Oxycodone Rhodes

100+ Topics Found

Can someone cause somebody in the FDA to check out this Rhodes pharmaceutical company? If the potency can vary by up to 10 to 20% what does that tell you? They're not all the same. I have had Rhodes for two days and they're pure garbage I don't know why the pharmacy changed who's paying who off but these are absolutely terrible. ## You have to file a complaint with the FDA just like I did. The more complaints the faster they'll stop forcing this crap on us! Not sure how many other people take the time to file with the FDA but we need a lot more, I'm sure. They were giving me headaches, causing dizziness, and weren't touching my pain. ## This is what I found out on the Rhodes Pharm Percocets: The 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg, 20 mg and 30 mg tablets contain the equivale...

29 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Hi, After 12 years of taking the blue 30's the pharmacy gave me these big white tabs. My question is why are the blue more potent than the white from Rhodes Pharm. Is it the quality of the ingredients? The brand Roxi you cant find anymore why is that? ## Generic medications are allowed to differ from the name brand in the amount of the active ingredients by as much as plus or minus 20% as decreed by the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984. They also don't have to measure against each other, just the name brand, so some generics may be slightly stronger or weaker than another. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. The name brand is ...

41 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Yes I'd be very grateful if someone could help me ASAP. I'm a five-time cancer patient Survivor in about to go on hospice. I have a question regarding Rhodes Pharmacy that makes a white round pill with NP on one side and the other side 20. When I looked it up it said that it was oxycodone hydrochloride. It didn't say if it was instant release or extended release which I really need to know? The other question is if it's just like Roxicodone but just a different Pharmaceutical Company and if it's just 20 mg of oxycodone with no other active ingredients but normal fillers and stuff? I'd appreciate as many replies ASAP thank you so much! ## Were you referring to the tablet with the imprint RP 20? If so, yes, it contains 20mgs of Oxycodone, in an immediate release fo...

4 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Hello all, I've been issued Rhodes oxycodone 10/325 by CVS in Nashville and have had very bad reactions, some good reactions and sometimes no reactions at all from these pills. This is my first script of 120 pills and need some info on how to file a complaint to the FDA. I've taken these pills in the past (percodan, percocet) and never had to think twice whether or not they would ease my pain. With these I never know what I'm going to get. Sometimes I just feel awful with NO pain relief whatsoever. Sometimes they work fine and other times just barely. How can a company do business with such an unpredictable product? Needless to say I will be short, so add extreme anxiety as well. I've read others who share the same stories and believe me I feel for you. I've also mad...

14 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

How are the 10mg oxycodone made by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals compared to other brands? ## Hi Shizz, According to NIH, the 10mg oxycodone tablets (that are white, round, & scored, with "R" over "P") made by Rhodes, contain the equivalent of 9 mg of free base oxycodone. Ref: dailymed.nlm.nih.gov/dailymed/drugInfo.cfm?setid=a5162476-1217-41c0-bc7e-0a0f123f069f So in terms of potency, it apparently doesn't contain what a 10mg Rx label says it does, which is really corrupt marketing in my opinion… Especially towards those who are switching from another brand that may have more or less (unknowingly setting the stage for withdrawal symptoms from tapering). I suppose they think the extra milligram will come in the form of placebo. Next, in terms of inactive ingredient...

8 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I seem to be having the same issue as some in this forum. I had been on another brand until this refill & well this Rhodes brand doesn't seem as effective. One of the main reasons I'm here, I thought it odd that I wasn't getting the same relief as the other brand. I'm going to contact my pharmacy and see if they can do anything, I may call my PM doctor as well to see if they have any suggestions. ## The last two months have been hard on me since Rite aid switched from really good working oxycodone 10/325 to this RHODES pharmacy GARBAGE and it’s not only that but all my meds aren’t working like they used to. I loved my old ones (oblong) Easily cut/snap in half. With this maker of these meds my eyes burn and water, nose constantly runs and I’m in so m...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I ran across these pain pills due to having severe chronic pain and after reading some of these comments i am shocked. I used to take the Watson brand of percocet and could not find another manufacturer that compared to them until i got the Rhodes brand. I would like to see other pharmacies carry them. I cant believe that im reading that ppl think they arent any good. I have one of the worst spinal problems in the world and stay in pain. Im thankful to have found this brand. ## Renee, It has nothing to do with the active ingredient oxycodone. Each generic drug differs in the binders used.Some folks are unable to tolerate these so the adverse effects stem more from that then the response to the oxycodone component ## To add some more information.... Under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, ge...

