How To Use Dinintel Weight Loss Pill

38 Topics Found

I've taken Asenlix before (a long time ago), but now it is illegal to get in the U.S. I've read online that Dinintel is the same as Asenlix. I've taken Phentermine before (which is available by prescription in the US), but it did not work as well as Asenlix. I am curious to find out more about Dinintel and if it's legal to obtain Dinintel in the US? I would really like to try it out for a couple of months to help with the last of this baby fat I'm carrying around. Any info would be helpful! P.S. With Phentermine, I experienced a lot of headaches late in the day as well as insomnia. With Asenlix, my side effects were positive ones: more energy, more focus. This is why Asenlix worked better for me than Phentermine. ## Hi, Jennifer! Yes, both Asenlix and Dinintel contai...

3 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

From which country can I order dinintel weight loss pills? Is it available over-the-counter? ## I'm sorry, but I am not sure who offers it for sale. Dinintel contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, which is a stimulant used to appetite suppression to aid in weight loss. Since it is a stimulant, it can be associated with some dangerous side effects, such as elevated heart rate, pulse rate and blood pressure, so it shouldn't be used without a doctor's approval and supervision. In addition, importing it would be considered illegal, under most circumstances. Are there any other questions or comments? ## i am 225lbs and 5ft 2 inches tall. I need to lose weight fast. I am not a great food eater and I also have high blood pressure. Is dinintel really for me? I need to lose 20lb...

4 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

Hi, just asking if they banned this pill from Trinidad cause it is so hard to find? If not how can I get some over the counter? ## Hi...I have used Dinintel before and it worked great for my weight loss..but can't get it right now. Do you have any information on its availability? ## HI I JUST PURCHASED A BOTTLE OVER THE COUNTER BUT IN TOBAGO.....DOESNT SEEM SO HARD TO GET....ITS JUST COSTLY ## Hello, it is now available at a few pharmacies. Check out Med Smart Pharmacy, San Fernando. ## Hi I have used Dinitell in the pass and it worked wonders but I am not getting it in any pharmacy in the east....anyone can help me in acquiring this pill....thanks in advance ## I myself am not getting this pill i just tried 2 pharmacies that has them but n 30mg though! ## Hi I was wondering the din...

27 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

Dinintel weight loss pills. Where i can get it? ## Hi Maria, According to wikipedia, Dinintel (Clobenzorex) is legally distributed in Mexico by a company called Aventis. Apparently over there, it goes by the trade name Asenlix. Someone in another thread here had also mentioned that you can easily get Dinintel in Montego, Jamaica at a placed called J&J pharmacy. But because I live here in the US, I'm not completely aware of its availability in many other countries. However you can always contact a local doctor or pharmacy for more specific details on where to obtain it or perhaps find something similar. I hope this helps! ## Thank you very much for your help. ## I'm in Canada bc. Where can I get dinintel here?

3 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

Hi, I have been taking dinintel for two weeks. The first week was showing me results. Every two days I would lose 1lb and that was without exercise. I then decided to take 1 table per day because my pills were running out. I guess i made a mistake changing the dosage because ever since i did that i havent lost not 1lb. I then decided to join the gym which i started on thur for an hour workout. I stopped taking the tablets n will begin the new week to c if there will be any changes. I was 173lbs, im now 165. I want to go down at least to 145-150lbs. ## Have they stopped making Dinintel?? I am dying here need the pill so bad.. I was taking them and I lost 20lbs in 2 months now that i am unable to get them I've gained all and more.. Where and how can i get them ## Hi..once u stop takin...

9 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

I just start taking dinintel. How soon will I see results? Is it safe to use? ## i need to find dinintel can anyone tell me where i can get it. ## You can get it in montego Jamaica at J&J pharmacy ## hi cryssy. How's the Dinintel working for you? I have started but after 7 days I still feel hungry. ..very hungry. started with one in the morning and one around midday. Today I upped the dosage to 2 both times and still feeling hungry. I worked out also. ## olá sou do algarve e queria saber onde posso comprar dinitel. obrigado. ## @Crissyk, From my experience with weight management, results based on your own individual goals and expectations for weight loss can vary greatly depending on how dedicated you are to your daily diet and exercise habits. However I believe that once y...

