Small Round Blue Pill 03 1

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small blue 031 score below ## Located a match it's Alprazolam 1 mg, which is also known under the trade names Xanax, Xanor and Niravam, is a short-acting drug of the benzodiazepine class used to treat moderate to severe anxiety disorders and panic attacks, and is used as an adjunctive treatment for anxiety associated with moderate depression. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

1 REPLY Filed under Alprazolam

small bright blue round pill with S on one side and scored on the other ## Hello, Jan! How are you? I'm sorry, but so far, I've been unable to find a listing for this tablet and the obscure nature of the imprint leads me to suspect that it's most likely something that's available over the counter. Where was it found? Some over the counter products are regional, so knowing the general location may help to narrow it down. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this tablet?


pharmacy gave me wrong pills, has no slit in middle, small round blue-coated pill and white on the inside, has markings only on one side, don't remember #, only found out they were wrong pills when I got the refill, kept menstruating until I stopped taking the pills. ## i am trying to identify this small blue round pill. was supposed to be 50mg promethazine for nausea ## Sorry, without the imprint from the tablets, I cannot identify it for you. I will gladly do so, however, if you post back with this necessary information. ## It is a 50mg promethazine pill. small blue round circle no markings.. very bitter if chewed or sucked on ## Found a small round blue score line..V stamped on one side nothing on the other. Cant seem to find out what this is. Please help.

4 REPLIES Filed under Promethazine

Round flat blue pill, it is not scored but on one side there is a dash at the top, almost looks like it was going to be scored but wasn't. Right below the dash is an o it a zero. I can't seem to find it anywhere. I was told it was a klonopin but it doesn't look like any klonopin or generic I've ever seen. ## I think you may be looking at the pill wrong and the marking is meant to be a C over 1, because it does look as you described if I rotate the image and the tiny print is very difficult to make out. However, the tablet does contain 1mg of Clonazepam, the active ingredient in Klonopin, which is a Benzodiazepine.

1 REPLY Filed under Klonopin

Found these small blue pills with sx on one side and blank on the other. What are they? ## The only pill that comes up as a possible match is brown and not blue. It has the same marking "sx" on one side and blank on the other. This brown pill is identified as Xifaxan (200 mg); which is used to treat hepatic encephalopathy, diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, traveler's diarrhea, and crown's disease. It is manufactured by Salix Pharmaceuticals. You can click on the links below to learn more about this drug: Does this seem like a possible match?

1 REPLY Filed under Xifaxan

Round light blue pill with NB-890 ## I haven't found anything with these markings, since I saw your post the other day. However, the problem is that I am not certain I understand what the marking on them is and what I should be looking for, since you list MR in the subject, but then say NB-890 in the actual post. Can you please post back and clarify? That may help me to find it. Thank you! Learn more prescription drug details here.


round blue pill R on one side the otherside has a line through it on half it is 031 ## possibly xanax or vailum ## Pill Image This is Alprazolam 1mg, a generic for Xanax XR. ## my dr precribed me these xanax but misinformed me on the dosage is this somethning i should be worried about he said that they were 2.5mg dosage please answer thanx ## There is not a two and a half milligram of Xanax 2 milligram is called a Lincoln Log A1 milligram is called a football

4 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

is this pill supposed to taste a little sweet & then bitter? i wanna make sure. i hope its not fake :( ## A pill with the marking 54 199 is listed as being a 30mg Roxicodone tablet, which contains the active ingredient Oxycodone, it is a narcotic analgesic. Beyond that, however, I am sorry but I have no answer as the manufacturers don't list a flavor profile and I have never tried tasting any of the Oxycodone that I've been prescribed. LOL Learn more Roxicodone details here. Does anyone else have flavor experience? ## Well it's a bit difficult since mine are the name brand 20mg Oxynorm capsules which contain a lot of lactose and one country broke the patent early so has generic versions by companies like Actavis, Roxane Labs, Mallinckrodt and Watson, all TABLETTED so inc...

3 REPLIES Filed under Roxicodone

I found a small round blue pill cut in half with a F on each half and 3125 on the other side. I have been searching all night and cannot find any information on this pill. ## I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to find anything that matches this, either. That leads me to suspect that it's something that's available over the counter, since those imprints aren't logged with the FDA. However, there is also a small chance that it could be a foreign medication. Where was it found? Some products are regional, so knowing the general location may help to narrow it down. I'll post back as soon as I find anything. Does anyone else recognize this tablet?


It is a very tiny, almost baby aspirin sized pill, its smooth on both sides and has an 81 on the one side. what is it? ## This is an 81mg, low-dose, Aspirin Tablet, sold in Canada. A common pain reliever and fever reducer. ## i found the little blue pill with the #81 at the bottom of a cod liver oil bottel brand name exact 300 capsules LOT F38375 EXP SE 2012 ## small Blue pill , with 81 on one side and APO on the other side? ## Have you found out what this Is I found one the other day and cant figure it out ## Can I see a picture with the small blue pill with 18 on it

5 REPLIES Filed under Aspirin

small round blue pill. blank on one side and letter A then score line then 255 on other side ## what is a small round blue pill blank on one side then 255 on the other? ## Any chance you may have meant to say "A 215"? I haven't found a match for A 255, but this particular pill is identified as Oxycodone hydrochloride 30 mg. It's a round blue pill with "A" over "215" on one side, but both are separated by a horizontal score line going through the middle of the pill. Manufacturer: Actavis National Drug Code (NDC): 52152-0215 You can learn more about this drug on the page for Oxycodone Details Does this sound like a viable match?

