Oral Health
This page contains the most recent discussion threads pertaining to Oral Health, as well as a list of all of the drugs falling within this category.Oral Health Overview
Dentistry, also known as dental medicine and oral medicine, is the branch of medicine focused on the teeth, gums, and mouth. It consists of the study, diagnosis, prevention, management, and treatment of diseases, disorders, and conditions of the mouth, most commonly focused on dentition (the development and arrangement of teeth) as well as the oral mucosa. Dentistry may also encompass other aspects of the craniofacial complex including the temporomandibular joint. The practitioner is called a...
Article is from Wikipedia. All text is available under the terms of the GFDL (GNU Free Documentation License). Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dentistry
Recent Oral Health Forums: 
CPC FL on a round pink pill
I have a round pink pill (size of an eraser head) with imprint CPC FL on one side only, what is it? ## This is a chewable sodium fluoride tablet provided by dentists to help strengthen teeth, and prevent cavities. Medline Plus Fluoride The FDA warns that it can cause staining of the teeth, nausea, rash, and a salty taste. Is there anything I can help with?
Updated in Sodium Fluoride
I have a round pink pill (size of an eraser head) with imprint CPC FL on one side only, what is it? ## This is a chewable sodium fluoride tablet provided by dentists to help strengthen teeth, and prevent cavities. Medline Plus Fluoride The FDA warns that it can cause staining of the teeth, nausea, rash, and a salty taste. Is there anything I can help with?
Updated in Sodium Fluoride
Dental help, financial issues
I really don't know where else to go and this site has always been a big help. I was born missing 7 adult teeth and of course most are front teeth, I unfortunately can't work anymore due to my health conditions. I'm just at a loss of what to do... Smiling is not an option for me, even though I honestly have nothing to smile for anymore. After not having any kind of insurance for 10 years and not seeing 1 dentist in that time, I finally got coverage from the government program I'm on. The problem is, they only cover 1 cavity a month, or one tooth extraction a month. I'm so past the point of just getting a cavity fixed.. My teeth are broken and falling apart. I've had to go ahead and get teeth pulled because I couldn't afford to get them fixed. Baby teeth shoul...
I really don't know where else to go and this site has always been a big help. I was born missing 7 adult teeth and of course most are front teeth, I unfortunately can't work anymore due to my health conditions. I'm just at a loss of what to do... Smiling is not an option for me, even though I honestly have nothing to smile for anymore. After not having any kind of insurance for 10 years and not seeing 1 dentist in that time, I finally got coverage from the government program I'm on. The problem is, they only cover 1 cavity a month, or one tooth extraction a month. I'm so past the point of just getting a cavity fixed.. My teeth are broken and falling apart. I've had to go ahead and get teeth pulled because I couldn't afford to get them fixed. Baby teeth shoul...
Where can you find Campho-phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid
I cannot find Campho-phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid except on Amazon that cost way too much. I use to be able to just purchase it in the drugstore. Cannot find it in the local store or online. Do you know where it can get it at? Has it been discontinued? Why is it no longer available? Thank you. ## Walgreens Instant Antiseptic Pain Relief First Aid Liquid 1.5 fluid ounces, has the very same active ingredients as the campho phenique. 10.8% camphor and phenol 4.7%. Inactive ingredients are eucalyptus oil, and light mineral oil. The Walgreens antiseptic has two added ingredients that are very beneficial, citric acid, which is natural occurring acid that is found in large quanties in fruit and tocopherol (vitamin E). Hope this is helpful information. I personally think that the W...
Updated in Campho-phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid
I cannot find Campho-phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid except on Amazon that cost way too much. I use to be able to just purchase it in the drugstore. Cannot find it in the local store or online. Do you know where it can get it at? Has it been discontinued? Why is it no longer available? Thank you. ## Walgreens Instant Antiseptic Pain Relief First Aid Liquid 1.5 fluid ounces, has the very same active ingredients as the campho phenique. 10.8% camphor and phenol 4.7%. Inactive ingredients are eucalyptus oil, and light mineral oil. The Walgreens antiseptic has two added ingredients that are very beneficial, citric acid, which is natural occurring acid that is found in large quanties in fruit and tocopherol (vitamin E). Hope this is helpful information. I personally think that the W...
