Walgreens Generic Hydrocodone

17 Topics Found

I am used to taking the Yellow, generic 10/325 hydrocodone for a long time for chronic back pain from a car accident. They worked fine. Then I moved to LaSalle County in Illinois and they gave me white ones, three times. I know Watson was bought out by Activas. The worst white ones were from Walgreens! Does anyone know the manufacturer of the generic yellow hydrocodone / acetaminophen 10/325? And there is a BIG difference in pain relief regarding generic pain relievers! ## Unfortunately, the colors don't mean anything, so that is not enough for information for anyone to research this for you. Can you please post back with the markings on the tablets in question? That would enable someone to look into this for you. Thank you! As to possible differences, under the Hatch-Waxman Act of ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

The Watson 853 hydrocodone 10-325 I got at Walgreens didn't kill my pain and made me sick! I need to know what is better quality. Is Mallinckordt m367 better than the manufacturer Par/ Endo? I don't live in an area that carries the yellow anymore, and I need pain relief that lasts all month and doesn't make me sick. Please if anyone knows o appreciate an answer. ## Watson does list this tablet as containing 10mgs of Hydrocodone, and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, but they removed the dye from them, so they are white now, and no longer yellow. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, constipation, and headache. Overall, there is no specific best tablet, it really depends on what wor...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I too had my RX medication refilled (again) at Walgreens, but this time (When I did not take my RX Tylenol with it, like I always do) I noticed, that I have been given a different Brand of medication (A Generic Brand/MFG by-ACTAVIS). My "Norco-Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen 5-325/TB" did not work as prescribed or even when I took 3 pills at one time (because 1 nor 2 pills didn't work/relieve my pain). I believe I have been given FAKE NORCO/Hydrocodone pills (white/#2172 on them) from Walgreens Pharmacy. Today I contacted the DEA & FDA via email and requested that they investigate my complaint as soon as possible. ## Hi Lisa, Sorry to hear about your experience with these new 2172 hydrocodone/acetaminophen tabs. There are actually several discussion threads here on MedsChat co...

81 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I use CVS for all my needs for healthcare. On 03/19/2015 I needed a prescription filled,(Hydrocodone/Acetaminophen) asap my son took the prescription to CVS said can't fill it,out of it. So I said I will take ALEVE (lots) he said no Momma Your really hurting so we will try Walgreens. At first they refused because I am not a customer of WALGREENS, watching me; Pharmacists said just this one time, (90) pills and here it is 04/17/2015 and only 12 pills left. Normally the 90 pills last me for 70 days plus/minus so this was a really bad time for me. So with a new prescription in hand I went to CVS id Deland, FL because I get all my Meds and Personal items there & other items. I discussed with my DR that generics do not work for me and he wrote out a new prescription for Hydrocodone/A...

6 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I recently went to CVS and forgot that they use some sort of generic for lortab called, well, I call it "Mallencrock (crock-o-crap). I have a refill. Can I go in and ask that they not make me pay for something I can't stand and doesn't work for me, and that I would like to have Lortab/Watson brand? ## There have been many complaints about the products manufactured by Mallinckrodt. Yes, you can ask them ahead of time if they have a different one in stock to fill your prescription, though it may be more expensive. If they don't, or won't order it in for you, you could always see about transferring your prescription elsewhere. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I actully did what you said and had it transferred to Walgreens and they happily gave me what I wanted...

5 REPLIES Filed under Lortab

I thought I was going nuts until I googled this strange and worthless new pill. Definitely NOT the same and I will be calling my pain management doctor and have something else prescribed if this is how it's gonna be. I wonder if walmart has the "real deal"... gonna give walgreens a talking to too. How dare they try and trick bag the public like this! Chronic pain is nothing to take lightly. ## Hello, Madkatt! How are you? I'm very sorry that this tablet doesn't work for you. However, no one is trying to trick the public. Under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, generics are allowed to differ from the name brand by as much as plus or minus 20%, in the amount of the active ingredients. They also don't have to measure against each other, only against the name brand. This...

7 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

Walgreens filled my script with this amneal brand ip118, but I normally take watson 387 vicodin es for pain from lupus. Is it the same? I'm scared to try it but my pharmacy said it's the same? Is it? ## No not addicted got terminal illness. Wanted to know if it is the same cuz I dont like to take something I dont know.Got Sle Lupus pain every day ## Hello, Nat! How are you? Yes, both of the tablets you've mentioned contain 7.5mgs of Hydrocodone and 750mgs of Acetaminophen, they are generics for Vicodin, Lortab, Norco and others. Learn more Lortab details here. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it does have the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. You should also be made aware that at some ...

12 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I am prescribed hydrocodone/acetaminophen 5-500 for neuropathy and fibromyalgia. I'm allowed 30 pills per month, but they just weren't helping at all lately. I remember the pills looking different this time, but that's sometimes the case with generics. I looked again and they have 44 175 printed on them. I have used the same Walgreens for three years now, and started having issues, only with this prescription. I took a printed prescription from my doctor with *6* refills. When I picked it up, there were NO refills on the bottle. I called and they fixed it right away, but now I don't know what is in the bottle. Are they only acetaminophen? Is this why I have had no pain relief? ## Hi Sher, It looks like they really did mess up on your prescription, since this particular i...

8 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

Need to know if this is a generic version for Norco (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) 5/325 (2172). What is this pill? ## Hello, Honey! How are you? Yes, after days of looking, I've finally found confirmation that it is. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## FDA needs to remove 2172 pills from market. They are worthless. Shame on Walgreens for passing these off as 5/325s. I guess the bottom line is money and not your health. Good by Walgreens $$$$$$. Never to big to fail. ## THE NEW ONES ARE AWFUL. THEY DONT HELP PAIN. JUST MAKE ME FEEL LIKE A ZOMBIE. AND CANT GET NEW REFILL WITH ONES I H...

