Yellow Pill Valium C D B

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yellow pill round---273 on one side -- 5 on the other ----- scored in the middle on the # 5 side ## This actually contains 0.5mgs of Clonazepam, a generic for Klonopin. It is a Benzodiazepine, like Valium, but a different medication. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and dizziness. Read more here: IS there anything else I can help you with?

1 REPLY Filed under Valium

I filled a prescription for what was supposed to be my valium 5, but they were pink/peach color and have a 10 on one side. Took one before i noticed. Afraid they might not even be valium. Can anyone help? Any advice? ## Hello, Betty! How are you? Is that the full marking on them, just a 10? I don't see anything in the databases that match this. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. ## I have a yellow Valium with only a five on one side and a line on the other. Is it real?

2 REPLIES Filed under Valium

small circle shaped with GG 724 on one side and nothing on the other side ## I was just wondering if this pill is a muscle relaxer or if it is a high dose of valium? ## Actually, it is NEITHER of those choices. This is Naproxen Sodium 250mgs, a prescription strength of the same stuff you will find in Aleve or its generic equivelents, but a little stronger of a dosage. It is a generic for Naprosyn, so it is neither a muscle relaxer nor a Valium, nothing related to either of the two. This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, same class as Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Etodola, Diclofenac and others. Here's an pill image to confirm: Pill Image Click Here So if someone told you that is what it was, or sold or gave it as such, they were definitely incorrect. It is nothing of the sort, i...

2 REPLIES Filed under Valium

Just got some of these. Took the prescribed dose and fell straight asleep during the day. Mind you... What's your input? Usually I'd just be relaxed with the other prescribed brand but these knocked me out for 3 hrs.... Anyone ever seen this brand? Dispensed as a 2mg valium. Cheeers. ## 3 Yellow Diazepam (should be 15mg in total) should NOT knock you out unless you were mixing it with heavy heavy alcohol drinking or lots of other strong downers. Or maybe you are a VERY VERY light weight when it comes to Diazepam and have NEVER use them before? ## I've seen light blue pills with Cox 10 on them. Are these also Diazepam? If not, what are they? ## Same here, I'd like to know to dude

3 REPLIES Filed under Valium

I am trying to figure out the difference between the Valium and the xanax there both classified as a benzo if I'm not mistaken so how many of the 5mg Valium would equal a .2mg xanax? ## Hello, Amanda! How are you? Xanax is actually much stronger than Valium, so it only takes 0.5mgs of it to equal each 5mgs of Valium. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Valium

Found pills, yellowish, round in shape, not as wide as generic valium in the united states, but tall and it has: D _ 5 on one side and the other side is blank. They came from West Africa. Are these generic valium? ## Yes, I have found these to be confirmed as containing 5mgs of Diazepam, the active ingredient in Valium, a Benzodiazepine used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. Learn more: Are there any questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Diazepam

I found small yellow round tablets with D5 written on one side and a line on the other and was wondering what they are called and what they are used for? ## I am not 100% certain, but tenative identifications list this as containing 5mgs of Diazepam, the active ingredient in Valium, a Benzodiazepine, used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, irritability and headache. Learn more: Are there any other questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Diazepam

Have found this round light yellow pill in my home and would like to identify. It is round with the logo of Cobalt on the back ('V' shape) and DZ underscored with 5 beneath. ## Are you in Canada? This is not listed in the U.S. prescription drug databases and with it having the DZ on it, I was suspicious that it may be Diazepam, a generic for Valium, but it doesn't appear that Cobalt manufactures it and their website doesn't list the markings on their pills, just the drug names that they manufacture and their name brand equivalent. You may be able to call them and ask what it is, if you are in Canada, they list their number as 905-815-1820. If you get an answer, could you please post back and let us know what it is? ## Hey there i just found exactly the same pill in my ho...

3 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

I found these pills in my drawer in our new house, they are small round yellow pills, one side is marked DZ with a lie below it and a 5 under the line and the other side is blank. ## Diazepam, aka Valium. ## Just to confirm, This yellow pill contains 5mg of Diazepam. The brand name is called Valpam 5; which is manufactured in Australia. The tablet also contains the following inactive ingredients: lactos maize starch magnesium stearate You can view a detailed description of the drug by clicking on the link below... I hope this helps!

2 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

106 S ## You are reading it upside down. It is S 901 not 106 S. It's a .5 mg generic Xanax. You can see a related discussion thread . ## Xanax and valium are great. ## the yellow pills with 106 on one side and s on the other are .5mg Xanax. I asked my pharmacist. ## Its Generic for .5mg xanax the pharmaceutical company is Dava the same ones that make the green 2mg bars click the link below. ## I have yellow .5mg xanax, but they are normally peach. I was wondering if because they're new, they are doing to xanax what they just did with oxycontin and made them so you can't abuse them? Just wondering why they look different! ## thanks for the info thought i would have to kill someone ## I thought the same thing...first I seen them and looked it up wrong, many others,..but...

