Will This Antibiotic Help With A Spider Bite

22 Topics Found

I've been biten by a snake or spider, according to my doctor. He has given me antibiotics and some pain meds. Can I sill use gen payne as it also helps with inflammation? ## It really depends on what pain medication your doctor has prescribed, according to the NIH, there are some that may cause dangerous interactions with Gen Payne, such as liver damage, liver failure, or stomach ulceration. What did he prescribe? The U.S. FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea.

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

I was bitten by a brown recluse spider on my big toe 5 years ago. It will not heal and doctors now don't know what else to do. I have been on antibiotic after antibiotic and many ornaments that I apply topically, but it continues to bleed and ooze infection. Once in awhile it will heal over but then it will bust open again and again. I am now getting other little blisters around it and up my leg. Does anyone have any suggestions on any other treatment that I can do? I do not want to lose my toe or my foot. But it is really bad. Dr tells me to stay off of it completely. I do as much as I can and continue to use the ointment they give, but it is not getting any better. Would appreciate any suggestions! ## The spider bite has also been lanced and debrided many times. It only helps for ...

9 REPLIES Filed under Antibiotics

I have aspider bite my knee is swollen and feel very uncomfortable walking will this help ? we are about 175 miles from a doctor. if this would help how much should take and how often? ## This is an antibiotic, so it will only help with actual bacterial infections. Learn more Azithromycin details here. It's not going to help with the pain and swelling, if they've been caused by spider venom. Have you tried cold compresses or anything to relieve it?

1 REPLY Filed under Azithromycin

I was bitten by a yellow sac spider and was prescribed the above for this and I am nauseous and have massive fatigue - is this normal? ## Hello, Simon! How are you? The active ingredient in this medication is listed as being Clarithromycin, which is an antibiotic and yes, those can be normal side effects of it. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, headache and non-allergic skin rash. How long will you be taking it?

1 REPLY Filed under Clarithromycin

my daughters leg is swollen and puffy and very hot to the touch. i was told this was a spider bite and that it will come to a head and to give her keflex... it doesnt seem to be doing anything and im concerned ## Well Keflex is an antibiotic, so I am not sure what it is supposed to do for a spider bite, unless it had gotten infected. I would recommend seeing your family doctor and talking to them about this. ## I was bitten by we asume a spider a week ago and I have been to the Dr. was put on Keflex for the infection and it seems to be working the bite got really big and very painful. It is draining now getting smaller and it was cultured and grew out staph infection. Go to Dr. It will get ugly ## Take her to the Dr. and get checked out. I was bitten by a spider recently and was sent ho...

3 REPLIES Filed under Keflex

A state doctor just prescribed doxytet for clearing up a severely swollen and infected spider bite. Is doxytet effective for that? ## Hello, Chris! How are you? It is an antibiotic and yes, it is frequently prescribed to treat such issues. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I have a spider bite and was given two medications, but forgot which one worked better. I have two hobo spider bites on my thigh - 24 hours old. Which one works better: Cephalexin 500mg or Doxycycline hyc. 100mg? I did not use them all with last year's bites. ## Can doxycycline mono 100 mg 2 times a day heal a bite like a spider or insect bite? ## Is doxcyclin good to cure what i ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Doxycycline

I have what I think were some type spider or some other type of insect bites 5 of them, they sort of look like a Brown Recluse bite, but not as bad. They turned into ugly open sores within a few hours, just like a Brown Recluse Spider bite would do. The doctor says the it now looks like cellulitis, that's a skin infection below the outer skin layers. So the bites went deep into the hypodermis skin layers .My doctor gave me some other type of antibiotic for 10 days 2000 mg a day. They cleared up some, but are still ugly pits, Yesterday, the doctor gave me the SMT 800/160 drugs. Take 2 per day, for 10 days. As of tonight, I have not had any side effects, but with only 4 pills in my system, it may be to early for side effects to show up. I will try to come back later in the week and po...

