Lo Loestrin Fe Weight Gain

25 Topics Found

does this cause added weight gain or acne ## Hello, Kris! How are you? Those are both possible side effects of any hormonal contraceptive, along with nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, irregular bleeding and bloating. And please make sure not to miss taking any of the active tablets, because that will increase your risk of pregnancy. Are there any other questions or concerns?

1 REPLY Filed under Loestrin 21 1/20

After my favorite OC, Loestrin 24 Fe was discontinued my doctor has prescribed Minastrin 24 Fe. My body did not respond well to it at all (acne,weight gain, mood swings)... After trying a few other OC's and reading so many reviews on how great Loestrin 24 Fe was compared to Minastrin and others I thought if we got enough people to vote to bring Loestin 24 Fe back, maybe the company would consider it.... It is a shot in the dark but definitely worth taking... Respond if you would like to see Loestrin 24 Fe back on the market.

Filed under Loestrin 24 Fe

I have been on this pill since March and only got my period the first month I was on it and it was very light and only lasted a couple of days. haven't gotten it since. I have taken tests...all negative. Any one else experiencing this? ## Since there are hormonal based contraceptive tablets, both of these symptoms can be normal side effects of using the medication. There is really no harm in skipping your menstrual cycle, there are even contraceptives on the market that are specifically designed to let you skip for several months in a row. However, if you are concerned, you should consulted your doctor. Are there any other questions? ## I probably started taking this in April/May. I can't remember exactly. For the first three packs I didn't get a period. On the fourth pack I...

102 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I've tried many bc pills about 5 years ago always have severe symptoms headaches nausea severe bloating weight gain hair loss. I've been on bio hormone replacement and tolerated pretty well. My doc wants me to switch to lo loestergen fe due to overian cysts endometriosis. Is this pill really that different to not cause those previous symptoms? How long has it been in the Marget? ## Hello, Dee! How are you? This one has been available for many years, but as listed by the FDA, it may still cause those same side effects. The only way to find out is by actually trying it to see how it affects you. Some women do quite well with it and some don't. Other wise effects may possibly include irritability, breakthrough bleeding and PMS-like symptoms. However, many women get great result...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I've had the bc implant Nexplanon for 2 months now and my period had been on for 6 weeks out of those two months. Recently my Gyno prescribed me a two month supply of Lo Loestrin Fe to control my periods. Is it safe to be on two bc? ## Hello, Camille! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having. And yes, they can both be used, with your doctor's approval and often are used this way, to get irregular bleeding under control. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, weight gain and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Please help me I have been on my period for almost a year my dr keeps telling me it's my thyroid but won't do anything about it . . . I nev...

4 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I've been on lo loestrin for about 4 months. I got taken off today due to a weight gain of about 15 pounds, constantly feeling hungry, bloating, breakout, and many other side effects. I start a new pill on Sunday. Just wondering how long it will take to feel like my old self again! It sucks feeling like this! I'm ready to go back to my normal weight and fit into my clothes again! ## Hello, Taylor! How are you feeling? Has there been any improvement, yet? It's difficult to say, it may take another couple months for things to settle down and return to normal. However, the weight gain may not change, since that is a normal side effect of most oral contraceptives, as listed by the FDA. You may also experience nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and P...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

