I Need A Doctor That Will Prescribe Me Xanax

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Live in Missouri I have anxiety depression And PTSD I have ran out of my Xanax and can not find a doctor who will prescribe them ## What is Anxiety Depression? Chances are if you claim that you will wind up with anti depression medication. Running out of Xanax can be serious although no one here can provide the name of a doctor for you. Try the Internet for local providers.

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

I am currently taking 1mg xanax and am wondering if I could get it increased to 2mg ## That would be a 100% increase in the amount of medicine your Doctor is prescribing and most doubtful ## Hi Diamond, In my opinion, it would safer to gradually work your way up to 2mg instead of. Why do you want to up the dosage so much? Have you considered any natural alternatives? Here's a link to some herbal alternatives to Xanax that you can ask your doctor about if you'd like: livestrong.com/article/115874-herbal-alternatives-xanax/ I hope this helps! ## Diamond how long have you been taking this dose? it s really unlikely, and not good for you to increase unless you were traumatized, or were having increased anxiety for example: not coping with a death well ,loss of marriage, worsening ni...

5 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I am in the process of looking for a new doctor. I get xanax prescribed for my anxiety and post traumatic stress. Please help me find a doctor that will continue. I hate change and this is making me more anxious. ## Nobody knows where "near you" means, and even then no one can really help as this is something you will need to do on your own ## Oh I didn't know I thought I Googled it and phone phone would give me doctors in my area. I didn't know random ppl was gonna respond, but I feel you and thanks ## Well we didn't say we don't want to help. If you can let us know where you are looking perhaps the RxChat.com community can assist? I need to get a Smartphone although I have had no problem obtaining Xanax, just reading small monitors. I'd much rather have t...

6 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

So I'm diagnosed with multiple mental health issues. My problem is that I KNOW what meds will work to stabilize me... yet a lot of doctors want to play guinea pig with me and test out tons of meds but won't give me meds in the meantime so that I won't have to suffer while they're testing all these new meds. Any doctors in either MA or NH that will prescribe for ADHD in adults and also prescribe benzos? Please help! ## I suffer from anxiety.i was prescribe Xanax stopped r now looking for a doctor that that would help me

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

I just moved to Houston and have suffered from severe anxiety for the past ten plus years and really need to find a psychiatrist or doctor that is willing to prescribe Xanax. I'm up ALL night fighting constant anxiety attacks and it's an impossible daily struggle to get through my work day without having to stop whatever I might be doing to fend off an attack. I can't afford to lose my job and I just don't know what else to do. I refuse to buy the stuff off the sheet because I can't afford to get in trouble..... Please, any help with a doctor in Houston that will prescribe Xanax would very gratefully appreciated. ## Due to the new regulations that went into effect at the beginning of the year, if you require it for long-term treatment, you will most likely need to se...

60 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Does anyone know of a doctor that prescribes Xanax in Florence, SC? I take the 0.5 mg dose and my doctor moved to Ohio!! Any help would be very much appreciated!! ## I am currently looking for a doctor that prescribes and acts in Marietta Georgia or Richmond Kentucky....with this said the reason I'm asking is because I have panic attacks, I can't be in large crowds of people, sleep disorders, unmanageable amount of stress, depression, anxiety and not to mention, shaking all of the time!!!! ## Due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, both of you will need to see a specialist, if you require such a medication on a long-term ongoing basis. Do either of you have a PCP that may be able to refer you to someone? Can anyone recommend good doctors in these areas? This...

17 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I've had anxiety and bad panic disorder now for 15 yrs. I was taking 2mg 4 times daily Got new primary dr. He don't believe in xanax. He gave me a few to see how they work. Go back in first of aug. I need a Dr that understand my dilemma. Please refer me to someone that can help. Thank you ## Even the patent holder of Xanax do not suggest 8 mg a day. When you're cut off, (and you will be) you are a prime candidate for withdrawal including a stroke ## I am sorry, Jon! I do not have a list of doctors there to refer you to, I live on the west coast. 8mgs a day is not a commonly prescribed dosage, as Eddy has already stated, but doctors do have to adjust most dosages according to how the person responds to any given medication. The FDA warns that this one carries the risk of bein...