32 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I'm 69 & suddenly suffering from Neuropathic pain in shoulders, hips, & lower back which radiates into extremities. Cause and effect or coincidence? this all started right after a Prevnar 13 shot. I am in FL where MAJOR tightening on Pain Meds is being implemented. Costco sources through Mallinckrodt & Interpharm. Walmart, Publix, Sams use Rhodes. Rhodes does not give me the same level of pain relief and also leaves me feeling agitated and nervous/shaky. Costco Corp policy is also becoming very strict. Diagnosis codes from Prescribing Physicians is required and used to decide if they will fill or not fill. They also require over night wait before you can pick up a filled script. Going to explore where CVS sources and if they coerce you to moving all/additional scrip ther...

7 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I've been taking oxycodone 15mg green tabs for chronic pain management. My last prescription I dropped off at Walmart pharmacy. When I picked up my prescription the pills the pharmacist showed me looked very different from the green round pills I'm used too taking. Theses pills, made my Rhodes made me sick immediately. I suffered withdrawal like symptoms (headache, dry mouth, anxiety) and had little or no pain relief for two weeks. I see my doctor again on Friday and I'll not be filling my prescription at Walmart as long as they are carrying Rhodes brand oxycodone. ## Hello, Lyn! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problem you experienced. Due to the problem they caused you, before filling your prescription anywhere, you may want to ask them ahead of time which tablet ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

My Pharmacy just gave me the blue pill with the U23 on it and so far it seems to be working the same if not somewhat better than the smaller blue pills that I had prior. Seems lately that whatever type of Oxycodone I take is having an adverse effect on me and making me very tired after a few hours. I never had that problem before. ## I believe the U23 are manufactured by Aurobindo. I've had that manufacturer in percocet form and it wasn't the worst. It's acceptable and works for the pain but has more side effects than it should. It seems like all of the generics as of late are really lacking in efficacy. I recently got some Qualitest 10/325 percocet from CVS (had to ask for them otherwise they would have given me Rhodes). Qualitest got bought out by Endo who then got bought ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

What if the RP oxy tabs that are all the same color with just different numbers may be left over from a placebo study? I got some from a big pharm company that said ordering them was paperwork hell. Now surprise they have 10 and 20mg tabs. Does that mean they don't have oxy in them and no paperwork hell to deal with? I wonder. ## Bez says. I've been taking oxycodone acet...10-325s for six years never had a problem with quality .the first refill I get from Rhoads Pharm. They don't do anything . My wife took time off and was worthless. Can't believe company's would do such a thing . ## The RP30 are the longest lasting and provide the best pain relief! What they don't do is make you feel high. If you like to abuse drugs, these are not the ones for you and you should...

5 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Been taking oxycodone-acetaminaphen 10-325 for about 5 years for chronic back pain. Had the best control of pain from Malinkrodt Manufacturer of this Med. Pharmacist gave me Qualitest once and it failed miserably in controlling my pain. Now they want me to try Rhodes brand. How does Rhodes really compare with my favorite Malinkrodt? ## There are many variables that come into play when determining if one brand is better than another, and the answer to this question tends to be different for each individual based on things like tolerance, age, weight, metabolism, digestive health, mentality, body chemistry, how their body responds to different binders/fillers, etc. Any number of these factors can affect one's perception (without them even knowing) of which tablet they prefer and why t...