13 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

I am portuguese, 61 years old, and I have been taking dinintel, since I was 40. I reached tha weight I needed and everything, fortunately, went very well. Since it stopped being available, I gained some weight, and really this makes me feel very unhappy. Can you inform me if I can still obtain these pills??? Thank you, for your reply. ## Hi, Emilia! From what I'm finding, it's not listed as being currently available in Portugal. I'm sorry! Have you consulted your doctor regarding your options? What else have you tried for weight loss? The best and safest way to do it is through a proper, healthy diet and exercise. It really isn't good to rely on a medication to do it, since they carry the risk of causing side effects. Are you female, so being 61 means your menopausal? Th...

1 REPLY Filed under Dinintel

I tried dinintel before its very effective. I want to buy them again. I wanted to know where can i buy them over the counter? ## which country still has dinintel over the counter? ## is Dinintal available in South Africa or under another name, or generic?? ## Dinintel contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is a stimulant used as an appetite suppressant to help aid in weight loss. As to purchasing it, I think it really depends on what country are you in. In the U.S. it is available by prescription only, but I am not certain about other countries. It should only be used under a doctor's supervision, because it can cause serious side effects, such as nausea, dizziness and anorexia. You can learn more about this drug on the page for Dinintel Details I hope this info helps! ## I ...

37 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

What are the side effects ## how to take dinintel? ## wel i am taking dinitel an i am getting a heart raceoff feeling restless an i am also taking mothforim 2 help me get pregent. d reason i am useing dinitel is 2 lose some weight so dat it would not cause any problem, an could get an egg proudce cus i hav sis in my overy so my doctor told me dat i hav 2 lose my weight. i went 2 know how i am taking dinitel an methforim wel it cause an problem ## I am about 5:4 height and 180 pounds would like to know how to take dinintel to lose the weight and how fast it works ## Dinintel is listed as containing the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is most commonly used to aid in weight loss. If your doctor has prescribed it for you, you should take it according to the instructions they've provid...

4 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

What are the most common side effects of Dinintel? I also want to know if the drug is indeed as good as they say it is? ## Dinintel contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is a stimulant that is used as a appetite suppressant to aid in weight loss. As to its effectiveness, just like any other drug, there are people that get great results from using it, but there are other people that it doesn't work for. The only way to know if something will help you is to try it and see. It can cause side effects, such as: nausea, insomnia, headache and elevated heart rate and blood pressure. Are there any other questions or comments? ## Yes it is extremely effective for wight loss. Your appetite becomes almost non existent and food cravings disappear. Additionally, it gives you a huge ener...

42 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

can u take dinintal and smoke,drink(alc) if not plese let me know my friend told me that it is a good diet pill to take and u can loose size fast is it so? ## does anyone take dinintal?that can help me ## can u take dinintal and smoke,drink(alc) if not plese let me know my friend told me that it is a good diet pill to take and u can loose size fast is it so? ## Dinintel contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is a stimulant drug, similar to amphetamines, that is used to help aid in weight loss, in addition to eating a healthy diet and exercising. Since it is a stimulant, mixing it with other stimulants, such as the nicotine in cigarettes or caffeine in coffee, can be dangerous and result in elevated heart rate, pulse and blood pressure. Drinking alcohol is not recommended, becaus...

7 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

I like to know what the price is from Dinintel 30 mg (Clobenzorex) and how many pills are in it? Does it need a prescription too or is it over the counter? Regards Bea ## I like to start taking Dinintel 30 mg (Clobenzore) with my diet. ## How to order Dinintel? tell me what to do. Do I need a prescription? There is nothing better than this weight loss pill.

2 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

is it true that dinintel affect your liver & kidney and could cost extreme mental problem ## Does dinintel cause any mental problems? ## From what I was able to gather Dinintel can cause severe palpitation of the heart, nervousness, depression, irritability, impossibility to eat or sleep, acceleration of speech & mental activity. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or informaiton to add? Please post back if you do. ## is dinintel really good for u ## HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO LOSE 50LBS WITH DINITEL ## Dinintel is a stimulant drug of the phenethylamine and amphetamine chemical classes used as an appetite suppressant. Everyone is different and everyone's body reacts differently to weight loss pills.