Updated in Campho-phenique Pain Relieving Antiseptic Liquid
Dentiguard mouthwash from ALDI
OK, I'm going to write my experiences with using this dentiguard crap from ALDI grocery and put everything on a time line and see what you think. starting 12-26-2010 about one week ago I started using a mouthwash from ALDI after about two to three days my tongue started to get real sore and looked like some acid was eating it away, didn't think it was the mouthwash so I continued to use as directed on the bottle 20ML or four teaspoons, going into the third day my tongue started to swell up and little tiny sores appeared and like I said I didn't think it was the mouthwash, after I additional day of using this product I couldn't take it any more so went to my local Wall-mart and bought some six in 1 total care Listerine and it burned like HELL and after 2 days of just usin...
Updated in Stanford Mouthwash
OK, I'm going to write my experiences with using this dentiguard crap from ALDI grocery and put everything on a time line and see what you think. starting 12-26-2010 about one week ago I started using a mouthwash from ALDI after about two to three days my tongue started to get real sore and looked like some acid was eating it away, didn't think it was the mouthwash so I continued to use as directed on the bottle 20ML or four teaspoons, going into the third day my tongue started to swell up and little tiny sores appeared and like I said I didn't think it was the mouthwash, after I additional day of using this product I couldn't take it any more so went to my local Wall-mart and bought some six in 1 total care Listerine and it burned like HELL and after 2 days of just usin...
Updated in Stanford Mouthwash
Polypoid squamous mucosa
What exactly is polypoid squamous mucosa of the tongue with parakeratosis? These were the findings of a biopsy to the back of my tongue with 2 large sections taken (one from taste buds & one on the same side of my tongue, further up on very outside of my tongue).
What exactly is polypoid squamous mucosa of the tongue with parakeratosis? These were the findings of a biopsy to the back of my tongue with 2 large sections taken (one from taste buds & one on the same side of my tongue, further up on very outside of my tongue).
peach pill g 32 500 - for sore gums
The pill I have is peach and imprinted with g/32 500. I just want to know, since it's a pain pill, will it help with the pain in my gums? ## Hello, Sista! How are you? I am very sorry about the problem you are experiencing. This tablet is manufactured by Glenmark Generics and they list it as containing 500mgs of Naproxen, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever, and swelling. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach irritation, and increased risk of bleeding. Do you know what has caused the pain in your gums? Have you consulted a dentist? Did you have an extraction, or other dental work done, recently? Are you on any medications?
Updated in Naproxen
The pill I have is peach and imprinted with g/32 500. I just want to know, since it's a pain pill, will it help with the pain in my gums? ## Hello, Sista! How are you? I am very sorry about the problem you are experiencing. This tablet is manufactured by Glenmark Generics and they list it as containing 500mgs of Naproxen, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever, and swelling. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach irritation, and increased risk of bleeding. Do you know what has caused the pain in your gums? Have you consulted a dentist? Did you have an extraction, or other dental work done, recently? Are you on any medications?
Updated in Naproxen
Taking other pain medications with Enantyum
My daughter just had her wisdom teeth pulled out. Since then she has been in pain and any painkillers aren't helping at all. Could you give me any advice please? She got those teeth removed a week ago and still she is in pain. What else can be taken along with Enantyum? ## This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, which is used treat pain, fever, and swelling. She might need something more potent. Has she consulted her dentist? The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased risk of bleeding, and stomach irritation. Is she on any other medications?
My daughter just had her wisdom teeth pulled out. Since then she has been in pain and any painkillers aren't helping at all. Could you give me any advice please? She got those teeth removed a week ago and still she is in pain. What else can be taken along with Enantyum? ## This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, which is used treat pain, fever, and swelling. She might need something more potent. Has she consulted her dentist? The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased risk of bleeding, and stomach irritation. Is she on any other medications?
Strange growths on back of tongue
I have a small growth attached to the back of my tongue that has a yellow mass growing on it. What could be the cause? And is there a name for it? ## Hello, Annie! How are you? According to NIH recommendations, it would be best for you to consult your doctor and have it checked out. That is something you should do any time you experience some type of growth, or any symptom that is more severe than usual, or totally new for you. Has there been any change? How large is the mass? Are you on any medications?
