Psychiatrist Prescribe Xanax Houston

4 Topics Found

I have been suffering from crowd anxiety and it's ruining my life. My old doctor houser haloed me a whole lot. I can't stand being around strangers, they give me anxiety and large crowds scare me. ## Hello, Smitty! How are you? If you require such a medication on a long-term ongoing basis, you'll need to see a pain management specialist. A regular PCP won't be able to prescribe it for you, due to the new regulations that were put in place last year. Have you ever consulted a psychiatrist regarding your issue? ## Ummm a psychiatrist will write you a legit rx easy peasy. Dr Sprabery off Kirby and Norfolk and you better have insurance or this doc is like 300-350 for the first visit and 90 after that. He always writes the script with 3 refills and at one point I was getting ...

13 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I just moved to Houston and have suffered from severe anxiety for the past ten plus years and really need to find a psychiatrist or doctor that is willing to prescribe Xanax. I'm up ALL night fighting constant anxiety attacks and it's an impossible daily struggle to get through my work day without having to stop whatever I might be doing to fend off an attack. I can't afford to lose my job and I just don't know what else to do. I refuse to buy the stuff off the sheet because I can't afford to get in trouble..... Please, any help with a doctor in Houston that will prescribe Xanax would very gratefully appreciated. ## Due to the new regulations that went into effect at the beginning of the year, if you require it for long-term treatment, you will most likely need to se...

60 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I just moved from Houston to lufkin. I have called 6 doctors and none are taking new patients. I have had anxiety disorder for 10 years. I have medical records. I need my medicine extremely bad. Please help. ## I just looked at Y P Yellow Pages for Lufkin TX and there were 276 Doctors. My town has one (1) Doctor ## Yes theres alot of doctors but I've called at least 10 and none are taking new patients or the first visit is anywhere from 100 to $180. Plus I don't know anyone here and need a good doctor I have other issues as well ## I have really good insurance and found many Doctors that wont take insurance, generally Psychiatrists and Pain places and I didn't even want pain stuff, the pain Doctor is a Neurologist. I drove by his office and saw countless shady drug users lin...

13 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I am on United Healthcare. I have been prescribed Alprazolam for 10+ yrs. I have nerve issues bmy blood pressure is regular now and I feel more at ease. New PCP besides he quit writing it and said I need a psychiatrist. So I went to urgent care and was told to take 1/2 tab.a day. I was taking 4 times that. I can't see a psychiatrist for 3 months. What do I do? My heart rate is now irregular and I feel like I am being punished.I live in Az. And I never abused my medications. ## I live in Houston Tx. I know MD's think they know everything but u know ur body better than anybody. Get online u can find legit xanax u need untill u come across an M.D that helps. Legal or not u should not suffer. ## Have you tried anything else to hep regulate your heart rate that your PCP can prescribe...

2 REPLIES Filed under Alprazolam

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