5 REPLIES Filed under Trimethoprim

I got a spider bit about 5 days ago and went to the doctor and they gave me sulfamethoxazole-TMP for it does it clear cellulitis from it because Ive begin to get cellulitis around the bite and its very painful. ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? Yes, this is an antibiotic that can be used to treat various types of bacterial infections, including cellulitis. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I was gave smz/tmp n my face turned red, I have the chills that come n go and also my jaw hurts that also come and goes is this a reaction to the medicine

2 REPLIES Filed under Sulfamethoxazole

Recently had a very bad reaction to augmentin. Now suspected MRSA wound that I thought was just a spider bite infected. They gave me this and I have never taken it before. I was okay with amoxicillin so it is the other component I reacted to. Is this related at all? Many of the bad affects listed here are what I experienced so i am afraid to take. Ty. ## No, Trimethoprim is different and unrelated. Learn more Trimethoprim details here. But being an antibiotic, the side effects that it may cause will be very similar to those of other antibiotics, which is why it also lists what you've experienced. The ingredient in the Augmentin that would have caused you a problem, if it wasn't the Amoxicillin, was Clavulanate, also referred to as Clavulanic Acid. Is there anything else I can he...

1 REPLY Filed under Trimethoprim

Hi there i took a stilpane and a 10 mg urbanol..now i am scared to take my tribuss arv treatment. I was in pain from a spider bite and anxious because is taking so long to heal. I am taking antibiotics for it. Just scared to take too many central nervous system depressant all at once! Maybe should skip arv for tonight? Probably will do so. ## Gretings. It's my second day taking tribuss. It's makes me dizzy the whole night and I wake up with headache. Can I take allergex while on tribuss

1 REPLY Filed under Antibiotics

can this be used for spider bites ## Hello, Mary! How are you? Nitrofurantoin is an antibiotic that is most commonly used to treat urinary tract infections. It is rarely used to treat or prevent other infections and should be only taken as prescribed by your doctor. Its side effects may include nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Burning onside right side back and lower abdomen. Most of the time now Ike my kidney is raw inside burning especially when I ate greasy French fres not getting better fast. Sick at my stomach. Was already having all these side effects before this. Need my kidney to get well scared its not working I'm worried because First I thought I had stones and now blood in urine and sick at my stomach somet...

2 REPLIES Filed under Nitrofurantoin

## I WAS GIVEN THIS FOR A SPIDER BITE. I AM NOT SURE WHAT THE DRUGS PURPOSE IS. I THINK IT IS A STERIOD TO REDUCE INFLAMMATION. DOES THIS SEEM CORRECT? ## I am living in China so I always like to check things out ASAP when ever I have to see a doctor here. Anyhow my daughter, who is almost 18 months had a fall today and broke her collar bone. X-ray showed a nice clean break no problem so he recommended a brace which I expected but for some reason he also prescribed Cefureoxime Axetil 125mg. I of course just Googled this and I'm a bit surprised at him giving her an antibiotic. I don't speak Chinese but and my wife not knowing medical English just said it's supposed to help her blood. Considering the overuse and abuse of antibiotics in China and considering I have found no cre...

9 REPLIES Filed under Cefuroxime

What is an oval pill with 93089 on it? ## I would like to know what this drug is prescribed for and what the side effects are. It was prescribed from my doctor to me ## i was wondering what the drug smz/tmp double-str tab mpc was. my doctor gave it to me and i lost the papers. he gave it to me for a spider bite, and i have lots of it left and was wondering if i could take it for my tooth. ## Prescribed for two infections that showed up on cat scan ## What everyone is asking about in this thread is the antibiotic Bactrim, which is used to treat various types of infections. Learn more Bactrim details here. It may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Are there any other comments or questions? Is there anything else I can help with?

