Small Blue Pill A 17

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small blue oval pill with I 7 written on it. eith I or 1 - pretty sure it is an I ## I can't find a listing for this in any of our resources, even playing with the imprint, from 17 to I7 and etc. Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? I have a strong suspicion that with that marking it is probably an over the counter item, which would explain why it isn't in any of the databases. There is, however, also a chance that it could be a foreign medication. ## Probably Naproxen 220mg.

2 REPLIES Filed under Naproxen

What is a blue oval pill with A 17 on it? ## The pill in description is Sertraline Hcl (50 mg) Sertraline is an antidepressant primarily used to treat major depression, obsessivecompulsive, panic, and social anxiety disorders. For more information about this drug, please refer to the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I will be happy to help you. ## Is this blue pill imprinted with A 17 like Xanax or like a Clonazepam (which are fast-acting benzodiazepines) when having an anxiety attack? ## Is a 17 blue pill just like Xanax

3 REPLIES Filed under Sertraline

I have a blue egg shaped pill with the impression G17 on it. Does anyone know what this could be? ## What is it? ## I think it may be naproxen or another form of asprin, I'm still tryin to find out ## what kind of pill is this ## Over the counter Equate brand of Naproxen Sodium (similar to Aleve) uses a small oval blue pill stamped with G17 on each pill.

4 REPLIES Filed under Naproxen

oval blue pill with g 17 on it ## what does it do ## From what I can find this tablet contains 220mgs of Naproxen, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that's used to treat pain, fever and swelling. This is an over the counter tablet. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach irritation. Learn more Naproxen details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Naproxen

This pjll is oval like a football smooth on one side , no score, number 17 on other side. Bought otc at dollar general store. ## Hello, Georgia! How are you? What is on the product label? I haven't been able to find a listing for this, so far. However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you.


Small blue pill with Watson 795 on one side and nothing on the other. What is this pill? ## I need to know what they are? ## I have a pill that says watson 795 and i need to know what they are? ## i had two bottles of pills that had only two or three pills in them and i put them all together in another bottle tha was pretty much a full prescription and now i dont know what it is. can you please help me identify these pills it has watson 795 on the pill? thank you ## Pill Image This is Dicyclomine 20mgs, a generic for Bentyl which is used to treat certain bowel disorders, such as IBS. ## red capsule hpc one side 170 on the other please id ty ## This is a medication called Zebutal, it contains 500mgs of Acetaminophen, 50mgs of Butalbital, and 40mgs of Caffeine. This is headache med, used ...

8 REPLIES Filed under Dicyclomine

Blue Gel Capsule with c-10 imprinted in white. ## Unfortunately, I can't find any listings for this in any of the databases. I see posts where a few other people have asked about it, as well, but as of this time, there has been no identification of it. Where was it found/obtained? Does anyone else recognize this tablet? ## Someone with dementia was taking it and they don't know where she got it. She said she threw the box away. ## the blue gel cap with a white c-10 imprint ( the C is larger than the 10) is a C l a r it i n Li q u i Gels® 10 mg. Sorry about the typing, it's the only way this page would accept it!! ## Claritin liquid gel

4 REPLIES Filed under Claritin

SMALL,round,light blue, code A--215 ## OXYCODONE (OxyFast®, Roxicodone®) relieves moderate to severe pain. Federal law prohibits the transfer of oxycodone to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed. Do not share this medicine with anyone else. Generic oxycodone solution is available. ## Jules, your information is wonderful and thank you so much for helping out. In the future, though, it would be even better if you could provide the dosage information. I just want to add that here, so I will let you know this is a 30mg tablet. And also, this WOULD NOT be a generic for OxyFast, because this is NOT an instant release tablet, it is just a regular release one. This is a very potent narcotic pain reliever.

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

square bluepill with a capital A on one side ## I believe I located a match to a blue pill with an A above 17 on one side and blank on the other. This pill is Asendin 100 nmg, which is used in the treatment of depression, anxiety disorders, panic disorder, and bipolar disorder. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

1 REPLY Filed under Asendin

drug name ## Is it a blue, oval pill that is scored on the opposite side? If so, it is E 171 and the tablet contains 80mgs of Sotalol, the active ingredient in Betapace. it is most commonly used to treat irregular heartbeat. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and headache. Read more: Please let me know if this is the correct pill!

1 REPLY Filed under Sotalol

Blue pill marked 171. Scored in the middle. Number is preceded by a symbol which looks sort of like an E ## This tablet contains 80mgs of Sotalol, a generic for Betapace. This used to treat various types of cardiac rhythm disturbances and some cases of high blood pressure. Some common side effects may include: nausea and headache. Do you have any other questions?

