Pain Patches

100+ Topics Found

is butrol pain patches the same as fentanyl? ## I'm sorry, but this site doesn't have any information on this. I can't find anything listed under this name or anything similar that is a patch and/or for pain. Can you double check the name and spelling? What country it is from?

1 REPLY Filed under Fentanyl

I was told this Pharmacy would give me narcotic pain patch that starts with a B could u tell me about it? ## Herbie are you referring to Buprenorphine patches? Is that the correct name? If so, then you can read more about this medication at: Hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Buprenorphine

finding pharmacy that dispenses teva brand in louisville kentucky 40208 ## I'm sorry, but there is really now way for us to know what pharmacy has which manufacturer's product in stock, at any given time. It is something that can always change, because most pharmacies will order their generic medications from whichever company has the cheapest, when they have to restock their pharmacy shelves. Some pharmacies will order the product in, from your preferred manufacturer, if you have found that it works best for you. Have you tried talking to them about doing so? If it is more expensive, you may have to pay the relevant price difference, though.


are there K/8 patches I have never heard of them ## Hello, Ash! How are you? I assume you're asking if they are Oxycodone patches and if so, no it is not available in a patch form. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

The doctor is giving me buprenorphene without the naloxone how strong is it? ## Hello, Hippy Chick! How are you? Buprenoprhine is a pretty strong opiate, it's what's used in Suboxone and Subutex to treat drug addiction, because it is strong enough to prevent withdrawals from other substances. Learn more Buprenorphine details here. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. The only thing you can really do is try it and see how well it works for you. Are there any other questions or concerns?

1 REPLY Filed under Naloxone

I will be walking and look down my 50 mcg mallinckrodt will be on the floor only after putting it on the previous day. How embarrassing. There have been times I wont even know and will feel awful. I have cystic fibrosis and 50% of my pancreas left. Im so sick of this. I do take norco for breakthrough but I feel horrible when the patch falls off. I dont want to use fabric tape all the time (which works the best, other tape doesnt). The patch is made by mallinckrodt. ## Hi peanut, Sorry to hear about your experience with the adhesive on the patch. It sounds like tape isn't much better either since it can only last for so long as well. Where have you been placing the patch at? Maybe a different spot would last longer before falling off, if it's not somewhere vulnerable. It would be...


I have Ishcemia and Bergers disease.So far I had parts of 2 fingers amputated.I have chronic nerve pain in my hands and feet when it gets cold or damp and have to avoid air conditioning so life can be hell sometimes.I am taking 10 mg. of hydrocodone twice a day so I take the second one at bedtime.These only work for 2-3 hrs.Do these drug companies have long term hydrocodone pacthes because I have to live with the pain between doses.Thank you for any info. ## Have you asked your doctor yet about trying an extended release tablet or solution containing Hydrocodone? Hydrocodone comes as a tablet, a capsule, a syrup, a solution (clear liquid), an extended-release (long-acting) capsule, and an extended-release (long-acting) suspension (liquid) to take by mouth. The tablet, capsule, syrup, an...

2 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

can i put my butran patch over my tattoo without messing it up ## I'm unable to find any sort of advice on this topic over the internet...But in reality if you are worried about anything happening to your tattoos, then I would look into other alternative or natural pain medications beside patches. Are there any other parts of your body where you can effectively apply the patch that aren't tattooed (i.e. back, shoulders, neck, calves, thighs, chest)? ## Can I put an buprenorphine patch 20mg on tattoo 25years old

2 REPLIES Filed under Buprenorphine

HEY DOES ANYBODY KNOW ANY PAIN PATCHES THAT START WITH THE LETTER N ## Hi Wormie, Based on my research, Norspan patch (buprenorphine) is the only relevant match I'm finding that begins with a letter N. The manufacturer advertises it towards treating chronic severe pain when lower doses of strong opioids are being considered. However, further notes from the Rational Assessment of Drugs and Research (RADAR) suggest that more familiar opioids such as morphine are generally more preferred for managing chronic pain since they also tend to offer a broader range of dosages and formulations. I hope this helps!

1 REPLY Filed under Buprenorphine

I am currently using Norspan patches for the treatment of chronic pain, I am moving to Beijing China and dont know if I can have this medication prescribed in China. Is Norspan available in Beijing China? ## Norspan contains the active ingredient Buprenorphine, a very potent narcotic used to treat severe, chronic pain. And, as to what's available in China, I am sorry, but I can't find any information on it. Most other countries are not regulated as strictly as the U.S. and Canada, so it can be very difficult to find such information. Have you tried asking your doctor or pharmacist if they have any information? ## Jane says that she has since heard from the pharmaceutical company and they have advised that Norspan is not available in China. Thanks for your replies.

2 REPLIES Filed under Buprenorphine

does the phentol patch contain methadone? ## I'm sorry, did you mean Phentol, which refers to Phentolamine and is used to treat hypertensive emergencies or did you mean Fentanyl, which is a narcotic to treat pain? Neither one contains Methadone. Fentanyl contains exactly that, it is the active ingredient. It is a narcotic used to treat chronic pain. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and dry mouth. ## Hi, very informative , I appreciate the comments. I recently was told by a pharmacist that I might check into phentol patches for cancer pain, so it will not cause constipation. ## Do not do patches if u have done methadone or any other medications or opioids u will O.D trust me I speak from experience.