7 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Can anyone identify a yellow pill with R 34 on it? ## WHAT IS r34 ## r34 is generic klonopin 1mg ## Yes, Maggie is correct. The actual drug name is Clonazepam. Pill Image This is a Benzodiazepine, similar to Valium or Xanax. ## Hi, I found a little yellow pill marked with a weird looking R where the straight lines of the R protrude from the letter itself, almost like a +sign mixed with an R. Underneath, there are the number 34. It Is a light yellow round little pill about 1-1.5cm in diameter. What is it? ## yellows that are mark with that R and have the 34 under it but ny other yellow will be just a .5 not a 1mg. the 1mg that dont have the R 34 are green and usually have just an M on the front nothing else but whites are the best they're the 2mg

5 REPLIES Filed under Klonopin

I have a yellow round pill with 5617 on one side and on the other side it says 5. This pill is scored. I'm in Ireland. I'm trying to make sure this is the correct pill. ## Yeah, a pill with 5619 and 5 on the other side is satin diazepam 5mg. ## Was it any good? ## Are they valium or what? Please let us know. ## Been sold as diazepam. My guess is they’re a new generic for the old DAN DIAZEPAM by WATSON and/or MAYNE PHARMACEUTICALS/LABS. The old pills where a brighter yellow imprint front of pill scored on back imprint on back of pill was 5619... these pills people are offloading as “diazepam” some days are very good but tolerance builds up quick. My guess is that they’re generic dan diazepam as the old ones had 5619 on pill these are almost mustard in colo...


Can you please help me identify what this yellow pill is? It has 3326 on one side & Teva on the other. ## Is the marking possibly TEVA 3926? If so, Teva Pharmaceuticals lists this tablet as containing 5mgs of Diazepam, which is a generic for Valium. It is used to anxiety, and nervous disorders. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and irritability.

1 REPLY Filed under Diazepam

Is this valium? IS IT SOME KIND OF MUSCLE RELAXER OR ANTI SPASM PILL? ## This tablet contains 0.5mgs of Clonazepam, the active ingredient in Klonopin, it is related to, but not the same as Valium. It is a Benzodiazepine, which is commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## What mg of this compares to 2mg Xanax? Is it considered a semi equivalent drug? ## The yellow with V and 2530 brand of clonazepam is thicker an hard to swallow an not as effective as the other .05 mg of clonazepam. It also causes headache I have been on this for many years an first time I have had this brand I do not think helps with restless legs as well.inferior

3 REPLIES Filed under Valium

big V with a small P on front with the numbers 121 on the back and they are smaller round and yellow ## NOPE! THIS IS NOT VALIUM! Not a prescription drug at all actually, this is actually just Aspirin 81mgs an over the counter item. The markings on a pill do not usually stand for what the pill is, they are actually company logos and numbers to enable identification.

1 REPLY Filed under Valium

i was prescribed valium pill a while back now , so have forgotten the color and any words on the pill. would it be round zg /5 on one side and a v on the other . cheers veronica ## I am not finding any records of any prescription tablets with this marking. And since Valium is available as a name brand, as well as the generic Diazepam, the markings on them will vary depending on the manufacturer and dosage. Some examples are: Orange, round, with MYLAN 345 on the front, 5mg. Green, round, with MYLAN 477, 10mg. Yellow, round, with a V on one side and 2683 on the other, 5mg. Blue, round, with a V on one side and 2684 on the other, 10mg. And this isn't a comprehensive list, there are many more. Do you by any chance remember the dosage?

1 REPLY Filed under Valium

What is a yellow pill with DAN 5619 on it? ## I found this yellow pill and on one side it has DAN 5619 and on the other side it has 5 What is it and what is it for ## Jen, That pill is called Diazepam, 5mg, a light to medium dosage. It is the generic for Valium, a muscle relaxant. ## I found a bunch in my kids pocket while doing laundry, what are they for and why would he have them.... ## It's 5mg of Valium. Perscription only drug. Used medically legally for anxiety. Street usage is used for just no good, specially if mixed with alcohol or pain killers. Controlled substance.

4 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

I have a small round yellow pill with TEVA 3526 on it. Is it a Valium 5? I want to be sure of what I am taking. I have had them a while. ## Yes, Teva Pharmaceuticals does list these tablets as containing 5mgs of Diazepam, which is a generic for Valium. The FDA classifies this medication as a benzodiazepine, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Valium

round yellow pill, blank on one side, MP58 on the other. no other markings ## my daughter found a round yellow pill with p 5 on one side - i needed to know what it was.... could it be ritalin or not ? ## For the MP58 pill, the closest thing which I found was a round white pill. You can see a picture to verify. If this is what you have then it is Carisoprodol 350 mg which is a centrally-acting Skeletal Muscle Relaxant. For the round yellow pill with P 5 on one side, is the P over the 5, or are the letters from left to right? If they are horizontal then it might be Pindolol but unfortunately have not been able to make a 100% ID. ## Hi, its a Diazepam (Valium) 5MG. Got some here clearly packaged with this name and am very familiar with them. ## Stuart, would you happen to know the manfactu...

4 REPLIES Filed under Ritalin

Hi i have some valium tablets (D 10) that are pale white but they turn yellow as soon as they get wet. Can't find any answers anywhere. Can anyone help? ## I have had this happen too with the white d10. As soom as saliva got on them they turned yellow. I don't know if it's rumours or not but they are supposedly getting mixed with suboxone. But suboxone is white and only tastes of lemon. If you don't mind where are you from? Just wondering so I can compare my batch to yours. ## I'm from Scotland, the west coast. Where are you from? ## SWIM has some thin white Indian diazapan, marked with d|10 on one side and blank on the other, when they get wet they turn yellow, SWIM is from the Glasgow region, are these fake? ## White D10s with a score line on the other side. Are th...

5 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

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