White Xanax Bar With No Imprint

89 Topics Found

It was filled from a pharmacy in Tijuana and has no numbers anywhere but has the 3 scores on both sides. Seems to work for me but I want to make sure it's actual Alprazolam. ## I have the same pills, I get my rx filled from Mexico as well. I doubt they're bad, they just might be generic? My other friend who has a prescription & gets them here in AZ had a different type. She let me compare hers to mine & they work the same in my opinion. Hers are 1 mg & mine are supposedly 2 mg. I always take half of mine because a whole one makes me super drowsy. Hope this helps :) ## I think they're called Rafil, we see them a lot here in Laredo (it's a border town). They're still Alprazolam, just from out of the country. ## It's just a generic version. You see them ...

30 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Looks like a xanex Is it possible to be real ## Hello, Dennis! How are you? All Xanax bars that are prescribed in the U.S. have imprints on them, as required by law to enable them to be identified, in case of emergency. They may be Xanax, if they are possibly from a foreign source, but they aren't any Xanax tablets that are approved for sale in the US. The FDA lists this medication as being a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

Is there a Xanax bar with no imprint whatsoever? It has 3 scores on it that would allow it to be broken up into 4 little squares. ## Would you put something like that in your mouth Tonya? It could be Xanax, it could be poison. Most real pills have imprints ## Make sure your Xanax is not Buspar. It has 3 sections, not 4. ## With no imprint I think this could literally be anything. However judging from the shape it sounds like someone had attempted to counterfeit Xanax or Buspar. Since this fake seems pretty obvious in my opinion, I would probably dispose of it unless you wanted to pay a lab to have it analyzed.... That might actually be the only honest way to figure out what people are really putting inside of these bars. Who knows, it could also save someone's life. ## Haha.. come o...

8 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

This pill is supposed to be a white xanax bar with the imprint code U94 on both sides any answers to what this is? ## Yes, this tablet contains 2mgs of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax. It is commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and irritability. Read more: Do you have any other questions? ## I have seen a pill looking like a xanax bar with T94 printed on it. What is it? ## isalongwhitebarwiththeimprintonax2onaxanax ## imprint onax 2 bar is it a genericxanax ## What if the imprinted U94 is only on one side? ## U94 is the universal imprint on Pfizer & Upjohn Xanax, Xanor and Tafil 2mg bar shaped triscored tablets. The odd thing is I have been using Xanax since the 1980s and have NEVER seen the i...

10 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I've had this problem for a while now. EVERYONE had this white xanax bars but they didn't have any imprint on them. For some reason these people would go to Mexico to get their prescription. Took 1 and it was like a Generic Xanax. BUT THIS WAS A WHILE AGO. NOW BE VERY SUPER CAREFUL. THEY ARE DIPPING XANAX BARS (no imprint 1s) in Fantanyl and different poison things too. So now I WILL NEVER TAKE A NO IMPRINT UNLESS I KNOW FOR A FACT ITS REAL. So if your not sure about whuts in it don't take it. It may save your life. ## @Damien, I agree 110% with you that people shouldn't gamble with their health and well-being on something that has no imprint or any feasible way of knowing its contents. You mentioned that you "took 1 and it was like a generic Xanax"... However, i...

4 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

White 3 scored bar on one side has 93 5200 and the other side has 10 10 10 - Is this xanax? ## Based on the description provided, this is not Xanax. I located the bar shaped pill to be Buspirone HCl (30 mg). It is used primarily as an anxiolytic, but also to a lesser extent as an antidepressant. You can view a detailed description of the drug by clicking on the link below... Please post back if you have any other questions or concerns and I will be happy to help you. ## he'll nah it ain't xanax if you got those thinking they were getting xanax they gave you some worthless crap that is either busporin

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Please help me. Is there a 2 MG xanax bar with a 2 on one side and 3 scores on the back and front? I have seizures and this could pull one out, so please let me know if they're real. ## If you have seizures or have obtained medicine that you are not sure of please see a medical professional ## Yes, there is a generic for Xanax that matches this description, it is manufactured by Bionpharma and they list it as containing 2mgs of Alprazolam. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risks of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. However, I must reiterate what Eddy has stated, you should not take anything that you have no been prescribed by a medical professional and which has not been filled by a licensed U.S. phar...