13 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

having hard time obtaining xanax,more than 60 1 mg in nj,was receiving 2 mg 3 times a day from my pain management dr,who no longer writes benzos.primary only giving 60 1 mg,have to go to office every month for script,among other meds for hypertension that devoloped over a year ago. been thru traumatic injury,and sudden death of my significant other from a car accident.going to a pyschiatrist on wed.,what should i say to obtain 90 1 mg,i live in n.j.? ## Why not try to obtain the 2 mg pills. This way you get more while asking for less? ## What part of NJ are u from and what insurance if any

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Need a name and number of a doc asap. I moved here and have been off my meds for while and all these places say it can take 3 months to see the doc to get my meds and they probably will not give me xanax anyways. Which I have been on since 17 now 33. I have been on disability since 17 due to severe anxiety and bi polar disorder. Really needed a doc and number asap. Please help. Ty. I'm a single mom of two young boys and about to take in two more young children, but I will be unable to with my anxiety. It is hard enough to get out of bed and function and be around people at this point... please please please if u have a doc or know one that actually prescribes them please help me. ## Mama, I know this is kind of an older post but I was wondering if you ever found a dr to prescribe yo...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I was on a few years ago and help me amazing with my anxiety but my doctor retired and now the doctors are replaced it won't refill them for me and I have no idea what to do. I live in Missouri. Can anyone help me out...... ## Kat, if you are clean off Xanax for some time now it is best not to start back with them. These days they are much harder to obtain and can be highly addictive. I wish I never saw one 30 years ago ## I'm in orange county new York near Middletown if anyone can help me find a doctor that will help me with my anxiety and be able to start me back on Xanax I would appreciate it got an appointment today with a psyciatric nurse practitioner but I don't know what's going to happen have alot going on in my life right now and I've always had panic attack...

6 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have bad anxiety and I have been getting Xanax for 13 years my doctor is using substitute mess now for the place of Xanax it doesn't help me I want what helps me and its my xanaxs ## Its a new day with controlled medicine. When I first joined here and read the BS about all the new rules and regulations I thought it wasn't true, its true! ## Georgia is much more controlled than most states The doctors are so scared of losing their license seriously that doctors I’ve been with for 15 years or so for pain and sleeplessness and anxiety and narcolepsy they had taking me off of the drugs I’ve been taking for years without titration that can cause heart attacks strokes Not only is it dangerous but it’s 100% against their Hippocratic oath it really is a mess the gove...

7 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have been taking 2 mg xanax 3 times a day for 7 years and I cannot find a doctor that will prescribe them to me anymore. I do not have any medical records as I don't have insurance. Can someone PLEASEEEEE help me find a doctor who will understand this circumstance? I need to get more xanax and cannot find any doctors! ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED! ## You have been on it for 7 years and have no medical records. 6 mg a day with no Insurance? Good luck to you! ## I don't know about a doctor in OC but I know where you can get help not far south in San Diego. Email me {edited for privacy} ## I would definitely email you but this website blocks out email addresses? Text me? {edited for privacy} ## Hey thank you so much for helping me out I really appreciate it! I can't ...

36 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Hi I'm moving from South Florida to Phoenix and I need to find a doctor that will prescribe me my Xanax I'm currently taking 2mg 3x a day. Can anyone refer me to a doctor in Phoenix or direct me I would highly appreciate it i've been on Xanax for over five years and my anxiety is really high even thinking about how to find a doctor that will prescribe me my Xanax any advice, referring me to a doctor would really help! thank you. ## I find the anxiety of taking Xanax, being a slave to the drug can add anxiety to one's life. The hardest thing about Xanax aside from it being Toxic is finding a Doctor to prescribe it ## I see a post from you stating that it wasn't hard for you to find a doctor in Phoenix and you even referred someone to a doctor in Laughlin for $75 can y...

24 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Ive had many head injuries any high anxiety and seizures Ive been on xanax for twenty years. I need a doctor the will help me with this, ## Hello, Dave! How are you doing? I'm sorry about your medical issues. To get proper treatment for this, you'll most likely have to see a neurologist, due to the new directives set forth by the DEA last year, most general practitioners are going to be reluctant to prescribe such a medication and treat such issues. The FDA classifies Xanax as a benzodiazepine that's most commonly used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. It carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability. Do you currently have a PCP that could refer you to someone? If so, that might be the quickes...

