What Does G E On A Prescription Mean

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I have been taking Burpropion HCL SR 150mg for about 4 months now and I recently got my refill for the next three months. However, instead of saying "Bupropion HCL SR 150MG Tablet" It now says "G.E. Bupropion HCL SR 150MG Tablet". My pills also used to be white with a distinct chemical smell, but these new pills are purple and have a fruity smell. I just want to make sure it isn't a change in composition as I have been taking these routinely for my major depressive disorder and have seen great progress and don't want to have a regression. Thanks for any info! ## Are there any markings on them? When initials, or an abbreviation is listed, before a drug name, it usually stands for the manufacturer. Bupropion may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mo...

1 REPLY Filed under Bupropion

I have "gle" on my prescription. It literally says "Gabapentin 600mg TAB GLE". It normally says Gabapentin 600mg TAB MET. I believe it's the abbreviation for the manufacturer, but I'd like to be sure before I take them, as they are a different shape. ## Hi Pattie, My research leads me to believe that GLE stands for Glenmark Pharmaceuticals or Glenmark Generics, the packager/manufacturer of your Gabapentin. NDC: 68462-0126 Inactive Ingredients: Inactive Ingredients: -Starch, Corn -Copovidone K25-31 -Poloxamer 407 -Magnesium Stearate -Polyethylene Glycols -Hypromelloses -Titanium Dioxide -Talc -Polysorbate 80 -Water You can view an image of the packaging label by visiting the link below: dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=3865a6e3-112c-490c-82ac-3540...

1 REPLY Filed under Gabapentin

someone one who takes ferrous sulfate 325 mg ta wants to know what the ta stands for ## Hello, George! How are you? That just stands for tablet. Doctor's sometimes designate such on a prescription, to make sure their patient receives one specific form. For instance, they may specify that they be given tablets only, if they want them to be able to divide the dosage, if necessary, since that cannot be done with capsules. The FDA classifies this as an iron supplement and lists its most common side effects as being dark stool and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Ferrous Sulfate

diltiazem 120mg sa cap. What does the sa stand for. ## The SA stands for sustained action, which means it's a time released formulation, rather than a regular release, so it helps maintain better blood pressure control. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I was recently put on Diltiazem 120 SA, 11 days ago..I was on Lisinopril for about 4 yrs. as well as lorazepam...My heart rate was elevated..So the Dr did the change. My question is, Does it take the new drug time to work? I checked my numbers after my 3 mi walk today, and I was 143 82 w 108 Heart rate. It was like this yesterday, 145 81 88 HR than 5 hrs later it was 134 78 87HR...I have also had to go careful with my Lorazepam since I started this drug..I have .5 tablets that I take one and one half or up to 2 of these 3 ti...

3 REPLIES Filed under Diltiazem

Why does it say N/A on my prescription that my doctor sent over? ## N/A generally means that something is not applicable, so it may be something that isn't relevant to you, or to that particular prescription. What is the prescription for, and what context is the N/A used in? One example would be if they electronically filled out a prescription to be sent to your pharmacy for something that you are to take as needed, in that case, they may put N/A in the category for dosing frequency. Or, they may do so, if it is something you are only to take one dose of, and etc.


What does 5/7 mean on a prescription? Does anyone know? ## I was given this prescription zinnat pm×5/7 by my doctor, what does it mean? ## 5/7 means that it is 5 days the 7 is refering to it meaning that it is days. So if it was 5/52 it would be 5 weeks out of 52 weeks. ## 1 po qohe x14 days. ## It means taking it for 5 days.


What does the sod stand for on phenytoin sod ext its a 100 mg purple and white capsule ## Why is it becoming more difficult to find xanax on The streets? ## What does SOD DR EC mean on the Diclofenac bottle? ## The SOD stands for Sodium, it designates the specific chemical salt that the medication is derived from, that's why some list sodium, some list hydrochloride and etc. As to the DR on a prescription, just like XR, SR, ER and quite a few others, it designates that medication as being time released. As to the EC, from what I've found, it's used similar to ES, DS and etc. to designate that as being an extra strength dosage, rather than the standard prescribed amount. Are there any other questions or comments? ## My perscription bottle says. Metformin 500mg Tab.**RDS WHAT ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Phenytoin

On my pill bottle it reads Oxycodone Acetaminophen 5-325. What does 5-325 mean? I have not taken this before and I am unfamiliar with what the numbers mean. ## Hello, Sandy! How are you? That means that it contains 5mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Acetaminophen

ER meaning extended release--What is the ingredient used to make the medicine ER? ## There is really no specific ingredient that can be mentioned. When a medication is time released, it has to do with its formulation. For example, the FDA lists some of them as using a sponge like substance, once you swallow it, stomach acid, and other fluids you drink are slowly absorbed and this forces the medication to be slowly released. In some cases, if you look closely, you will see 2 little areas on the pill that are thinner than the rest of the pill to allow this to occur, and then the shell of the pill is expelled as body waste. This is just one method that is used to make a medication time released, there are several others. What specific medication were you asking about? If you can post back ...


I want to know what DR means after the prescription name. The pill is Divaloprex DR 500 mgs. ## It stands for delayed release, designating it as a time released formulation, rather than one that released all of the medication, at once. Other commonly used abbreviations for this can include SR, XR and several others. Divalproex, also known as Valproate Semisodium and is most commonly used to treat the manic episodes associated with Bipolar disorder. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, weight changes and decreased coordination. ## Bipolar youth is significantly more agitated, upset, looking sad, when given depakote med 500 mg. without the DR on label. I have left a message at new clinic, but receptionist says it shouldn't affect him. Also the color and smell is different, and...