3 REPLIES Filed under Methadone

i cant afford my patches is there a way to get help LIKE A DISCOUNT OR ANYTHING ## On the lower right side of each page of this website is a printable discount card that you can try using. There is no registration or qualifying required, you just print it and it provides discounts or rebates at many pharmacies. So that's something you may want to look into. Learn more Butrans details here. Additionally, there is a savings card that your doctor can print for you to use from their website, But as I said, a physician has to sign up for it and print it for their patients. Does anyone else have any ideas? ## I was told by my pain doc's nurse practicioner(spelled wrong) that if you get your doc to call your insurance co. it might help with the cost some if he tells them h...

2 REPLIES Filed under Butrans

i need to find out what i can do on paying for these pain patches ## Which specific pain patches? There may be generics, or manufacturers assistance programs available, but to find out if there are, I need more information. Are they Fentanyl patches?

1 REPLY Filed under Fentanyl

side effects and how effect for chronic pain ## would morphine patches by-pass the liver or kidneys and be better than oxycontin ## No, it will still be processed in the body the same way as a pill, shot or IV. It is a little safer than Oxycontin, but not a lot. Some of the most common side effects of this medication may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. You can read more about this medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with?

2 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

A time releasing patch for pain/.525mg .wprm fpr 72 hours. Does this have coedine in it? ## No, no codeine, though it is a narcotic from a related opiate family. Duragesic is actually the name of the drug. This is actually 80 times stronger than morphine, and these patches cannot be used more frequently than every 48 hours at the prescribed dosage. They are generic for Fentanyl patches. Fentanyl Info Click Here ## These patches were prescribed by my doctor for all over body arthritis pain and fibromyalgia, since there are no arthritis drugs on market I can take. I was on vioxx and Bextra for years, but no longer. I also take Mobic, 2 Darvocets per day, but the patches cause severe itching, which is why I am asking about the codiene content. I had to remove the patch. Are you sure they a...

4 REPLIES Filed under Duragesic

I have very severe and advance DDD and have been taking MS-Contin which has been helpful. However I always have severe pain every time I walk around 15 steps or so due to severe muscle spasms. For 12 years the only relief I would get would be to stop walking and try to stretch the muscle in my back and the spasms. After a few more yards I would have to stop walking again. I have been on every muscle relaxant that has ever been made with no help. I am at a point that I will soon need a wheelchair when I leave my home. This past weekend I had a chance to try Lidocaine patches and I could not believe when I started to walk my pain was gone. While my doctor has no problem writing a prescription for them my Medicare part D provider (Cigna) will not pay for them because the FDA has only appro...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lidocaine

Fentanyl Duragesic patches R not for acute pain such as after surgery. Only for chronic long-term pain. I am in constant pain from back, neck, hip and foot injury in serious car wreck 5 years ago. I use 50 mcg patches and percocet 1000 mg for pain, but it is never totally gone, just bearable. ## I am not sure what the dosage is on your Percocet, or if it is even Percocet you are taking, because it does not come in a 1000mg tablet. The max for Percocet is 650mgs of Acetaminophen with 10mgs of Oxycodone. As to the Fentanyl, if it is not controlling your pain, then you have probably built up a tolerance to that dosage and may need to talk to your doctor about making a med adjustment. It does come in up to 75mcgs in the patches. ## Vernon, Please tell me. Maybe you will know. I am so tired ...

9 REPLIES Filed under Duragesic

My Dr has moved. I am now without a Dr for my patches...I only have 4 left. Two Drs I went to do not prescribe. Please help. Thank you... ## Hello, Jeri! How are you? If you require such a strong narcotic for pain management, you'll need to see a pain management specialist and if you're going to doctors and just asking if they'll prescribe it, they'll usually see that as being drug seeking behavior and just tell you no. You need to see a new doctor and basically let your medical records speak for you. Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area? This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## I went to a pain Dr. She was the worst Dr I have ever...

4 REPLIES Filed under Duragesic

Ive been on patches 12 months plus Dilaudid4mg due to really bad painful lower back problems. I also take 125 mg Synthriod for my Thyriods. Ive lost 25 lbs since on these meds . Feel tired scared bout weight lost poor appetite. Im trying Veggie energy Vitamins? Is this a serious issue weight loss. Anything you could suggest i weigh 140lb from 165 lbs bout 12 months please help ## How tall are you? What does your normal diet consist of? How old are you? All of these factors can affect how much you should weigh. Some people do lose weight on Synthroid, once their thyroid issue in under control, according to FDA reports. It may also cause nausea, dizziness, mood swings and hair loss. ## Im sorry the Fentanyl patches are 25 mcg/hr not 125) i am 5'8 nornal weight 165lb now 140lb after 12...

2 REPLIES Filed under Synthroid

Hi I'm on 100 I do know when they run but they don't desalt seem to do much what is better then this for osteo pain? Thanks ## Fentanyl is the strongest narcotic opiate available on the market, it is over 80 times stronger than Morphine. Learn more Fentanyl details here. How often do you change the patches? What other medications have you tried? ## I hope by now you've found a medication or mixture of meds that are helpful. As there are too many people handing out bad information & using these sorts of places to find drugs, it's not proper to ask for names of "better" medications. There are medications stronger than fentanyl & for osteo pain; a mix of NSAIDs & narcotics, as well as physical therapy & exercise, have been proven to be most beneficia...

4 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

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