Hi. I just got my prescription of lo loestrin fe today and my period started a week ago (Thursday) and ended on Saturday. It is now the Thursday after my start day, to start today would I still take the very first blue pill in the package and will it change when my period starts? ## Hello, Mary! How are you? Yes, if you want to start today you can, but you'll need to use backup protection for the first 7 days, because it takes that long for it to become effective in your body. However, if your doctor approves, you can start at any time. And yes, again. Your period should occur the last week of pills, so it would be slightly later that usual. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, weight gain and ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I started Loestrin Fe three months ago, and a day or two before I was supposed to get my period (which maybe the reason my cycle is so messed up). I get my period in the middle of the pack, but nothing at all on the placebo pills. Is it still safe to have intercourse if this is the case? ## Hello Mars! How are you? Yes, when you have your period actually doesn't matter, as long as you don't miss any active tablets, then they will suppress ovulation and prevent pregnancy. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, weight gain and PMS-like symptoms. If you're concerned, please speak to your doctor. Is there anything else I can help with? ## I started lo loestren fe when I started my period. I have been bleeding for...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have never taken Lo Loestrin Fe. I am 42 yrs. old and I have just been diagnosed with PMDD and put on 10 mg of Prozac along with Lo Loestrin Fe. I have been on the Prozac now for 3 weeks and will be starting the Lo Loestrin Fe when my period starts, sometime this week. Does it matter if I take it before bed as I take the Prozac in the morning? Also, I have seen so many comments about weight gain and acne. Is there a good chance of this? If so, I am not so interested at my age to have these symptoms but desperate for the relief. Can you shed some light on this for me. Thank you! ## Hi Shannon, To my knowledge, it doesn't usually matter when you take the pill as long as it's taken around the same time every day/night. When it comes to birth control, there are lots of possible si...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have been taking this medication for only two weeks.. I have a history of depression but never like I feel right now.. I want to throw up all the time.. I have been bleeding since I started it.. Nervous and restless.. Irritable.. And tonight I'm questioning why I am alive.. Server depression-- this is not me ## Fluctuations in your hormones can cause the types of symptoms you've described, so this might not be the right one for you to take. Other possible side effects, as listed by the FDA, may include dizziness, headache, weight gain and irritability. Have you informed your prescriber? There are others available that you can try that have different dosages of the hormones, one of them may work better for you.

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I've been on Lo Loestrin Fe for almost 2 years. For the first year or so, I had some light periods, some were just skipped, but 4 months ago I started two weeks early, and bled for almost 3 weeks. Since then, I haven't had a period, even though I haven't missed a single pill. And this month, I've had really awful cramping for several days. I took a test and it was negative, so I'm not pregnant. Plus I've suddenly gained 15 pounds, even though I work out 3x/week and watch what I eat. I don't know if the pill is making me gain weight and have these symptoms or what. Should I be concerned? ## Hi Jaci, From what I could gather, the symptoms you're describing are all listed as common side effects for most oral contraceptives. So in my honest opinion, I don...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have been taking lo loestrin fe for about 5 months now. Last week I took one blue pill about 4-5 hours late but every other pill was right on time. Now a week later I had cramps and constant brown / light pink discharge. What is going on? I'm concerned something may be wrong. ## Hello, Hem! How are you? Unless your doctor thinks there is reason to be concerned, there's most likely nothing to worry about. That can happen, when taking oral contraceptives, especially if you took a pill late. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include headache, dizziness, weight gain, irritability and PMS-like symptoms. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I am 39 and Have been on loEstrin 24 Fe for many years to now find out that it's no longer being made and was being switched to Minastrin 24 Fe. After being on this pill almost 3 wks, I have been an emotional hot mess , I cry for no reason at all , have gained weight , have had massive headaches, my boobs feel a lot fuller and bigger , stomach tenderness and cramping. Trying to figure out what to have my doctor switch me to ... Help lol ## Hello, Funmomof2! How are you doing? I'm so sorry about the problems you're having. It sounds like your just getting a bad hormonal balance from the Minastrin, from the symptoms you list, it's most likely too much estrogen. Your should be able to suggest one you can switch to that has a lower amount of it and will be closer to the LoEs...

