What Is Metronidazol Tab 500mg Used For
37 Topics FoundIs Metronidazole used for men? If I have BV is it possible that this could come from my partner since I only have one? And if so, is it necessary for him to be treated (to prevent possible reinfect ion of the bacteria) if I was diagnosed with BV? ## Hello, Kim! How are you? This is an antibiotic that can be used in both men and women. Yes, there is a chance he may have a bacteria that has caused it and he should have it checked out to be sure. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## The information you provided regarding usage and possible reinfect ion was very helpful. I went back to my gyn to find out I have an UTI. Is it possible that BV can lead to this ty...
Will Metronidazole 500 mg help my boyfriend if he has a UTI ??? We have not been with anyone else so we know it is not a venereal disease, but do not know what it is and they want $450.00 co-pay at the hospital. In other words will the Metronidazole 500 mg take it away if it is a UTI???? ## Hello, Nicole! How is your boyfriend doing? If he is showing symptoms, he needs to see a doctor. It isn't good, nor safe to try to diagnose and treat it yourselves. Metronidazole might not be the right medication to treat his problem. If he goes to the ER, they cannot demand the copay upfront, they have to see him and send him a bill, at a later time. Rather than put his life at risk, that would be the best thing to do, if you don't have a regular doctor. Is there anything else I can help with?
I was given four of these to take at once to treat Trichomoniasis. It's the third day and the discharge is a much lighter discharge but still there. Will it eventually go away or do I need more tablets? ## Hello, Susanna! How are you? If you're seeing improvement, then that means it is most likely clearing up and you'll just need to give it a few days, but if you're concerned, please double check with your doctor. However, generally with antibiotics if there's an improvement after 3 days, that means they are working. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and non-allergic skin rash. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I'm doing good..and you?..thank you so much. I do have another question...
from caplin point laboratories limited, pondicherry, india ia a yellow tablet, is it secure to take for helicobacter pylori infection? ## I don't have any direct information on products from foreign manufacturers. It is an antibiotic that is commonly used to treat various types of infections, including H. Pylor. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Read more: Are there any comments or questions?
I have some left over metronidazole from when I was being treated for H Pylori. For some reason I always get a UTI if I forget to pee immediately after intercourse. I've had a least four UTI's so I'm almost certain that's what it is. Would this medication treat it? I really need some relief. My insurance isn't great and I can't afford to go to the emergency room for something minor and I'm sure it would be frowned upon if I went to the ER with a non-life threatening condition. ## Hello, Alice! How are you? Do you have an urgent care nearby? You could always go to one of them, instead of an ER. This is an antibiotic, so it may help, but it is not usually the preferred one for treating UTIs, additionally you may not have enough of it to finish a full course of ...
oval pliva 334 white ## This is Metronidazole, but not 250mg, this is the 500mg tablet. It is a generic for Flagyl, this is an antibiotic. ## I have taking this medication for a parisite on my skin it worked so well but i cant find a doctor who is smart enough to look it up an write this medication for me the doctor who gave me this was a pain management doctor a he gave thirty days worth 250mg for thrity days an i was cleared up in ten to fifteen days unfurtunantly this dr was shut down so i can not get him to write this meds if anyone knows what dr i can get to write this for me please let me know
Can u give this pil to a male dog that has an infection on his neck & a patch of hair mmmissing fromfleas the patch of hair is healing but his jawls / mouth / face is realy swollen it kinda happen within two ta three day's please any body out there now please give me an awnser asap if not this pill. WHAT DO I DO I THINK I CAN CATCH IT B4 IT GET'S ANY WORSE ## Hello, Jason! How are you? This tablet is listed as containing 500mgs of Metronidazole, which is a type of antibiotic. However, it is not safe to give a human dosage to your dog. If improperly dosed, it can have neurotoxic side effects, which could be fatal. Have you contacted your veterinarian? You need to have your dog checked out by them, so they can prescribe the proper treatment that is safe for him. What type of d...
My doctor prescribed me 500mg tab twice a day for 7 days he didn't even diagnose me with anything or even try to examine me he call to pharmacy over the phone I went in picked my prescription up and started taken the meds as dirkected 6 days later no heartbeat I had a perfectly good pregnancy I was 14weeks and 4 days when I started taken the medication my baby heartbeat was 160 July 10th and July 16 the he prescribe me meds I started to spot on July 18th up until July 22nd I called my doctor went to have ultrasound no heartbeat my baby would be alive if he treated me with the standard of care he didn't diagnose me with any type of infection the pills could of been avoided it was to much for me and my baby they even made me sick headache vomit dizzy I know those pills killed my b...
Hi. So in efforts to get pregnant my husband and i have increased sexual activity. I started noticing irritation when I urinated and thought it was a uti. Yesterday when the irritation increased after urinating into more of a bv situation, I took some Metronidazole pills I had already. Problem is I only had 3 tabs, so I took those every 8 hours. Can I switch to Amoxicilllin-Potassium Clavulanate instead in another 8 hours? ## The best thing to do would be to see your doctor, to confirm the presence of an infection, and let them prescribe an appropriate medication, if one is present. However yes, you can smoothly transition from one to the other. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash, and diarrhea. Is there anythi...