4 REPLIES Filed under Bactrim

My doctor put me on Doxycycline for 3 weeks after noticing a bullseye around a bite on my arm. I was outside three days earlier in an area that had tick warnings, so she had a strong suspicion it was Lyme. But the bite actually had two puncture wounds and not the typical bullseye where you see a distinct ring around it. So now I’m thinking it might actually be a spider bite. I’m concerned I might be on antibiotics for no reason. Is it harmful to be on antibiotics for so long if I’m not sick? She did a blood analysis, but said it will most likely come back negative since I just got bit. I was told the blood work won’t show anything for another few weeks, so I could be taking a risk if I stop the antibiotic. Does anyone know if a tick bite would have two punctures?...

6 REPLIES Filed under Doxycycline

Can it help with spider bites? I went to doctor today and they gave me this but I don't see anything about helping with bites? ## Bactrim is an antibiotic for infection. It takes 2-3 days before you see improvement of the infection. Be sure to clean the area with soap and water, dry completely, cover only if draining. ## An antibiotic is often given for such bites, to prevent infection. The FDA lists the typical side effects for this antibiotic as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Are there any other questions or concerns?

2 REPLIES Filed under Bactrim

Ny name is Jane. I consider myself to be healthy. l have a skin infection from possibily a spider bite on my right wrist. Have been taking ibilex 500 for 3 days now. Have developed a rash on my lower right arm and left side of neck, both very itchy, and this morning, I have a swollen left eye. l still have 3 days of tablets to take. The continual weeping skin infected wound has only just began to subside. Up to date, I was changing dressings at least 5 times a day.Will this rash sensation dissappear when l stop ibilex 500? Or should l go back to the Doctor now? ## An itchy rash could be a symptom of an allergic reaction, so you should have it checked it, because you may need to try a different antibiotic. The U.S. FDA lists the typical side effects of this antibiotic as possibly includi...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cephalexin

Had this med for a spider bite a couple hours f months ago but never used it. Could I take it to treat a uti? ## Hello, Danielle! How are you? In this case, it depends on the type of bacteria that have caused the UTI. In many cases, the preferred antibiotic to treat them is Nitrofurantoin, so it would be best to have it checked out to be sure. The FDA lists the typical antibiotic side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Nitrofurantoin

What is this medication used for? ## Sulfamethoxazole can be used as an alternative to amoxicillin-based antibiotics to treat sinusitis. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## When followed by DS TABITP, it is for urinary tract infections and yeast infections. ## I am on this medication for a spider bite, i got some kind of infection from whatever spider bit me. ## I also had a spider bite, after an iv by the doctor i was recommended to take them for 10 days. ## Infection found when having hammer toe straighten ## My son who is 4 is on this..his doctor hasn't figured out what wrong inside his little body ..he gets headache s his back and left hip bone hurts and sometihe cryex when he pees..he gets...

10 REPLIES Filed under Sulfamethoxazole

Is this erythromycin tablets picked up on Spain and lost translated info - also looking to establish if thus will help insect bite ## Hello, Jackie! How are you? Erythromycin is classified by the FDA as an antibiotic that's used to treat or prevent bacterial infections. Its typical side effects are listed as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Antibiotics are sometimes given after spider bites to help prevent infection, but it won't do anything for most others. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Is it any good for a chest infection?

2 REPLIES Filed under Erythromycin

Can i use penicilina pomada on a brown recluse spider bite ## Hi amy, Have you been able to determine if this is in fact the result of a spider bite or are you only assuming this based on the size/condition of the affected area? Reason I ask is because I don't think penicillin will be of any help to you unless the "bite" became infected; and in many cases these "bites" can often be mistaken for a staph infection. Furthermore, the pain and swelling brought on by a spider bite is generally the result of venom and not necessarily an infection, so it may be that need to go see a doctor first who can accurately diagnose the affected area in order to justify the use of an antibiotic with or without further treatment of an anti-venom as well. I hope this helps and wish you ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Penicillin

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