Chlorhexidine Forums
Recently active Chlorhexidine forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Chlorhexidine and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Will Chlorhexidine cause a drug screen to be negative for anything? I went and it said there was a faint line for Suboxone. Please help me. ## I did a drug test for probation and it said that I tested positive for alcohol so they sent a test out and it came back positive. Is this due to the chlorhexidine gluconate 0.12% oral rinse? ## I had a positive for cocaine and never used it. I was wondering if chlorhexidine gluconate would this cause it to be positive? ## This just happened to me also. Please get back to me!! ## Was this ever answered? Please important ## Can you answer please? ## It shouldn't, but with an antiseptic rinse who knows how it could throw off tests. Be sure to let your doctor or the lab know that you are currently taking this. ## If there is a chance of a false p...
is Galocipro the same as clorex is it for stomachs due to food poisings is food poising when u have stomach ache but no diaharr ## Hi Sharon, Food poisoning can certainly cause stomach aches as well as diarrhea, but every case may be different and vary in so far as what symptoms you experience and how severe they are. Regarding Galocipro and Clorex, I'm not seeing either of these even listed as a medication or dietary supplement.. so I don't know if the spelling is wrong or if it may be some type of foreign product... Where did you first hear about them? NOTE: Chlorhexidine and Clorox are the only two remotely close names I found to Clorex, of products that actually exist (at least here in the US). If you could provide any additional information on these drug names and/or their ...
I am prescribed peridex for oral use. While traveling in Italy, I ran out of the liquid. Visiting a pharmacy, I obtained chlorhexidine gel. Name: Plax-Gel. This product is so much more effective, twice the strength, and it travels well as compared to the liquid. Product of Switzerland and Italy. It does not seem to be available in the USA. Anyone know about its availability? Anywhere? ## Hello, Kate! How are you? You are correct, it doesn't appear that the gel is available in the U.S., I'm sorry. Thus, obtaining it elsewhere for import would be considered illegal. The FDA classifies this as an antimicrobial. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, blistering, burning and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thanks Vern. Showed the tube of gel to my ...