s embarassing and scary. You seem to be sincere and care for yourself and your baby, that is great. But it is true, as long as you are getting help, they won't do a thing. My doctor even told me that it's sad because the mothers who still use and some who leave the hospital the minute the baby is born to get high and don't even return for months later to take the baby home, they still get to keep their baby. She said they have begged children services at times to take babies when they knew the mother was still using and she said, they don't most the time. So, just do the right thing and like your doctor said, because you are seeking out and reaching out for help and the best care for you and your baby, you can't be punished for doing the right thing. You are the Mother to that baby and you have to really mess up for them to take a baby from it's mother. Not to say not to worry and do whatever you want. But just saying that with what you are doing, know you are doing what is right and you are a great person for getting the help. Those who don't get help are the ones who need to worry. And some people won't get help because they are afraid of what you are afraid of, the baby being taken and they have more to worry about then you for doing what is right. So enough of my rambling, but keep doing what you are and following the directions of your doctor and you and your baby will be just fine. My son is 18 months old now and smart as a whip, you would never know he went through anything. I will keep you in my prayer, because I've been there and I know how scary it is. Also, my docotor said I was a record for the time we made it out of the hospital, but he said it was due to me being there all day everyday, holding my son, doing the skin to skin and massaging his body and singing to him. You know what withdrawal is like, so just think of what you would like, and do that to your baby.. that's what I did. ALso, just a hint. they are strict on the feeding and my son still to this day, doesn't eat right away, so I always would tuck and extra bottle away so that if he didn't eat in the 15 minutes they wanted him to and got hungry later, then I had the bottle or I breastfed too, but I would feed him when he wanted it. Good Luck to you and God Bless.. will be keeping you in my prayers. oh and one more thing. a girl I know was afraid to be honest and continued to use and thought suboxone was ok, I tried to get her to go to my doc and she wouldn't.. like my son, her daughter;s breathing was fast, she wouldn't tell the hospital and eventually they sent her home, in a week or 2 later, the baby turned purple and stopped breathing, this happened 2 times to her and she still never told the truth and somehow, prolly cuz our local hospital isn't too bright, but they never knew the real problem, her daughter had to be on a moniter and breathing machine for a couple weeks..she took her home, but with that equipment.. it was sad, her daughter is only 2 weeks younger then my son and she is so far behind. I talked to my doc about it and she said that her daughter will always struggle because of the damage she did to her by making her withdrawal and not doing it the proper way like they do with the morphine at the hospital. like i said, it's scary and you feel terrible for even making your baby go through this, but you are doing the right thing for you baby, I promise you that!!!!!! Again, Good Luck!!! It will all be ok!
The state will not take your baby for being on a prescribed suboxone, subutex, or methadone dosage while pregnant.
The state will get involved for the following reasons:
If you are for some reason not mentally fit to care for your child due to a mental illness or somehow mentally handicapped to the point where you being able to meet the baby's basic needs is questioned. Plenty of people with mental illness or good parents and the state does not get involved. When mental illness is the cause of neglectful or harmful parenting/ state involvement it is usually very severe or untreated.
If you neglect or harm your baby.
If you or your newborn baby test positive for illegal or non prescribed drugs the state will get involved.
If there are concerns about the safety of your home environment the state may get involved.
As long as you are taking your prescribed medication and nothing else you'll be fine.
I know this from experience - - I had my child on methadone (and yes when I was pregnant I had the same fears).I now work with homeless pregnant women and deal with these situations often.
Aside Note about Child Services Involvement:
It is actually hard to have a baby taken away from its caregivers, even when the baby SHOULD be taken away, it often doesn't happen. Usually it takes A LOT of phone calls to the child services agency and then 90% of the time they do nothing but monitor the situation. It's a s***ty system and I have seen infants be needlessly hurt and suffer because of it.
Hi, I am 14 weeks pregnant and am prescribed subutex from my Doctor, not the babies doctor, a doc at a clinic. I literally take 1/2 of a quarter (I have been weaning myself off) just enough so that I do not get sick, I don't feel 100 percent but can get by. I am terrified that the state will get involved and take the baby after its born, will that happen? The babies doctor is well aware of the situation and claims because I am getting help that will not happen. Please if anyone knows about this PLEASE HELP, I do not want to do anything to risk loosing my baby, but at the same time am scared to go through withdrawal. I know from reading my story I my sound like a s***-bag, I am far from. I have a professional full time job and raised 2 other healthy kids and own my home. The state has NEVER been involved in my life before, I just do not want to loose my baby because I got stuck in a really stupid situation.
Im 16 weeks pregnant and have been taking subutex. My problem is im not prescribed it and it came up on my drug test at my baby dr appt. So now he wants a note from a dr. With what mlg im on bc i told him i got it from a dr. And idk what to do i can get an appt and get on subutex but idk if theyll take me bc im already pregnant im scared and dont know what to do can anyone please help me with advice on what i should do?
always remember your doc is worried about the baby so u should have just asked him. I BEEN IN YOUR SHOES KNOW IT SUCKS. But just to lrt u know i was on it the whole time i was pregnant and now have a very healthy 4 month old baby girl that didnt even need weaned off. SUBUTEX IS THE BEST THING EVER IT SAVE MY LIFE AND PROLLY MY BABY'S ALSO. Good luck to you both you'll be in my prayers
Since a few weeks have passed, I am hoping that you contacted your doctor?
If you were getting sick, after taking them, or felt they had less effect and took more, you may have already harmed the baby, so you really do need to speak to a medical professional.
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