4 REPLIES Filed under Loestrin 24 Fe

I have been on lo loestrin fe for 4 months and gained almost 30lbs. So I decided to stop taking it. I just stopped taking it for 4 weeks now. My fiancé and i are intimate and i know there's always a chance of getting pregnant when you have intercourse. But what are the chances of me being pregnant now? My breast are sore. Im still putting weight on. I want to eat all the time. I am moody. My fiancé thinks I'm pregnant but those are also side effects i read about others having. I am so confused. I took a pregnancy diagnostic last week and it was negative. I stopped taking the pill the first week in my new pack. I have a doctor's appt monday. But what are the odds? ## Have you had intercourse, without using some other form of protection, since you stopped taking it? ...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I had been on Lo Loestrin for a good amount of time maybe a year. While on the pill my period was very exact, if I ever stopped taking it I would get a heavy period right away. Note that I became very irresponsible with the pill as time passed, I would often forget and double up until caught up . I went about 2 months with no period while on the pill, and it's been about 1 month still no period after I stopped taking the pill. My partner and I rely on this as protection so no other protection has ever been used. Lately I've been experiencing symptoms such as very tender nipples, horrible cramps, weight gain, and fatigue, but still no period. I've taken 2 HPT one came back negative and the other sort of showed an invalid result as negative. I have no medical insurance therefo...

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I am on my 3rd pack/month. I am spotting/feeling very PMS during the second week and have been getting my period during the 3 week, well before the inative week. I am gaining weight. Since I have gotten my period I don't feel like there is any chance I am pregnant. Any help? ## Hello, Niki! How are you? I'm sorry about the issues you've been having. Irregular bleeding and PMS symptoms can be normal for the first 3 months, or so, while your body is getting used to the new hormonal balance from oral contraceptives. Things should settle down soon, unless your doctor feels there is reason for concern. If they continue, however, you may need to switch to a different OC, as these just might not be the right ones for you. The weight gain is also normal, most women gain about 10 pou...

2 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I just started the Lo Loestrin Fe pill for the first time today. I took it about 11:15 because I understood the directions wrong. I want to take the pill every night at 9pm. Do I just wait till 9pm tomorrow to take it? ## Hello, B! How are you? Yes, that should be fine, unless your doctor says otherwise. Generally, you have a 12 hour window, before it would even be considered a late tablet. The FDA lists the typical side effects of oral contraceptives as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, breakthrough bleeding and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I started this birth control on the Sunday after my period, with the first row of a brand new pack ... So will my period come if I take the brown and white pills next week? Isn't my period suppose to be on the 3rd blue row? I'm confused. I finished the 3rd blue row and it's like I have my period but it's dark dark brown ... What's going to happen when I take the brown and white ones next week .. Ahhh ## Hello, Kimmy! How are you? No, you will get your period the 4th week of the pack. The spotting that you're experiencing can be a normal side effect of taking oral contraceptives and usually takes about 3 months to wear off. You may also experience nausea, headache, irritability, weight gain and PMS like symptoms. If the bleeding continues, you may need to switch t...

5 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

Hi! I've been on Lo Loestrin for 8 or so months, and it's been fine. I've never missed a pill. I do skip the last 2 brown pills. I had my period as expected a week and a half ago...but today I just started bleeding again! I thought spotting was supposed to happen in only the first 3 months. Any insights / should I be worried? I 100% do not want to be pregnant! ## Spotting can really occur any time, because your natural hormone levels still fluctuate and then the oral contraceptives also have an effect. Unless your doctor feels there's reason to be concerned, then it's not usually anything to worry about. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and weight gain. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Okay. Any time...

3 REPLIES Filed under Lo Loestrin Fe

I have been on loestrin 24fe for about 8 years now. I loved it. No period and no problems with weight gain. Now that I have had to switch I am moody and gaining weight. This is problem because I am in fitness. All the exercise is not helping the moodiness or weight. I don't like this pill at all!! ## Hi Ale, Sorry to hear about your problems with minastrin. Both medications are said to contain the same active ingredients (norethindrone acetate + ethinyl estradiol + ferrous fumarate), so I'm thinking any noticeable differences (that may be having a negative effect) could probably be found in the list of "inactive ingredients" - otherwise known as binders/fillers. However, in cases like this it may be a good idea to speak with your doctor or gynecologist about having your ...

1 REPLY Filed under Minastrin 24 Fe

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