Wht is this medication used for wpi3970? ## Hello, Patricia! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 500mgs of Metronidazole. The FDA classifies this medication as an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, bloating, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?
Can pliva 334 help a lower respIrtory infection ## Hello, Stephanie! How are you? This tablet contains 500mgs of Metronidazole, which is an antibiotic, so yes, it is effective at treating bacterial infections. Typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, stomach pain, dark urine, weight loss and headache. Was this prescribed for you? If so, please be sure not to miss any tablets and to complete the full prescribed course of treatment to avoid developing antibiotic resistant bacteria. ## I am allergic to erythromycin and rocepthin almost killed me. Does metroniazole or flagyl or pluva have these drugs in them?
I started taking metronidazole 500mg tablets on 9/26 three times daily for 10 days and take progesterone only BC DAILY. I had intercourse on 10/1 and went right home taking my pill. I was to start my period somewhere between Thursday and Saturday (I'm irregular) and have not started yet, should I be worried? ## I didn't find any problems, or interactions listed, it is usually the level of estrogen that some antibiotics can alter that reduces the efficacy of some oral contraceptives, according to the NIH. If you're concerned about pregnancy, there is never any harm in checking, but if you're irregular anyway, there is likely nothing to worry about. Have you started, yet?
I was given these some time back and threw away the information. ## Hello, Angie! How are you? This tablet is listed as containing 500mgs of Metronidazole, which is used to treat bacterial infections. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and metallic taste. Is there anything else I can help with?
clindamycin 150mg cap ranbaxy blue/green capsule the other pill is metronidazol 500mg tab teva generic for>flagyl 500mg tab ## what are the precautions when using clendix, like drinking acohol and being in the sun? ## I didn't find any interactions listed between the two medications, but you should double check this information to be certain. The main problem that I can think of would most likely be an aggravation of some of the side effects, so you may feel more nauseous, drowsy and dizzy. Learn more Clindamycin details here and you can learn more Metronidazole details here. That also goes in regards to mixing it with alcohol, it will make the side effects more severe than usual. And it may make you more sensitive to the effects of the sun, so you may burn or experience heat st...
just received a text from my pharmacy saying that my doctor had sent over a prescription for me. I don't know what exactly it's for I've tried google to look and see but its frighten me because I don't know if it's just bv or trich. So I'm just really trying to see exactly what this dosage amount is used for ## Metronidazole is just an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of bacterial infections, however, only your doctor can tell you why it was prescribed, since it is used to treat many infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with?
can this pill west ward 939 be used for trichomonas ## Hello, Brooklyn! How are you? This tablet contains 500mgs of Amoxicillin, which is an antibiotic that's used to treat bacterial infections, so no, it will not treat Trichomoniasis. Trichomoniasis is actually caused by a parasite and requires a round of treatment with the prescription medication Metronidazole. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and stomach pain. Is there anything else I can help with?
YES I FOUND A COUPLE OF THESE HP65 ON A COUNTER TOP AND WAS WONDERING WHAT THEY ARE. ## Hello, Sully! How are you? Each of these tablets contains 500mgs of Metronidazole, which is a type of antibiotic. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, diarrhea and weight loss. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thank You! JS. ## What is HP 65 used for? How does it work ## Thank you Sully. You are a big help. Until next time. Luci
What does this medication treat? What are the side effects? The doc prescribed this for coughing but I have never seen this med before plus I don't see the name of it anywhere. ## Hello, Maggie! How are you? Is the marking possibly WPI 3970? If so…. This tablet is manufactured by Watson Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 500mgs of Metronidazole, which is an antibiotic that is used to treat bacterial infections. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach pain.
Pliva ## Found some pills in my teenagers bedroom. It is a white capsule and says PLIVA 354 on it. Anyone know what this is? ## It is Metronidazole, an antibiotic. The only concern you should have is that your teenager could have a raging giardia infection that they've been hiding from you for fear that you may realize they've been hiking. ## To be precise, the tablet with the PLIVA 334 marking contains 500mgs of Metronidazole, manufactured by Teva Pharmaceuticals, it is used to treat bacterial infections, as well as some parasitic infections. NDC: 50111-0334 Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, stomach pain, diarrhea, and non-allergic skin rash. Is there anything else I can help with?
Could this medication with an M 357 on it be Hydrocodone Apap? ## M 357 is 500 mg Acetaminophen + 5 mg Hydrocodone, a generic Vicodin ## white oval pill with 93/93 on one side and 852 on the other.what is this Pill?? ## Kelly, that pill is Metronidazole 500mgs, a generic for Flagyl. This is an antibiotic. ## I HAVE A ORANGE PILL WITH THE NUMBERS 44 AND 138 ON BOTTOM AND OTHER SIDE THERES NO NUMBERS THE BOTTLE SAYS OXYCODONE 5 MG TABLETS. I HAVE FOUND NOTHING ON REALLY OF WHAT IT IS?