01/2020 - Teva Clonazepam 0.5 Mg Tablets Are Back! (Top voted first)


January 29, 2020 - Just spoke with Teva Medical Information Department to discuss the differences between Teva generic brand clonazepam 0.5 mg tablets that were discontinued for approximately one year and were reintroduced into the market approximately 2 months ago. The Actavis brand (TEVA acquired Actavis) clonazepam 0.5 mg pink tablets has been DISCONTINUED as of 10/2019.

If you wish to verify this information, please call TEVA at 1-800-545-8800 option 3 and then press option 4 between the hours of 9-5PM ET. TEVA's email is: tevacs@tevapharm.com

Per Teva's Medical Information Department: Here are the differences between TEVA generic and Actavis generic clonazepam 0.5 mg tablets:

TEVA - tablet is yellow marked "TEVA" on one side with a score mark and the number 832 on the other side of the tablet. The National Drug Code (NDC) is: 00093-0832-01 (last 2 digits will vary due to # of pills in the stock bottle).

Active Ingredients:
0.5 mg clonazepam

Inactive ingredients:
corn starch
lactose monohydrate
magnesium stearate
microcystaline cellulose
yellow d and c #10 aluminum lake

ACTAVIS 0.5 clonazepam has been DISCONTINUED approximately 10/2019 - pink tablet with R33 on one side and the other side has a score mark. The National Drug Code (NDC) is: 00228-3003-11 (last 2 digits will vary due to # of pills contained in the stock bottle).

Active Ingredients:
0.5 mg clonazepam

Inactive ingredients:
corn starch
lactose monohydrate
magnesium stearate
microcystaline cellulose
b and c red #30 aluminum lake

11 Replies

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Re: Mark Robinson (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Mark! I have been on old TEva for almost 20 years and just got new TEva and have been on it for 1 week. I’m having brain fog too and it’s driving me crazy! How are you adjusting? Everyone is telling me to give it 2 weeks to 1month to adjust. Is your brain fog better?

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Re: Mark Robinson (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I was on original Teva 1mg Clonazepam and did very well, switched to Actavis when original Teva was discontinued and did ok. Just got the new Teva Clonazepam 1mg - green tablet (not scored like the original) and 833 on the back. Have been having problems being overly sleepy, heart arrhythmia worse, blood pressure higher, feeling dizzy and faint. I have been one it about 1 month still having problems.

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Re: Briards (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I would not anticipate problems, but rather give it a try and see how you do. I personally like the TEVA generic clonazepam. There are people who absolutely have no problems switching between the generic brands of clonazepam or any other benzodiazepine. There are people who get withdrawal symptoms by changing to a different generic. For example, I cannot tolerate clonazepam by Accord. I made the switch from TEVA to Actavis without a problem and am hoping that switching back to my preferred brand (TEVA) will not be a problem. I wish you all the best.

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Re: Lorry (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I was on 1mg/day of Teva clonazepam for 10 years and recently switched back to it after a year of Actavis clonazepam and I’m having severe withdrawal symptoms. Really frustrating because I was perfectly fine with Teva before and was irate when they switched to Actavis. Granted, my dose is half what it was but I adjusted to the Actavis and was fine at .5mg/day. Now I’m having paradoxical symptoms with the Teva (nervousness, brain fog, physical withdrawals). Will I eventually adjust back to the Teva? God I hope so..

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Re: Sheri Scott (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Sheri-I’m sorry you’re having those symptoms after a month! It’s been about 3 weeks for me on new Teva and I definitely feel they are not as strong (1mg) as the old ones. I sleep very well but then have a lot of energy during the day and butterflies in my stomach (more anxiety). They are not awful but not as good as they were for sure. I used Par brand orally disintegrating tablets and they were great for my anxiety but bad for my memory and made me sleepy. Maybe try the brand name? Nothing is made well anymore—it’s terrible and I’m sorry you’re feeling this way. Are you on 1mg or .5?

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Re: Lorry (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Is anyone else feeling more tired from the new teva pills. I finally made the switch back from actavis a month ago and literally I feel groggy and completely out of it the next day

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Re: Sheri Scott (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I am on the .5mg. Just made the switch from actavis back to teva. I am completely groggy and not sharp the following day.

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How about Teva Brand 1 mg, that is what my doctor ordered, are they as effective?

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I have seizures and Teva brand of clonazepam 0.5 mg is the only brand that controls my seizures. Pharmacy can not get this brand. Can you help?

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Re: Gracie (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

CVS pharmacies dispense Teva generic brand clonazepam

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Re: Klonz (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Klonz did you break out of your funk. I just made the switch back. Was in actavis last 4 years. Been back on teva for 4 weeks and have crazy brain fog and exhaustion the next day

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