Take One Pill Every 12 Hours What Does It Mean
48 Topics FoundWhat does it mean "take 1 tablet by mouth every 8 hours × 2 days" should i only take it for 2 days or every 2 days?? ## Hello, Miri! How are you? According to the FDA prescription writing information, that would be taking one every 8 hours for 2 days. Which medication is it? Perhaps I can provide you with more information on it, if you post back and clarify! ## Take hydrocodone every 12 hours as needed for pain - how many pills should be prescribed? ## What does it mean to take 2 tablets every four hours? My doctor prescribed me some sinuend tablets to take 2 every 4 hours. How many must I take in a day? ## However many they want. When my friend broke her ankle they gave her 3 days worth.
My mother is taking a medication: one tablet every 12 hrs with food. We were wondering what times are best: 8am & 8pm or 9am & 9pm? Ehat do you suggest? ## It depends on if she has to take them with food or after meals. It also depends on what other medications she is taking. Some medications can't be taken with others. It would be best to call her pharmacist and ask because they should have a list of all of the medications she is taking. ## With food can also mean with glass of milk or a cracker. Doesn't have to be a "meal.. Any 12 hr gap is fine. ## I have to take a pill every 12 hours, if I take it at 8 , what time do I take the next one.
So I'm not to good at swallowing pills and my doctor prescribed me amoxicillin for my double ear infection. I was wondering if when it says by mouth if it means I have to swallow it whole or if I can chew it up cause it doesn't say on the prescription. ## Hello, Connor! How are you? They aren't time released, so you could chew them, but it's going to taste horrible. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this antibiotic as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I just finished taking 500 mg. amoxicillin every 12 hours for 5 days. Now I'm supposed to take 500mg of tinidazole 1 tablet twice daily for 5 days and clarithromycin 500 mg. 1 tablet every 12 hours. Is it ok to take the...
Does "as needed" mean I can take more than 2 pills a day if I need it? Like, can I take 3 every 8 hours for pain safely? ## Hello, Rae! How are you? No, as needed means that you don't always have to take a pill every 12 hours, if you don't need to, but you can take up to 2 a day, 12 hours apart, if you are in pain and need to do so. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, and stomach irritation. Is there anything else I can help with?
I take 1 Percocet every 6 hours for pain and I have 60 tablets how long should they last? ## Hello, Penny! How are you? If you take them every 6 hours, then 60 tablets would last 15 days. However, if the prescribing instructions from your doctor say to take as needed, then your doctor may expect them to last longer. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## If the doctor prescribes every 4 hours that 6 pills a day six times 10 is 60....Meaning 10 days 60 pills where the hell did you get 15 ## I received 120 pills on January 9 and I take them every 6 hours today is January 30 bow many pills ...
what does p eye mean? this is an antibiotic ## I have never seen that on a prescription before. Was it for some type of infection related to the eye? It's possible that it was just meant to refer to why you are supposed to take it, some doctors do that, when they write prescriptions. It is also possible that your doctor wrote something else and the pharmacy had trouble reading it and thought that's what it said. Which antibiotic are you taking?
I have to take my meds every 12 hours. I took my first dose at 3pm. When do I take the next? ## The next dose should be taken at 3am, according to FDA guidelines. Thus, if you don't wish to be up at 3am, you may want to change your dosing schedule. What medication are you taking? Knowing this would enable me to provider with more precise information. ## 3 am and then the next day at 3 pm and so on. ## I'm taking a antibiotic for my sinus infection. It says to take it every 12 hours by mouth. So what does that mean? ## It means that you should take the recommended dose once every 12 hours. So if you took one dose at 9 am, you should take the next dose at 9 pm. Does that make sense? ## It depends on the drug. Is it time critical such as a diabetic med or an antibiotic. Diabetic me...
If it's prescribed every four hours, how many times a day is it? ## If you take a dose first thing in the morning and then factor in 8 hours of sleep, that's 5 times in a day. Though technically every 4 hours covers 6 times in a 24 hour period. Using a simplified example: 8 am - wake up, take a dose 12 pm - take 2nd dose 4 pm - take 3rd dose 8 pm - take 4th dose 12 am - take 5th dose, go to sleep sleep until 8 am next day Of course the above is oversimplified. If you aren't sleeping through the night you might need a sixth dose in a 24 hour period. Something to work out with your doc. ## How many tablets are prescribed for how many days ? Every 4 hours in a 24 hour period is usually for those that just had surgery. All others that say every 4 hours usually means 4 times in a...
Unfortunately I took the first dose at 12:30-1pm so I'm confused on the time set up. Would it be 12:30, 8:30 and 4:30 am? The 4:30 am seems impossible to remember, then I would assume to just take the 8:30 then in the morning, do more breakfast lunch dinner type thing. Say I started antibiotics but then slept with my partner again - Did it just defeat the purpose for us both after taking the first pill.. ## If the doctor has instructed you to take one every 8 hours, then it is very important that you do so, even if it means setting an alarm to wake up and do it. For eradicating some bacteria, the antibiotics must be kept in your body at a constant level. And yes, if this involves some type of STI, you should not engage each other, until it has been cleared up in both of you. The FDA...
My bottle just says take two by mouth every day does this mean I take them both together at once or twice a day? ## Hi Ashley, Usually when dosing instructions note that you should take two pills daily, it is either referring to 1 pill every twelve hours or both pills in one sitting. I'm surprised that it doesn't actually clarify this on the packaging label though. In either case, from what I've researched, most of the dosing guidelines for Prednisone are "1 pill orally every 12 hours", depending on what condition you're using it for. I would however recommend confirming this with your doctor, since every case is different. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Prednisone Details I hope this info helps! ## I was given Prednisone 20mg take 3 tables by...
