Is Montelukast An Antihistamine
14 Topics Foundwhat actually this medicine is?? for which purpose it is prescribed?? ## Levocetirizine is an antihistamine, side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache. Montelukast is used to treat asthma and allergies. The side effects are, therefore, very similar. DO you have any other questions?
Sir, I have been taking Montelukast Sodium and levoctrizine dihydro chloride since few months as I feel relieved from allergy which used to cause cold and caugh.Although I feel fine now and want to quit this tablet now .Please suggest me on how to quit .I feel drowsiness which is having negative effect on my work .Please help me . ## This medication is not habit forming, so you don't need to taper off of it, or anything. However, stopping abruptly may cause some rebound sinus congestion, as reported by the U.S. FDA, but that should go away within a week, or so. Drowsiness can be a normal side effect of antihistamines, sometimes it gets so severe you can't stay awake to do anything. Are you on any other medications?
I am using Levocetrizine + Montelukast for Dermatographic urticaria for last 2 days 1 dose in evening after food. Usage of this medicine is leading to cough symptoms . Last time i have taken Levocetrizine treatment for 14days after completion i suffered with respiratory infection and had to take antibiotic threapy Why it is leading to cough symptoms and should i continue the treatment for 30days as suggested by my Doctor. Kindly suggest ## Hi, Viju! Sorry about the problems that you're having. Antihistamines can cause dryness of your mouth, throat and nose, so that could be what's causing the coughing. Learn more Levocetirizine details here. Have you consulted your doctor about it? There may be an alternative medication you can take, or some solution for the coughing.
my mother taking montelucast and levocetrizine since last three months can you give me any harmful side effects it may create ## Is she taking them on a doctor's advice? There can be risks associated with the long term use of any medication, but there is no way to say what effect they may have on any given person and 3 months is not generally considered a long period of time. This medication is an antihistamine that's commonly used to treat allergies and the regular side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and appetite changes. Learn more:
I'm looking for general information on Lekast (Montelukast + Levocetrizine dihydrochloride) tablets. ## Montelukast with Levocetirizine is a combination antihistamine medication used to treat allergies. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and dry throat. ## I sneeze everyday continuously at regular intervals, i have been prescribed with montelukast and levocetirizine dihydrochloride tablets, after taking them i don't sneeze, but when I'm off the medicine my sneezing returns, is it advisable to continue this medicine or should i try something else? ## Hi Divya, Even I have in past developed this dependency on Lekast. At that time, I lived in Delhi and I had acute allergy from dust, pollution, and changing weather. I consulted a Homeopathy doctor (Dr...
is this medicine a steroid or not? If yes then what are its immediate side effects and long term side effects? ## Based on my research, neither medication found in MONTAIR-LC are depicted as steroids. Montelukast is reportedly in a class of medications called leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs). It works by blocking the action of substances in the body that cause the symptoms of asthma and allergic rhinitis. Levocetirizine is in a class of medications called antihistamines. These types of medications work by blocking the action of histamine, a substance in the body that causes allergic symptoms. It's also important to note that all medications carry the risk of side effects. So by taking this, you should understand that there are risks involved, even if you don't end up exp...
I am having alergy to dust and spices and I keep sneezing and lot of irritation in the nose all the time. So doctor advised me to take this. Buit I am worried whether it is steroid? ## No, Lazine-M contains Levocetirizine and Montelukast, it is an antihistamine that is used to treat allergies and respiratory disorders. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness and dry mouth. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with? ## Taking Lazine-M for long long time will affect my health? I have to take on tablet day otherwise I sneeze and my nose iritation starts again.I am taking this tablet from more than six month. ## Nirmala, have you consulted a doctor? While many people do use these medications on a long-term basis, most of them, such as Levocetirizine have not been studied in peo...
is alnix 10 mg. safe for pregnant women? what about Montelukast? ## Alnix contains the active ingredient Cetirizine, it is an antihistamine, most commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. A small, controlled group of tests did not show it to cause harm, when used during pregnancy, but large scale studies have not been done. Thus, you should consult with your doctor about using it. Montelukast, which is used to treat similar problems, is known to cross the placenta, during pregnancy, but whether or not it is harmful to the baby is not yet known. What has your doctor advised? ## if the mother take alnix at finix medicine its be safe if she continue breastfeed ## I am 8 months pregnant .i got an allergy and my OB told me to take alnix .. It is safe for a pregnant women .??like me to take th...