5 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

i have a white said to be xanax bar that looks like a regular white bar with the g and numbers and the lines but this bar is white and has no markings and has lines on both sides. I have read alot of these postings this bar is not off white it is white like a regular xanax and is not sweet has ne one taken this pill or can u identify it for me please. ## I'm sorry, but if there are no markings on it, then it is going to be difficult to determine exactly what this contains. It could be Xanax/Alprazolam from a foreign country, but it could also contain something else entirely. We can, however, rule it out as being one from the U.S. because they are all required by federal law to have an imprint to enable their identification. Where was it obtained? ## What is a white bar shaped pill w...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

My friend showed me some pills she got that are supposed to be 2 mg Xanax. They are white rectangle with the imprint G3722 on I side and no scores/lines on the other side. She takes Xanax on a daily basis, and normally takes 1-2 daily but with these she has taken 5 and does not feel any effect. We tried looking them up but COULD NOT FIND EM ANYWHERE!!! Could these be counterfeit? ## I was prescribed (sp?) for awhile, they were long acting zany bars, but had 4 , and they were from Walgreens.DYXJSH ## Yes, the tablets in question contain 2mgs of Alprazolam, in a regular release formulation that's manufactured by Greenstone Limited. Learn more Alprazolam details here. There is a chance that they may not work as well for her as her prior ones did, due to various manufacturing difference...

8 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

WHITE COFFIN SHAAPED, WITH GG249 AS IMPRINT ## Yes, this tablet contains 2mgs of Alprazolam, the generic for Xanax, used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, irritability and euphoria. You can read more on it here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## white bar with 2 on one side and xano on other side is this real? ## No tx i had some1 tell me they were placebos, an i didnt think that a pharmicy would give me fake pills.. ## Alot of anxiety

4 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

white, and rectangular, scored 3 times big 2 on one side and nothing on the other. ## There's no listing for one meeting this description in the U.S. prescription drug databases that I can find. Learn more Alpazolam details here. Where was it found? Is there a chance that it's a foreign tablet? ## This pill is a Buspar it is the oldest and probably the 1st way people started ripping people off on bars ## It's is xanax bionpharma brand. Please research but positive that this truly what it is. ## I have taken Xanax for years. I take (1) 1 mg a day. I have insomnia, extreme anxiety, and panic attacks. I have a son with Asperger's Syndrome, I can not have panic attacks when dealing with me. It's very stressful dealing with him. I do not have an addictive personally. I ca...

6 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Had my prescription filled with a white bar Xanax with Xanax on one side and 2 on other. The 2 was through the - and -on top of 2 and under 2...... Are these real? ## @Kk, Depending on how you came about receiving this pill, I think the only honest way to tell if it's real would be with a lab analysis. Just because the imprint might be associated with a real pill (which it is in this case), the possibility of someone utilizing a pill press shouldn't necessarily be ruled out if you didn't get a legitimate prescription filled. I'm not jumping to any conclusions by saying that, but licensed pharmacies do dispense real medication... even if it's sometimes not as effective as other brands/generics. For verification, Pfizer is the alleged manufacturer of the pill you descr...

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

I have a white bar shaped pill, that says canal mo.jm on one side and has 3 splits on the other side and the number 2. Is it a good brand to get as a refill? ## How long does xanax take to be metabolized by your body? ## @lee, The only legitimate 2mg Xanax bars I'm finding are white with the letters X|A|N|A|X on one side and a large number "2" on the other. I have to yet to come across any pill whatsoever with the marking "canal mo.jm" as you described it. So unless anyone can verify it through personal experience, I would probably write this one off as being fake. Just out of curiosity though, where abouts did you get this pill from? @batman (post #1), As far as the elimination half-life goes, from what I've read, it can remain in your bloodstream for roughly 6-...