4 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I have been taking Hydrocodone/Ibuprofen 7.5-200mg tabs for over 10 years now for chronic pain from having my jaw smashed & back broken. The past two months I have received a different generic from Wallgreens with Actavis as the manufacturer and THEY DO NOT WORK. Absolute crap!! I tried taking more to get the same normal affect and now I have had nothing but major stomach issues and ears ringing. I am going to my Dr on Monday to discuss!! This is ridiculous!! I am going to report to FDA and wallgreens headquarters!! Please let me know if anyone else feels this way?? Thank you. ## I had the exact same issue when I went to have my script filled at Walgreens in Dec 2016. The pharmacy of course did not say they switched manufacturers and so a week into the meds I thought I was losing it...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I've just had my very first surgery at age 22 on my right ear (Tymnoplasty). I was actually fine with mild pain leaving the hospital and was given this prescription at Walgreens to take every four hours before any pain started when leaving the hospital. I've never had a problem with generic medication, but this is possibly the worse pain I've experienced! I called my doctor to let him know and he explained to take another even though I had just taken this one at 7. It is now 9, I am on my second pill and still feel no relief. I then had to call my doctor again in which he said it could be the brand of the medicine. He actually prescribed me Norco but Walgreens gave me this because of my insurance. I know I should experience little to no pain, but pain that makes you cry shou...

7 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

2172 pills from Walgreens are not any where near Watson 3202. Don't relieve pain and will give you a headache. I tried to tell the pharmacist but they said that is what they shipped. This is what I have to deal with, *****s. ## There's actually been several complaints here recently on these newer 2172 pills. Since they're generic, my guess is that the percentage of active ingredients are probably less than other manufacturer's versions. Not to mention the different binders/fillers that affect bioavailability or cause unwelcome side effects. It's a shame that pharmacies always go for the cheapest offer they can get and care nothing about quality control for their loyal customers/patients who have to rely on this medication. The entire healthcare sector and our economy...

9 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

Is this a generic norco from walgreens? - white oval pill 2172 scored on back side blank ## will 2172 have the same effect as 3202? how much more friggin' detail do u want? ## @RPMJR, Yes, a white oval pill with 2172 is generic Hydrocodone Bitartrate 5mg + Acetaminophen 325mg with a National Drug Code of 0591-2172. Seems like a lot of people here on MedsChat have asked about this pill just within the past couple days so I'm assuming it's a relatively new product and not much info has been posted on the internet. For verification, Actavis Pharmaceuticals is the manufacturer. @Mr. Breeze, 2172 and WATSON 3202 are the same drug with the same listed dosage... But as many of us have come to find out, generic drugs tend to vary in efficacy from one tablet to the next. Furthermore,...

63 REPLIES Filed under Norco

white oblong pill 44334 on one side - what is this? ## white oblong pill 44334 ## oval pill 44334 ## hydrocodone ## Walgreens has a migraine headache medicine and that white pill with 44334 on it is it. ## yes, it's walgreens generic excedrin ## I found a white with red dots oblong pill with 44334 stamped on it. What could this be? ## this is a lortab 5 mg hydrocodone and 325 mg of aceteminicin...aka Norco 5 ## I was talking about the white pill with red specks on it. ## I would like to know what is this a muscle relaxer. ## The one with the red specs is a Narcotic Pain medicine. ....it's just a version of Vicodin with less acetaminophen. But the one without red specs is just generic Excederin Migraine. If you found Vicodin around your home and no one has a prescription for it t...

12 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

Well i dont like it. I know i will not use walgreens anymore for my vicotin this med. Makes me drowsy it dont really help with the pain but put me to sleep i want the regualr vicotin it helps with the pain n i can move n spend good times with my grandchildren cook now i only sleep ## This medication is listed by Watson as containing 10mgs of Hydrocodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, which is a generic for Vicodin. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being of habit forming. and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, dry mouth, and constipation. Has there been any change? How are you feeling, now? ## Me who wants out of pain, You have the right to have your BRAND NAME VICODIN filled if they stock it and YOUR PREPARED TO COVER THE PRICE O...

3 REPLIES Filed under Vicodin

I have been taking the generic form of Orange Oblong shaped form of Norco which is hydrocodone 7.5 which was working fine until they changed it to a pill with the markings M366. These things are absolutely worthless. Does Mallinckrodt plan on going out of business soon or are they going to remove these from the pharmacies. I'm sending samples of mine to the FDA to see what's wrong with them. ## I've used Qualitest 3605 for years and I agree, the Mallinckrodt M366 are substantially inferior (bio-equivalence) for pain relief. My current Part D insurance uses Walmart Home Delivery. I've called them and complained. ## They do not work. I have been spending most of my time in bed since getting my prescription from Walgreens with mfg Mallinckrodt. I believe that they are place...

3 REPLIES Filed under Norco

What pharmacy carries qualitest norco (yellow pills) in Arlington, TX? ## If someone knows please respond. I am looking for a pharm that carries them too in the DFW ## I live in Lubbock tx I take Norco 10/325 they are the yellow ones the only pharmacy I found that carry them is raff & hall (rexall) if that helps you. ## Generic hydrocodone 10/235 mg yellow/ produced by Qualitest phamrmaceuticals which pharmacy in Montgomery Al has these? ## Rick, did u ever find them? I live in ft worth and Walgreens only give you Watson brand. I'm scared to say anything because I'm might be put on the LIST! Lol. Let me know plz ## If looking for yellow H.E.B carrys them here in corpus ## Do you not have a phone...call around and ask. I have not been refused an answer when i have called and ...

60 REPLIES Filed under Norco

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