XYZAL M LEVOCETIRIZINE MONTELUKAST LABEL ## alergic cold ## Yes, that is correct. Levocetirizine is an antihistamine and Montelukast is a Leukotriene receptor agonist, this combination is most commonly used to treat allergies and allergy induced asthma. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and dizziness. Read more: Are there any comments or questions?
Mont air- LC RX Montelukast Sodium & Levocetirizine Hydrochloride tablet. ## This is an antihistamine, which is commonly used to treat allergy symptoms. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, appetite changes and dry mouth. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## I m taking seroflo 250rota inhaler 1-2times asthma increase during anxiety. I was prescribed montaire lc ,lost d prescription.How many times in a day should I take ,with food ,or without. ## 1 tab after meal Bed time ## My wife aged 36 years taking MONTAIL LC while getting running nose cold & breathing problem, is this affect her health condition also her pregnancy?(She is Thyroid patient & SERFLO user). we got married before 1 year only. ## I am feeling pain in uper parts of digestive tube.d...
is it safe to take kastair (before bedtime) and alnix plus syrup (2x a day) for months for children 7 years old? my sons pedia gave it to him......How long can he safely take it? Thanks! ## Kastair contains the active ingredient Montelukast, which is used to treat allergy symptoms. It is recommended for children as young as 6 months old. Alnix Plus contains the active ingredient Cetirizine, it is an antihistamine that is used to treat allergies. It is also approved for use in children. Since this are both used to treat allergies and are similar medications, the side effects are similar, they can both cause: nausea, drowsiness and dry mouth. Learn more: As to how long he should take it, many people with allergies have to take these types of medications for most of their lives. If you...
i use monticope when the cold came regularly .is ther any problem for using this tablet as regular ## Monticope contains Montelukast and Levocetirizine. These are both used to treat the symptoms of colds and allergies. I would suggest only using it when needed, rather than making it a regular daily regime, if thats what you mean? Side effects of Montelukast include gastrointestinal disturbances, hypersensitivity reactions, sleep disorders and increased bleeding tendency, aside from many other generic adverse reactions. Levocetirizine is called a non-sedating antihistamine as it does not enter the brain in significant amounts, and is therefore unlikely to cause drowsiness. However, some people may experience some slight sleepiness, headache, mouth dryness, lightheadedness, vision problem...
I am geting some sounds frequently in the right ear. Dr.prescribed folloring medicines for the ear problem. L Montus tablets, Cognix Plus and Verteze-8. Kindly inform the useage & side effects. ## Levocetirizine is an antihistamine, side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache. Montelukast is used to treat asthma and allergies. The side effects are, therefore, very similar. Cognix Plus is commonly used to treat ringing in the ears and tinnitus. I cannot, however, find any more information on what it contains. I am also not finding anything listed under the name Verteze. Can you tell me what country these are from? That may help me narrow it down. ## I take L-Montus For Cold some times not regularly Please tell me its side effect ## my son was prescribed monte...
i had bad breath problem for last 3 weeks. The odor originates from my throat and sinuses. Dr gave me moxikind cv 625 + monticope + solvin cold + on e antacid capsule. Is the medicine OK for my problem. ## In most cases, when a problem like this is centered on the sinuses and throat, it is because of some type of infection, be it tonsilitis, strep throat or a sinus infection. What your doctor has given you should help, if that is indeed what is causing the problem. Moxikind-CV contains Amoxicillin with Clavulanic Acid, which is an antibiotic used to treat many different types of infections. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, skin rash and diarrhea. Learn more: Monticope contains Levocetirizine and Montelukast, this is an antihistamine commonly used to help with aller...