5 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

have been trying to find asenlix with no luck. I have taken it in the past and it really works. Does anyone know where/how i can get it over the counter? ## Asenlix, commonly sold in the U.S. under the brand name DInintel, contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, it is a stimulant used to help with weight loss. Side effects can include: nausea, dizziness, anorexia and thirst. What country are you in? In the U.S. is it available only be prescription. ## it works very well give me lots energy and not hungry at all. ## Hi i used asenlix 6 years ago it was a great weightloos drug, not hungry not jittery, need to drop 20 pounds put on following the death of my mother, i am having a problem to find a trusted source i see in your comments you may have a place where i can buy, probably only ...

20 REPLIES Filed under Asenlix

I live in canada and I would like to know about the availability of this medicine. Can anybody help? Thank you. ## Dinintel is a good weight loss pill. I tried it before but I cannot find it, even on any posts. ## Where can I buy Dinintel? My sister is in Portugal and she had Dinintel years ago! But I am in Germany... ## Where in the USA can I fill a prescription for Dinnintel or Asenlix 30mg? ## Does anyone know about the current availability of Dinintel pills? They worked perfectly for me. ## Ola tudo bem? você sempre arranjou o dinintel? Sabe eu tambem preciso . Obrigada


I would like to know if dinintel 30mg is safe to take since I have asthma and what are the side effects to look out for? ## Hello, Max! How are you? Dinintel is listed by the FDA as containing the active ingredient Clobenzorex. The FDA classifies it as a stimulant that is used to aid in weight loss. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, nervousness, mood swings, anorexia and insomnia. It is not available in the U.S. and should never be used, without your doctor's approval. These stimulants create the risk of dangerous side effects, such as elevated blood pressure and heart rate, which in some cases have been fatal. Is there anything else I can help with? ## quanto custa uma caixa de dinintel grande ? quanto custa ? e modo de pagamen...

3 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

i woluld like to know if dinintel really works and the side effects of it ## I have taken it and if you ask me It doesn't work. the Dr. told me that it was not the best on the flip side it is very cheap and makes you want to have a bigger fluid intake but other then that no good. ## Dinintel contains the active ingredient Clobenzorex, which is a stimulant medication used to reduce appetite and aid in weight loss. As with any medication, it works for some people, but there are always people who don't see any results from it. It can cause side effects, such as: nausea, insomnia, headache and elevated blood pressure. Learn more: Are there any other questions? ## I took dinintel after I had my daughter 7 years ago and I can tell you that it really does work. It cuts the appetite com...

7 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

Hi, I've used dinintel during my weight loss program. I dieted and exercised but without dinintel to help me fight the hunger cravings, believe me I have not been successful. However I am now very fat again after giving birth to my daughter and under going a major surgery. Now I'm ready to take up the challenge of weight loss again, but only to realize dinintel has been taken off the market here. I don't know if this is being done worldwide or only here in a Jamaica?

Filed under Dinintel

I just want to know the side effects of dinintel 30mg. I'm taking it because I want to lose 40lb by july. ## From what I could gather on this drug, Dinintel (Clobenzorex) has been banned in many countries due to it's potentially dangerous side effects and abuse in the sports world. "It can reduce fatigue and increase attention providing athletes with an unfair advantage. Yet these “benefits†are not without their negative side effects. Clobenzorex may be partly to blame for at least one athlete’s death." "As far as its weight loss benefits, this potent product may provide some substantive appetite control. Yet, in view of the negative side effects of this substance it is hard to be excited about any of its benefits. Cl...

15 REPLIES Filed under Dinintel

I WANT TO TRY THIS WEIGHT LOSS DRUG, BUT I NEED TO GET MORE INFORMATION DESPERATELY. ## I want to lose 10 pounds fast. Will this medication help? ## The active ingredient in this medication is Clobenzorex, a stimulant used as an anoretic. This is a Mexican drug. ## Must I exercise when taking this pill?

3 REPLIES Filed under Asenlix

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