4 REPLIES Filed under Depakote

MFG used to treat high blood pressure. What does MFG stand for? ## Hello, Sando! How are you? That's used to designate what company manufactured that particular pill. Usually you'll see something like Metoprolol 100mg MFG PAR, which would mean it was made by Par Laboratories, as explained by the NIH. Is there anything else I can help with? ## What is the meaning of mfg.date DEC.2016 . batch no. Se16126 madicin is Avocado soy unsaponifiables with curcumin tablets Filvestin ## On my prescription bottle it's say MFG RISING under the name of my pills which is,CHLORTHALIDONE.on my last bottle it said MFG MYLAN,and the pills used to be white and now they are tiny blue ones ## Sounds like this switched companies a different company now manufacturers your medicine

4 REPLIES Filed under Metoprolol

I have a prescription for Gabapentin that I used or anxiety. My doctor gave me a prescription for 3 months worth. I noticed on the label it says Refills: P what does P mean? ## I must admit this is one I am not familiar with and I'm wondering if it is a typo. Normally there would be a number there, or it would state no refills. However, only your pharmacist can say for sure, there may be some reason they use it. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Gabapentin as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood swings and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Gabapentin

what does PU and NKA mean on a prescription?. The pharmacy I gave my written prescription to to get filled gave it back to me and told me I needed to wait a few more days before it could be filled. They wrote PU 1:19 and NKA at the top. what does that mean? ## Did you ask them? My best guess is that the NKA is the initials of the person that you gave it to and the PU 1:19 looks like some sort of internal code, with the time. It likely means something specifically within their pharmacy chain, perhaps the reason why it couldn't be filled yet and the approximate time you were in. But, as I said, this is just a guess, you'd need to ask them to really find out. ## PU is usually pick up. NKA is no known allergies

2 REPLIES Filed under Allergies, Cough & Cold

I have been taking Bupropion XL 300 MG TAB ACT. I filled my prescription 3 hrs ago and i was given Bupropion XL 300 MG TAB ANC. I am feeling very strange. The pharmacy said they are exactly the same, just different manufacturers. I have never felt this way on the other Bupropion. ## Hello, Rita! How are you doing? Has there been any change? Are you on any other medications? Can you please describe your feeling strange more specifically? The NIH does warn that it can cause side effects such as nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness, and weight loss. And yes, your pharmacist is correct, they have just been manufactured by different companies. ## Generic Wellbutrin isn’t the same as brand name. Main ingredient is the same but formula is different, so doesn’t metabolize the sa...

2 REPLIES Filed under Bupropion

On my priscription bottle it list the amount of pills in the bottle as 30. Under that it says DS 15. Does that mean days supply or something else? ## Hi Bill, This may or may not be the case with your Rx, but I often see the abbreviation "DS" being referred to as "Double Strength" for some antibiotics such as Bactrim DS / Sulfamethoxazole + Trimethoprim DS / SMZ-TMP DS. However, I would still encourage you to contact your doctor or local pharmacy just to know for certain. What type of prescription is it? ## Xanax says Qty 90 underneath DS 30. I'm confused. TBH I'm going to have to start counting my meds before I leave my pharmacy BC there's no way there were 90 in the bottle. I'm confused. I've been taking this med since 15 and I'm now 43. Somethi...

2 REPLIES Filed under Bactrim

Next to my fill date of generic Percocet I usually have a MCRK code but this new supplier has MADV. Is there a meaning for this? I just feel it's not as strong as what I've been getting ## This new medication 5/325 Oxycodone / APAP has RP stamped on one side of medication ## Hello, Tom! How are you? The MCRK and MADV are abbreviations for the generic manufacturers. For instance, MCRK stands for Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. In case of emergency, the pharmacies do this to keep track of the manufacturer and/or distributor and the RP is a manufacturers logo. The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else...

7 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

The drug I'm taking is probenecid 500mg tablet wat....what does " wat" mean ... Drug was given to me and a patient advisory leaflet was given to me and that's when I noticed "wat" at the end of the drug received .....It said :Probenecid 500 mg tablet wat ? ## Hi Robert, Based on my research "WAT" stands for the name of the manufacturer. So it could just be an abbreviation for Watson Pharmaceuticals. The way that it's listed on Costco.com's pharmacy page, depicts it as being the manufacturer's name as well: costco.com/Pharmacy/DrugInfo.aspx?p=1&SearchTerm=a&Drug=PROBENECID I hope this info helps to answer your question!

1 REPLY Filed under Probenecid

What does the letter c indicate at the beginning of an RC number ## It may be an initial for the manufacturer, which could translate into any number of pharmaceutical companies that start with a C. Unfortunately without seeing the entire label first hand, I think all anyone can do is guesstimate what it truly stands for. Whereabouts did you get your prescription filled? CVS or Rite Aid? If you ever get an opportunity to ask the pharmacy that gave it to you, kindly post back here with any updates, so we can all figure this riddle out...


Immediately following the drug name on my prescription, is the word "Leg": Losartan Potassium 100mg Tab Leg What does "Leg" mean? ## Hello, Gayle! How are you? That is an abbreviation for the manufacturer, Legacy Pharmaceuticals. Some pharmacies list it on the label, some don't, and some might change each time you pick up a refill. LOL The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, increased urination, hypotension, and headache. Is there anything else I can help with? ## What does "LEG" mean on my 20mg Lisinopril prescription? I cannot find the explanation for the letters LEG on this prescription.

2 REPLIES Filed under Losartan

I was prescribed trazodone 100mg, then my doctor gave me another prescription that read trazodone 100mg QP. What does the QP stand for? ## Usually, that means it to be taken once daily, at night. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. The drowsiness it causes is why your usually directed to take it at night. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Trazodone

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