1 REPLY Filed under Sotalol

Small light pale blue circle pill with TEVA on one side & numbers 3927 on top half of other side. Is this a benzo known as diazepam, generic Valium and what mg? ## Yes, this tablet contains 10mgs of Diazepam, the active ingredient in Valium, which is a Benzodiazepine that's used to anxiety and nervous disorders. (NDC 0172-3927) Inactive Ingredients: - Anhydrous Lactose - Silicon Dioxide - FD&C Blue No. 1 - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Starch, Corn - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato Ref: DailyMed ## How much does a generic Diazepam cost with insurance coverage? ## Hi. I have one 10 mg teva 3927 from a past procedure. I have a terrible spasm on my right erector spinal group. Would this tablet help if I just took half of it? It would make me feel too ...

7 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

What are these pills i found in my 17 year old's pocket? ## Hi macey, Based on my research, others who have this pill in their possession identified these blue heart shaped pills as a steroid called "Dianabol". It's said to be a 10mg tab. NOTE: they also make a point of mentioning that there's a score line on the pill as well for dividing doses. Dianabol is one of the most popular anabolic steroids, but also carries many risks. It may be best to confront your son about the dangers associated with this drug before it's too late... I hope this helps! ## THANKS - HE JUST JOINED A NEW GYM, SO COULD BE STEROIDS ## There are some supplements which also look like this steroid soo chill. It could also be that many companies are selling it legally with no side effects. ##...

4 REPLIES Filed under Testosterone

Its blue round small pilk like a size of a green pea and it says on one side in numbers 563 with a line going down the middle and on the other it says in capital letters JSP ## Hello, Jasmine! How are you? From what I've found, this is listed as being a 0.175mg Unithroid tablet, which is used to treat thyroid disorders. Side effects may include nausea, headache, hair loss and weight changes. Learn more Unithroid details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Unithroid

Found 4 of these pills in grandsons room. About 6 yrs ago i had pills looked very much like them but they were use for my nerves. He is only 17 & does not have any medications for himself. I do have medications that should have been thrown out and wondering if he got them from me. I dont recall if i had any of those kind left but it could have been possible. I will be taking all other out dated meds to the proper place. Not sure where he got them but if I know , I can then question him about this properly ## Hello, Jenny! How are you? Well, these tablets contain 10mgs of Amitriptyline, the active ingredient in Elavil, which is a tricyclic antidepressant. Learn more Elavil details here. Thus, it's not something that's commonly abused, it won't get someone high or anything...

1 REPLY Filed under Amitriptyline

medium blue, oval shaped pill...approx. the size of an aleve with the number 17 on one side. ## That's exactly what I'm finding on this one, a 220mg Naproxen tablet, which is a generic or store brand for Aleve. This is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, so if you have any medical conditions, you shouldn't take it, unless your doctor says it is okay for you to do, because it can cause some potential serious side effects. You are free to learn more Naproxen details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Aleve

Right now I have a very painful stiff neck that's been troubling me for a week to date. Is this pill (imprinted s525) good for me to take to possibly relieve this pain? ## Hi Mike, The pill your describing imprinted with S525 is reportedly identified as Acetaminophen (500mg) + Diphenhydramine HCL (25mg). And just to confirm, this is a blue capsule-shaped pill with a National Drug Code of 51824-0017. Acetaminophen (otherwise known as Tylenol) may help a little bit, but Diphenhydramine is an antihistamine used for allergies, so it's pretty much useless for pain in my opinion. Have you considered making a doctor's appointment to obtain more effective treatment options? Kratom is something that helps me whenever I have a stiff neck and it's available OTC in most states. Hope...

2 REPLIES Filed under Acetaminophen

Light blue oval pill, 17 on one side and nothing on the other, what is this? ## Hi nico, Based on the description provided, the closest match I could find is Naproxen (220 mg); which is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug commonly used for the reduction of moderate to severe pain, fever, inflammation and stiffness. Manufacturer: Medique Learn More: Naproxen Details This pill matches your description exactly however, it is marked "G 17" as opposed to just "17". Is it possible that the "G" on your pill was smudged off at some point? I hope this info helps! ## Is this pill, sertraline 50 milligram addictive? And is it an opioid? ## 17 on one side and nothing on the other oval ## It is off brand of aleve from family dollar I have a whole bottle ## There was never ...

5 REPLIES Filed under Naproxen

The blue pill is oval, has 17 on it and is smooth on the back. It has no lines just 17. What is this? ## Amneal Pharmaceuticals lists this tablet as containing 220mgs of Naproxen, it is a generic, or store brand of Aleve, and is available over the counter. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding, stomach irritation, and nausea. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Naproxen

Small, round, and light blue pill. Boxed M on one side & the # 30 on the other side. What is it? ## This tablet contains Oxycodone Hydrochloride 30 mg (NDC 0406-8530). Inactive Ingredients: - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Lactose Monohydrate - Stearic Acid - Fd&c Blue No. 2 Ref: DailyMed ## OXYCODONE (OxyFast®, Roxicodone®) relieves moderate to severe pain. Federal law prohibits the transfer of oxycodone to any person other than the patient for whom it was prescribed. Do not share this medicine with anyone else.

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

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