Percocet Yellow Pill Picture

13 Topics Found

We got a yellow round pill with 230 on it and really can't describe what's on the other side. ## Hello, Jen! How are you? No worries, I know exactly what you're talking about, it's actually an Asian C, which is a logo used by Alvogen on some of their prescription medications. The one with the number 230 on the opposite side is listed by them as containing 325mgs of Acetaminophen and 10mgs of Oxycodone. You can view the resource with the description of it at this reference NDC code 47781-230. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

round white pill, with line through it and numbers 0636 on the back ## Found a match it's Acetaminophen 325 mg and Oxycodone 5 mg, which are the active ingredients in Perocet. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## Thanks Crystal ## 105 oval ## To Amber, What color is the pill? Is it scored? I need to know a little more, in order to locate the correct pill. ## pink, round k/mat56 ## Is there such a pill thats round pink with k on one side and 12 on the other ? Percocet 10 mg. ## Is a light yellow pill has a v on 1 side and other side has 4879 on it

7 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

yellow, round pill with 230 on one side and looks like a G on the other ## The tablet with the Chinese V logo and the number 230 on it contains 10mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, the active ingredients in Percocet. The Chinese V logo is used by Alvogen, Inc. This is a narcotic, so it does have the potential to be habit forming and it may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, constipation and drowsiness. Learn more Percocet details here. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

could you please show a picture of yellow percocet 230 ? thank you ! would like to see a picture of my pill ! ## Hi Linda, Unfortunately I cannot post a photo due to copyright reasons. However if you're able to look up the manufacturer's web page (Alvogen Pharmaceuticals), and check their product directory, I found that they do show a photo of the tablet in question. For verification, this particular product has a National Drug Code of 47781-230 Just out of curiosity, did you obtain this medication from a legitimate source? I only wonder because I find it odd that you would need to see a photograph of the pill if you have it already in your possession? You can also learn more about this drug on the page for Percocet Details I hope this info helps and wish you good health! ## Wan...

2 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

We got a new Prescription for Percocet, from the VA. It is round, says Endo 612. is this Percocet? We would like to see a picture. ## What color is the pill? It will help me locate the right one. ## white ## what does a percocet 10 look like? the one I have is oblong. on one side it has a 10 and the other side has the numbers E797 ## I have had a systemic autoimmune disease since a child, 50 years later and my immune system is rock bottom, started new meds to help build it up but honestly i hurt somedays all over!! The watson generic percocet 10/325 made the world of difference, and i could take only half a tab on some days! Just filled my prescription with "BRAND" percocet, and it was by ENDO. It was Yellow oblong pill with percocet imprinted on it, but i am very sensitive to a...

6 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

Yellow pill with #230 on one side and a simble on the other, what is it? ## Hello, David! How are you? A round, yellow tablet with the Alvogen logo on one side and 230 on the opposite contains 10mgs of Oxycodone and 325mgs of Acetaminophen, it is a generic for Percocet. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

pill yellow oblong, # 537, no name on pill supposed to be used for pain ## Found a match it's Acetaminophen 325 mg and Tramadol hydrochloride 37.5 mg, which is used for treating moderate to severe pain. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do. ## i have a 15mg percocet little round and light green. its blank on one side and the other side has a A&#214 on it. is it a percocet 15mg? ## the percocet 15mg has an A #214 is it ## I located a match for a round, light green pill with A 214 on it. Click here to see a picture of the pill. If this is your pill, it's Oxycodone 15 mg. To learn more about this drug, click on the link below... If you have any more questions or concerns, please post back and I...

6 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

white pill with m582 ## A picture can be see Here; If this is what you are looking for then that's Acetaminophen / Oxycodone pills. Brand name Percocet. Roya ## IM LOOKING FOR DRUG ROUND YELLOW PILL 93 832 ## It is considered rude online to hijack someone else's thread, in the future, please start your own thread to request a pill ID. Thank you. 93 832 Pill Image Your pill is #11 down on this page. This is Clonazepam 0.5mgs, a generic for the Benzodiazepine Klonopin. This is the same type of drug as Xanax or Valium.

3 REPLIES Filed under Acetaminophen

is percocet 10 white oblong with the number 10 on one side and the numbers E797 on the other? ## The tablet should actually be yellow and oblong, with a 10 on one side and the E 797 on the other and it is actually sold under the brand name Endocet, it contains 10mgs of Oxycodone and 650mgs of Acetaminophen. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

a round off-yellow pill, with Wilson's across the front, scored on the back. ## what is in them? i was told they are generic adderall but am afraid to take them. ## Sorry, these appear to be from a manufacturer in Pakistan, but I cannot find confirmation on what they are. ## They are generic and contain 600mg. of codiene. They are equivalent to Percocet or might be a little stronger. If you google - Pill, Wilson's round light yellow, you can get a full description. ## Any pictures of this pill?? Please need to know asap.

4 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Hi, first time I was prescribed a round pill identified as v4839 Percocet 5mg. Now I have v4829 .. Saying its 325.10mg. I need to know if I can break it in half. 10 mg is to strong. Also my pills are white and the picture coming up on the website is yellow.. I always double check my scripts to make sure it's correct . Do you know why the internet shows yellow and why mine is white? ## These tablets are a light yellow. That probably explains why it appears to be white to you. Sometimes going outside and looking at it in the sunllight can help you see the light yellow. 4829 v is 10 mg oxycodone and 325 mg Acetaminophen. This is generic for Percocet 10/325. It is manufactured by Qualitest Pharmaceuticals. You can cut it in half because it is immediate release.

1 REPLY Filed under Percocet

oval 10e e797 yellow pill ## This is NOT Percodan! Percodan contains Aspirin and Oxycodone, this is a generic for Percocet, it contains Acetaminophen (Tylenol) 650mgs and Oxycodone 10mgs. Here's an image to confirm: Pill Image ## there was no picture on that link

2 REPLIES Filed under Percodan

Round yellow Tablet Watson 820 ## What are you asking here? You already know that it is oxycodone/aspirin. 4.5mg oxycodone and 325mg aspirin. It is generic for Percocet, which is a schedule 2 controlled, addictive substance. Side effects include marked drowsiness, euphoria, constipation. ## Actually the name brand for this would be Percodan, since it contains Aspirin and not Acetaminophen, Percocet contains Acetaminophen. ## Sorry, I thought I wrote PERCODAN NOT PERCOCET. I was looking straight at the picture and still wrote it wrong! Very few doctors write for Percodan anymore because they feel Percocet is safer on the stomach, plus the aspirin can intensify the effects of the oxycodone. Sorry for the mistake. I really should re-read what I type before I submit the reply I would probab...

8 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

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