11 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

The pill is white round imprinted with RP and 7.5 325. Manufactured by rhodes pharmaceuticals. It is oxycodone/acetaminophen. Have there been any reviews good or bad on this pill or compared to other manufacturers? ## Hello, Robert! How are you? I've not read a lot of complaints about it, so far, but that could change at any time. It seems that this tablet is just not becoming more common, so more people are receiving it from their pharmacies. Have you tried them? How do they work for you? The FDA classifies this medication as being a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. ## I just received a script and they was from Rhodes Pharmaceuticals they was the 5/325 oxyco...

62 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Does this have Tylenol in it? I'm allergic to Aspirin causing my kidneys to shut down. I told the pharmacist and she said I have to take this brand or nothing. Should she be allowed to do this? ## Hello, Sonny! How are you? Aspirin and Tylenol (which contains Acetaminophen) are not the same thing. You may still be able to take Acetaminophen, even if you're allergic to Aspirin. As to this tablet, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals lists it as just containing 15mgs of Oxycodone. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. If you are curious, you should always look at the dosage… anything with more than 10mgs of Oxycodone in it does no...

3 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Any idea if oxy immediate release by Rhodes Pharma may be left over from a placebo study ? ## Starting last month, I was given these in 20mg tablets. I always feel sick, have a headache, and get no pain relief. It's awful. I just left a message for my dr to see if I can forfeit these, drop my dosage, and get another manufacturer. Something is really, really wrong with these pills. ## Unfortunately, not every product from every manufacturer works for everyone that tries it, since we are all different. I know that doesn't help your situation, I am just giving the basic facts. You are not the first to complain about this Oxycodone, and I am sure there will be more complaints, as well. It worked well for me, when I took it, after dental surgery, but that was several years ago, and I...

2 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Has anyone seen this imprint on oxy30mg. White pill round RP12 ## Hello, Debbie! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 10mgs of Oxycodone. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

Does this has Tylenol in it.......I'm allergic to aspirin causing my kidneys to shut down......I told the pharmacist and she said "this or nothing".....should she be allowed to do this? ## No, the manufacturer, Rhodes Pharmaceuticals lists this tablet as just containing 15mgs of Oxycodone. The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Yes, she can. It's what your doctor has prescribed and she can't change it and she can only give you the generic that her pharmacy has available. But Tylenol and Aspirin are not the same thing, Tylenol contains Acetaminophen. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

What is in these it is it the same as oxy15 mg. my was green round and helped my chronic pain I need to know if it's the same medicine these haveRHO mine other had ACT what's the difference ## Hello, Sue! How are you? They have just been manufactured by different pharmaceutical companies, which is very common with generic medications. RHO stands for Rhodes Pharmaceuticals and ACT stands for Actavis, but they are the same medication. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

Hi All, I experience pretty severe neuropathic pain due to a spinal injury. I have a Baclofen pump which also contains hydromorphone but still get a lot of breakthrough pain. I've been taking oxycodone for 8ish yrs. and the pills I was prescribed those first few yrs. did a good job at treating the pain. I've had to change pharmacies and notice lately the oxycodone 30s I've been given lately do little or NOTHING! Especially the Mallinckrodt! My doc prescribed 3 30mg pills a day but I had to munch 5 of the Mallinckrodts in a 4 hour period and still got barely any relief. I was worried I'd get constipated big time after taking that many pills several days in a row but I didn't (because they're so damn weak!) I don't know the mfg. of the oxys I was taking yrs ago...

133 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

My wife has been on generic Percocet for a number of years and she has always gotten a good response from the drug manufactured by Actavis Elizibeth LLC (oval shape with letters A3333). However, recently we purchased her medication from CVS pharmacy, which happened to be manufactured by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals (round shape, letters RH on one side and 10/325 on the other). She immediately started to complain that this drug did not have the efficacy of that manufactured by Actavis. Since she had been on this drug for so long, I initially thought her response to the drug may have been due to her body becoming adapted to the oxycodone itself. I happened to have a few of the Actavis pills and used them to supplement the Rhodes pills as an experiment. She reported that there definitely was a d...

2 REPLIES Filed under Percocet

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