I have a small growth attached to the back of my tongue that has a yellow mass growing on it. What could be the cause? And is there a name for it? ## Hello, Annie! How are you? According to NIH recommendations, it would be best for you to consult your doctor and have it checked out. That is something you should do any time you experience some type of growth, or any symptom that is more severe than usual, or totally new for you. Has there been any change? How large is the mass? Are you on any medications?
blisters on back of tongue
I have small blisters on top and to the back of my tongue. They are getting more sore and I have had this for approximately 3 weeks. Just within the last few days it has gotten very sore. What causes this? ## Only your doctor, or dentist can give you a definitive answer, but the NIH lists such issues as possibly being due to inflamed taste buds. They can be caused by various medications, as well as acidic foods, or beverages. Additionally it could be due to burning your tongue, or canker sores. What does your usual diet consist of? Are you on any medications? Has this ever happened, before? ## Do you have any other symptoms of being ill? Do you have small children in your home? There are some types of viruses that can cause mouth ulcers. One of them being hand foot mouth. If it is a vir...
I have small blisters on top and to the back of my tongue. They are getting more sore and I have had this for approximately 3 weeks. Just within the last few days it has gotten very sore. What causes this? ## Only your doctor, or dentist can give you a definitive answer, but the NIH lists such issues as possibly being due to inflamed taste buds. They can be caused by various medications, as well as acidic foods, or beverages. Additionally it could be due to burning your tongue, or canker sores. What does your usual diet consist of? Are you on any medications? Has this ever happened, before? ## Do you have any other symptoms of being ill? Do you have small children in your home? There are some types of viruses that can cause mouth ulcers. One of them being hand foot mouth. If it is a vir...
purbag for gum disease and abscess
I have an abscess and gingivitis. Can I use purbag? I am on amlodipine and ridag for high blood pressure. ## You should take the medication your doctor or dentist has prescribed. This is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of bacterial infections. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. What prescribing instructions were provided? You should also make sure to see your dentist for a follow up visit, so you can treat the underlying problem that has causes the infection.
Updated in Amlodipine
I have an abscess and gingivitis. Can I use purbag? I am on amlodipine and ridag for high blood pressure. ## You should take the medication your doctor or dentist has prescribed. This is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of bacterial infections. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. What prescribing instructions were provided? You should also make sure to see your dentist for a follow up visit, so you can treat the underlying problem that has causes the infection.
Updated in Amlodipine
Oral Health Medications (45 results)
- CAMPHOR + PHENOL 1 discussion
- CARBOCAINE WITH NEO-COBEFRIN Mepivacaine + Levonordefrin
- CHLORHEXIDINE 3 discussions
- CITANEST FORTE Prilocaine + Epinephrine
- DEBACTEROL Sulfonated Phenolics + Sulfuric Acid3 discussions
- FLOURIGARD Sodium Fluoride1 discussion
- FLUORINSE Sodium Fluoride
- FLUORITAB Sodium Fluoride
- FLUORODEX Sodium Fluoride
- FLUOROFOAM Acidulated Phosphate Fluoride
- FLURA-DROPS Sodium Fluoride
- FLURA-TAB Sodium Fluoride
- GEL-KAM Stannous Fluoride
- GLY-OXIDE ORAL Carbamide Peroxide
- ISOCAINE WITH LEVONORDEFRIN Mepivacaine + Levonordefrin1 discussion
- KARIDIUM Sodium Fluoride
- LURIDE Sodium Fluoride
- MIRACLE MOUTHWASH Dexamethasone + Diphenhydramine + Nystatin + Tetracycline4 discussions
- OMNI-PED Stannous Fluoride
- ORAJEL MOUTH-AID ORAL PAIN RELIEVER Benzalkonium Chloride + Benzocaine + Zinc Chloride
- ORAJEL PERIOSEPTIC Carbamide Peroxide
- PEDIAFLOR Sodium Fluoride
- PERIDEX Chlorhexidine1 discussion
- PERIOCHIP Chlorhexidine
- PERIOGARD Chlorhexidine
- PHOS-FLUR Acidulated Phosphate Fluoride
- POLOCAINE WITH LEVONORDEFRIN Mepivacaine + Levonordefrin
- PREVIDENT Sodium Fluoride
- PROXIGEL Carbamide Peroxide
- READYPREP CHG Chlorhexidine Gluconate
- SODIUM FLUORIDE 3 discussions
- STANFORD MOUTHWASH Chlorpheniramine Maleate + Hydrocortisone + Nystatin + Tetracycline2 discussions
- STANNOUS FLUORIDE 1 discussion