1 REPLY Filed under Xanax

Doctors in Atlanta that prescribe Xanax? No insurance. ## Hii did you have any luck with doctors in Atlanta? ## I'm looking for a new psychiatrist in the Atlanta GA area to prescribe Xanax for my severe anxiety/panic disorder. ## {removed for policy reasons} ## Hi. I was hoping I could get the name of the doctor who prescribes Xanax in Atlanta? Thanks. ## Hey, can you plz share with me that info of the doctor in atlanta? ## Can someone give me the name of the doctor?! I have suffered from GAD for 8 years and need a Xanax script. My doctor won’t give more than 0.5 and does nothing ## Can you share his name or where location is? How many pills to you get prescribed? I'm tired of paying $150 each month to get my 1mg at a psych doc. You can email me at {edited for privacy} ## ...

104 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Looking for a doctor in Phoenix that prescribes Alprazolam / Xanax I've been on the medication for quite a few years for my panic attacks and anxiety my doctor prescribes me 2 milligrams twice a day and I'm new to this town and I don't know how I can find a doctor to prescribe me my medications any referrals would help! Thank you and God bless! ## Love, As I'm sure your aware this benzodiazepine class medication has garnered major negative publicity over the years and finding a prescriber for a new resident/ patient can be challenging at best. Some have found positive results by contacting social services at a local hospital ,they can often recommend providers that can assist you. Best wishes, Kenie ## Were you ever able to find a doctor who will prescribe 2 mg bars?

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I have really bad anxiety. I can't focus on anything. I get real shaky and jittery and agitated and I also can't sleep because my mind is constantly racing on 50 different things all day and all night but I can't get a doctor to prescribe me Xanax. Please help me find a doctor close to new castle indiana. ## I have really bad anxiety I can't focus on anything I get real shaky and jittery and agitated I also can't sleep because my mind constantly racing 50 different things all day all night I start one thing and don't finish it and I can't find a doctor close to you Castle Indiana or even Inn in New Castle Indiana to prescribe me xanax I really need some advice and sometimes I feel like an elephant sits on my chest and I can't breathe and I didn't care...

2 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Please give me a list of doctors that will prescribe me xanax? I have bad anxiety. ## You'll get better responses if you were a little more specific, since we do have users on the site from many different countries. Where are you located? There are also no guarantees that any doctor you go to will prescribe the medication you want them to. That is entirely up to them and dependent upon their diagnosis. ## Does anyone know any doctors in Las Vegas, NV that will prescribe me Xanax???? ## i desperately need a dr to presribe me xanax in new york city..ive recently moved here and am out of what i brought with me..i have insurance but dont need to use iit...i keep hearing anout chinatown but theres so many any help would be appreciated ## I live in the Philadelphia and Delaware County are...

752 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

I was prescribed Xanax in 1992. Five months ago my new PCP changed to Klonopin which is not working. I need help finding a doctor to put me back on my Xanax near Midwest city, OK. ## Why isn't the Klonopin working? I have only taken two of them in my life and they seemed to work. I still have 178 of them! ## They should work great. Xanax n kpins always worked the best for me. Maybe just try them a bit more. I wish I had that many on hand ## I would do anything to get off Xanax. No reason to go back to it if you withdrew successfully. ## I have moved and am trying to find a new doctor to continue my treatment. I was put on 200 mg Zoloft a day, 4 x 2 mg Alprozolam a day, 10 mg of Abilify a day, and 2 x 150 mg Trazodone a night at 16 years old. I am 35. I did not realize it would be th...

12 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

Looking for a doctor to prescribe Xanax in macomb county area but i am willing to travel. I do need the meds i have panic attacks and have had seizures. Please help. ## Urgent Care 14 And Schoenherr in Sterling Heights, MI - I get xanax prescribed to me from there by a good dr. Dr yim is my favorite. I would recommend him. ## Hi, where is this office located and what kind of insurance do they take? ## GG, based on what "K" posted, I think they are referring to Sterling Medical Center located at the intersection of 14 Mile Rd and Schoenherr Rd. Sterling Medical Center 13409 E 14 Mile Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (586) 977-3900 sterlingmedicalcenter.org Hope this helps! ## I need to schedule an appointment. ## I'm having anxiety attacks horribly. The government is becoming c...

14 REPLIES Filed under Xanax

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