5 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I went to go pickup my generic xanax script at a new pharmacy, they charged only 20$ for 90 2mg, so I could not say no to that, the next day I picked it up and the pill was bar shaped with round edges, scorerd to break into .5mg doses like all, excluding dava, are the only imprint is the number 11. It certainly taste like xaxa, as I have used a number of generics, but can not identify this odd, round edge alprazolam pill. Please help ## I'm sorry, but I can't find a listing for this in any of the U.S. prescription drug resources, either. Was this from a U.S. pharmacy? There is always the possibility that it is just very new to the market and isn't listed in the databases, yet. ## Yes it is xanax. It depends on your pharmacy. My uncle had them. I asked him the same ? You have...

171 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have a white bar with 3 lines on each side but no imprints on it at all. I'm told they are from Mexico and are 2 mg alprazolam. Any thoughts? ## White rectangle pill no numbers just 3 lines on each side is that pharmacare ## Are these white bars what they say they are (Aprazolam 2.0 ## It's not xanax, it's says it's alprazolam but it's really escitalopram and flualprozolam, or it's LORMETHZEPAM and SECONAL, Farmapram brand ## What is a white bar shape pill with three scores on each side no numbers ## Yes that what they are. Ive been taking them for months now and they are just as good as the American ones. Lot cheaper too.

5 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

My xanax is not yellow! ## I would throw them out as they must be fake, right? ## @Joannf54, Did you get your Xanax prescription filled at a legitimate pharmacy? If so, there shouldn't be any issues unless the pharmacy made a mistake or changed the manufacturer without informing you. The color of a medication doesn't usually have anything to do with its formulation since different manufacturers design their pills differently. Is everything else normal other than the color? ( ie: shape, size, imprint etc..) If you ordered the Xanax online, then there is definitely a possibility of the pills being "fake" or unsafe. Many people who have ordered Xanax online have experienced similar issues. I recommend safely disposing of the pills if you can't figure out wether or not t...

7 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

are white xnanaz bars G3772 n other side 4 lines real n will work? ## Hi Sam, The pill imprint G 372 2 is identified as Alprazolam 2 mg; which is generic Xanax. This is a legitimate medication and should work as indicated. Manufacturer: Greenstone Limited National Drug Code (NDC): 59762-3722 Learn More: Alprazolam Details I hope this info helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

I got my refill for xanax, they are white & blank with no imprint. Are they bad to take? Or are they the same? I took my dose and really haven't felt any effect. ## Did you buy this medicine from a licensed U.S. Pharmacy? If not those pills could be anything, poison to Xanax (not that there is much of a difference?) It is a Felony to purchase pills from people ## Any tablets that are approved in the U.S. and available from a U.S. pharmacy will have markings to enable their identification. Thus, what Eddy said applies to anything obtained otherwise. Do they have any markings at all? Even a score mark? ## sweetheart I think those were ordered from the internet from somewhere someone ordered those or something,b/c I've seen every xanax that is made in the USA anyway Ive seen gr...

13 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I was given two xanax scorn three times on each side xanax imprint on one side 2 imprinted on the other side flat rectangular white pill but the are have the thickness of the normal xanax bar like Iits been slicef in half Iso are these real xanax? ## These might be tampered with pills? It is best to throw them out and only take medication prescribed for you!

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

I have a xanax pill that you can break into 4 pieces, has xanax on one side 2 on other white real or fake ## Hello, Millie! How are you? These are 2mg name brand Xanax tablets. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Dear Millie, Unless you paid for a legitimate prescription, prescribed by a licensed M.D.; AND ALSO had the RX filled at a well-known pharmacy, the 2mg. white, scored, bar-shaped pills may, very-well, be knock-offs. Just because on one side of the pill has an imprint of the word XANAX (with the middle score in the center of the "N", & the other 2 scores located between the "X & A", & the "A & X...

3 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

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