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

What is this pill? Small round dark blue with a 3 on one side and S on the other side ## @Unsure, I've yet to come across an actual image of this pill, but from what I could gather the description matches that of a 3mg Eszopiclone tablet manufactured by Sun Pharma. This particular pill is also described as being round, blue, with an S on one side and 3 on the other. Eszopiclone is a hypnotic agent used for treating insomnia. According to, it works by slowing down brain activity in order to promote sleep. I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Eszopiclone

small round blue pill with 'Mylan' imprinted on it ## light lime green blue pill with mylan arched on one side and under it the number 477 on the other side just a line ## The tablet with the MYLAN 477 marking contains 10mgs of Diazepam, which is a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more Diazepam details here. Are there any questions or concerns?

2 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

Little light blue pill with a V and a split line same side but thats all i can make out on it its alil beat up what pills r blue small have a V and a splitt same side ## Hi gary, There are lots of pills with a V on one side and a score on the other (usually with a set of numbers to identify the pill as well). It's hard to know for sure, but I believe the V is the logo for Qualitest pharmaceuticals. This pill could be anything from a narcotic for pain to a benzodiazepine for anxiety. It could also be a medication manufactured outside the United States, or possibly an over the counter product, but it has been difficult to verify 100%. If you cannot have it analyzed then I would recommend that you safely dispose of it. Where did you find the pill? ## Small baby blue pill but numbers on...

2 REPLIES Filed under Anxiety

blue round pill with f 5 on one side and has a symbol of a moon ## small round piil half moon on one f5 on the other side ## I would like to know what the following pill is please: small round blue pill with a half moon on one side and F 5 on the other. very concerned. thanks for your replies. ## finasteride 5mg ## thank you. ## small blue pill with f5 on one side and "D" or half-Moon on other side (pill is small and dark blue) "f" is lower casea

5 REPLIES Filed under Finasteride

Is this pill MS cotin or OxyContin , it is small dark blue M on one side , no square around it and 15 on other side ## Hi Eli, Based on your description, the closest match I'm currently finding is a round blue pill marked with an "M" on one side and "MS" over "15" on the other side. This happens to be the only round blue pill I could locate that doesn't have a square around the "M"; so I can only assume that this is the correct match. The pill itself is identified as a 15mg Morphine Sulfate extended release tablet (also known as MS-Contin); which is used in the treatment of moderate to severe pain. For your own verification, the manufacturer is listed as Mylan Pharma, and it has a National Drug Code of 00378-2658. You can learn more about this dru...

2 REPLIES Filed under OxyContin

I was given blue round pills with M on one side and 503 on the other. This was mistakenly given to me by the pharmacy instead of my generic for Ziac which is white with 501 on it. It was labeled with warnings about alcohol and causing drowsiness ## ive been taking bisopr/hctz5/6.25 for a year and when i picked it up yesterday it was blue instead of the usual red ## Is BISOPROL/HCTZ 10/6.25 the same as BISOFUM/HCT 10/6/25? ## The tablet with the M 503 on it was the correct medication, it is also a generic for Ziac that's just manufactured by a different company. Learn more Ziac details here. And in regards to Sandi's questions, yes they are the same. The color doesn't matter and that is something that's entirely up to the whit and whim of the manufacturer, so it may chang...

3 REPLIES Filed under Ziac

Blue round pill small one side has 081 other side has fancy r ## Hello, Pita! How are you? Is the marking possible R 031? If so then this tablet contains 1mg of Alprazolam, the active ingredient in Xanax, which is a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. This medication has the potential to be habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Learn more Alprazolam details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Alprazolam

round blue pill, scored on one side with number 13 on it. on other side is a marking that looks almost like an awareness ribbon with a dash next to it ## recieved info of a small blue pill with 13 on the side of the pill the kids are calling them blue 13. I have not been able to locate a pill at this time. do you have any idea of what they are ## noo it just has a number 13 on one side and the other side is blank like the pill is all blue ## Thats exactly what my cousin is prescribed... its xannex ## I'm pretty sure it's Zoloft. ## The one with just the number may possibly be an 81mg Aspirin tablet, there are some that match that description and they are tiny, so often hard to read. It's the dosage that's available over the counter and commonly used for heart health and ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Zoloft

round little blue pill with only the number 10 on one side ## i JUST FOUND THE PILL IN MY HOUSE AND HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT IS FOR....PLEASE HELP ## little round blue pill with 10 marking on one side only ## I found a pill its Blue, round, has 10 on one side and AM on the other side. Ive looked it up and it doesnt exist... so confused. ## I Also found these and cannot find what they are! Round neonish blue pill with AM on one side and 10 on the other... Can't figure out what it is.. ## Did you ever find out what this is? Cuz I have one right in front of me and I’m curious cuz I found it in my sons room. Can’t find anything in google ## Plz let me know when you know, as I found one in my sons room...worried mother here ## Hi I am new here, however I remember pills a coworker...


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