I've been sick and im on 100 mg of Methadone a day and I was wondering if it would be o.k. to take with Mucinex-DM with my methadone? ## Hi April, According to The University of Maryland's drug interaction tool, there aren't any interactions between Mucinex DM and Methadone. Based off this information alone, I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be able to take the two together. I've also never heard of anyone having issues using these substances coherently. But if still in doubt, I'd encourage you to cross reference additional interaction data and maybe even contact your doctor for a second opinion since this doesn't necessarily mean that no interactions exist. Hope this helps! ## I am taking 100 mg doxycycline. tablet every 12 hours for 7 days. Can I ...
If taking b.i.d. what time should I take it. ## B.I.D. means Bis in Die, latin for twice in a day, so you should take it every 12 hours. There would no specific time to start the med, you should pick a time convenient for you that will help you remember to take it, for instance, if you arise for to get ready for work at 7am, you could take it then, then take the next dose at 7pm when you know you will still be awake to take it. ## Actually with diabetes medications such is this it might be advisable to take the first dose with breakfast and the last dose with supper. Like zippysgoddess said though...12 hours apart. One can get terrible stomach pain if not taken with food. I know, I am a diabetic but have moved onto insulin. The best thing for me. ## Diabetics, especially on medications ...
i found a pill that has an m in a square box on it and says 30 on the other side and i am wondering if it is a morphine pill ## YES JAKE I HAVE WRITTIN ON MORPHIN AND THEY'RE NOT JUST RED THERE ALL TYPES OF COLORS GREEN BLUE WHITE PURPLE YOU NAME IT!!! MORPHINE AND OXY IS A VERY ADDICTIVE DRUG IF YOUR AN ADDICT PLES CONTACT YOUR NEAREST METHADONE CLINIC!! ## Yes, a pill with an M in a box, of a purplish / burgundy color, depending on your interpretation of colors, and a 30 on the other side is Morphine Sulfate 30mgs, manufactured by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals. This is a time release tablet, a generic for MS Contin which is taken every 12 hours. And Britt is correct, the colors DO NOT MEAN ANYTHING without the markings. To identify a pill correctly you have to look at the imprints ...
When should I take my two doses of Belviq? My prescription say "twice a day". When I called the pharmacist, she told me she wasn't sure since the medication is so new but suspected that every 12 hours would be best. ## Hello, Connie! How are you? Yes, that's usually what twice a day means, every 12 hours, if nothing else has been specified. This medication may cause side effects, such as nausea, anxiety, sneezing and nightmares. Is there anything else I can help with?
Have been on 50 mg twice a day now on toprolXL is it better to take the new pill morning or evening? Thank you for your advice. ## I take Metoprolol 100 mg now/once a day, but when I was on the 50 mg and it increased to 100, the dr. said take one in a.m., one in p.m...12 hours apart, at the same time every day, until that prescription was used up and the new one started. If you were prescribed to take it twice a day then you would HAVE to take one in a.m. and one in p.m., right? Plus the directions should be on the bottle! ## Hello, Susan! How are you? Unless you've been instructed otherwise, it's usually meant to be taken in the morning, that way it is most effective during the times of day you will be most active and may experience the most fluctuations in your blood pressure ...
I was prescribed 1 to 2 15 mg Oxicodone Amide every 6 hours. Is there a different type, maybe oxicodone hydrochloride that works better at same milligrams? ## There is a time release formulation of Oxycodone available, it is only available as the name brand Oxycontin and is taken ever 12 hours. The one manufactured by Amide is an instant release formulation, so it is meant to release all of the medication, as soon as you ingest them. There is also a regular release formulation that is available as a generic and under the name brand Roxicodone. Are there any other questions?
Please tell me whaT this means. ,I thought it was one pill twice a day. Please advise. Tammy ## Hello, Tammy! How are you? According to the FDA prescribing instructions, that would be telling you take 2 capsules every 12 hours, for a total of 4 capsules a day. What medication has been prescribed? This additional information may enable me to help you more.
I have been prescribed prednisone 20mg. And am directed to take 2 tablets daily for 5 days. I am male and weigh 158lbs. Do I take 1 tablet every 12 hours or do I take the 2 tablets together each day as one? ## Although I would have your doctor confirm this - In most cases, the term "twice a day" usually refers to having one pill every 12 hours (morning and evening). I believe it is mainly to help keep the medication in your system for as long as possible, throughout the course of 24hrs. Are they extended-release capsules? I hope this helps! ## Can anyone suggest me an exercise to make my hip muscle strong? I am suffering from "Inward Knee Collapse". I learned that i need to strengthen my hip muscles. ## When it say take 2 tablets by mouth daily for 5 day it mean I can ta...
Does this mean every 8 Hours were possible as someone was told it after breakfast, Lunch & tea being in my case 7.00am, 1.00pm and 7.00pm this gives you 6 hours between Breakfast and Lunch and 6 hours between lunch and Tea(dinner) & then 12 Hours between Tea and Breakfast Does this matter??? ## Hello, Jj! How are you? The dosing doesn't have to be precisely spaced. Every 8 hours when possible would be great, but if you just take them with meals, that would also be fine. This is an antibiotic that may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more Amoxicillin details here. Is there anything else I can help with?
I need to knoe the 30mg oxycodone 30mg. what is titrstion to oxycontin 80 mg. and what is oxycodone fast? answere asap ## The one that is just called Oxycodone, would be a regular release formulation. A generic for Roxicodone, this means it takes time to dissolve in your stomach and enter your body to start working, usually about 15 to 20 minutes. Oxycontin is a time released formulation of the same medication. It is taken every 12 hours to treat chronic and severe pain. The OxyFast or OxyIR means that it is designed to start releasing the medication as soon as you swallow it, to help get pain relief much faster. Do you have any other questions?