Green And White Capsules With No Markings

29 Topics Found

Don't know what I found in my daughters room I'd like to know if she is on drugs ## Hello, Jon! How are you? If there are no markings on it, then it is most likely an over the counter product. All manufactured prescription medications are required to have imprints to enable their identification, in case of emergency. The only exception in the U.S. would be something that was specially ordered by a doctor and done by a speciality compounding pharmacy, but they usually use the cheapest clear capsules. There is also a small chance that it could be something from a foreign source, but if she doesn't have access to such, then it's likely nothing to worry about. I'll do some searching and post back, when I have information for you. Have you tried asking her about it? You...


Name of capsule: DiCod301 Contains: 15 mg hydrocodone bitartrate, Cyclizine HCl 25 mg., Benzyl benzoate 0.01% ## What exactly is this? Is this compounded hydrocodone? I'm not sure what DiCod301 and who manufactures it. Any info would be appreciated. ## These green and yellow capsules came from a company in South Afiica loose in a small heat sealed plastic bag. A printout was included saying DiCod301 including ingredience as stated and its uses A white and light brown powder was in the capsule. ## It is very hard to say with any certainty, since foreign medications are not regulated like those approved for use and sale in the US. I would assume they mean Dihydrocodeine, but wouldn't place any bets on it. ## Verwon, these are definitely hydrocodone bitartrate and not dihydrocodein...

11 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

I'm trying to find out what these pills are. There are no numbers or markings on the capsule ## Hello, Neal! How are you? I'm sorry, but without any markings, it is going to be difficult to determine what they contain with any certainty. We can rule them out as being a U.S. prescription product, since they are all require to have markings to enable their identification. Compounding pharmacies sometimes do specially ordered medications, but they use plain capsules, in most cases. That means that this is most likely and over the counter product, which leaves it open to many possibilities. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this capsule? ## I also have found a zip-loc bag with this type of pill. Green/White capsule conta...

3 REPLIES Filed under Gelatin

I was taking a blue pill...and my new script looks totally different. Scared to take it! Has anyone seen these? ## Look up the pill on the internet by the number on it. See if it is the same drug. Most likely it is made from a different company. That happens sometimes when pharmacies change drug providers. hope this helps. ## What are the markings on the capsule? If you can post back with this additional information, I will gladly research this for you. As Dj stated, however, this is normal, pharmacies do not always carry the same generic medication, depending on what company was offering the cheapest price, at the time they needed to restock their supply. Fluoxetine is an SSRI antidepressant, that is also used to treat anxiety, its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, he...

2 REPLIES Filed under Fluoxetine

Dark Green capsule w/no markings or identification, filled with white powder.... Can someone please lemme no what this is? ## If there are no markings, then it is going to be difficult to determine what this contains. We can, more than likely, rule it out as being a U.S. prescription medication, because all manufactured tablets and capsules are required to have markings to enable their identification. The only time someone may receive something that doesn't have a marking is if it was something specially ordered by a doctor, which was done by a compounding pharmacy. However, there is a much greater chance that this is an over the counter product. Was it found in the U.S. or elsewhere? ## Large Green capsul no markings sealed in plain silver wrapper also with no markings. I suspect n...


I GOT MEDADATE 60MG CAPSULES WITH LITTLE GREEN WHITE AND YELLOW BEADS INSIDE. I THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL WHITE IS THIS NORMAL? ## YES, JUST GOT THEM FILLED YESTERDAY... THE PHARMACIST SAID THEY ARE CHANGEING ALL THE ADD MEDS IT IS LIGIT FOR SURE ## I can't double check for you without knowing the markings on them, since that's what enables them to be positively identified. However, you shouldn't ever be afraid to contact your pharmacy and ask, if you're unsure, they are usually happy to help. Alternatively, feel free to post here and there are many great people that will be happy to help here, as well. Learn more Methylphenidate details here. Can you post back with the markings on them?

2 REPLIES Filed under Methylphenidate

I found a handful of dark green gel capsules with no markings, filled with tiny white beads. I'm assuming they are an OTC something-or-other but cannot identity them because they are in a plain ziplock baggie. ## Hello Youdontknowme, Unfortunately it's very difficult to identify pills of any kind without an imprint. In reality the only thing the pills are likely not is prescription medication as they are required by the FDA to be identifiable through their physical appearance which includes an imprint/marking. In addition to possibly being OTC they could also be things like dietary pills, vitamins, essential oils, candy, supplements etc. If you are willing to spend money you can have them analyzed at an establishment that is equipped to do so. These types of businesses can easil...


Round and no flat sides, (like its swollen in profile, if u no what I mean. light green pill 4mm wide, 8mm diameter, no markings, White inside. Supposed to be 5mg diazepam? Can't find anything. 15pills per chart, help please ## I found a light green pill in a blister pack with no markings. The pill is round and is speckled brown inside like a multivitamin. It is about two centimeters in diamiter. If anyone knows what it is id like help thanks ## Sounds like it could be a librium 10 mg a benzo, similar too valium but milder and has a lower half life, doesn't work as long. More commonly come in capsules. Used to treat anxiety and alcohol withdrawal. But with no markings very hard to tell could be anything.

2 REPLIES Filed under Diazepam

A friend (nurse) gave me amoxicillin I think... It was green on one side and white on the other with no writing or numbers on it. Was it really amoxicillin? ## Probably not, all manufactured prescription medications in the U.S. are required to have unique markings to enable their identification. The only exceptions would be for medications specially made by a compounding pharmacy, and they usually use clear, unmarked capsules. Markings are required under U.S. FDA law. There is a chance that it could be a foreign medication, but that is highly unlikely. Did she give you just one capsule, or several? ## Michelle, It is amoxicillin. I fill my prescriptions from Canada because of the sky high medical costs in the US. But Vern was correct, they do not have to place a number on the pill itsel...

3 REPLIES Filed under Amoxicillin

White, yellow, and I believe dark green, possibly brown capsule type pill. No markings. It is a solid pill, not one that can be broken open. Half is the green color and the other half is split yellow and white. ## Hi Carolyn, U.S. law requires that all prescription drugs have unique letters or numbers (sometimes in addition to a logo of some kind) imprinted on the tablets or capsules so the medication can be identified. Odds are that it could either be manufactured outside of the U.S. or that it is an over the counter medication, as OTC meds aren't required to be listed in the drug databases. If you're able to, I would consider taking the pill over to your local pharmacy and having it analyzed by their team to see if they can come up with anything. And as a last resort, you coul...


I let my uncle stay in a camper behind my house. when he moved out i found a clear and white pill with greenish powder on the inside and it has no markings. ## If there are no markings, it is most likely an over the counter product. All manufactured prescription medications in the U.S. are required to have imprints to enable their identification, in case of emergency. The only exception would be if it were something specially ordered by a doctor and made by a compounding pharmacy, since they typically use unmarked capsules, which are cheaper. I'll keep looking and post back, when I have information for you. Does anyone else recognize this? The green powder leads me to suspect that it is some type of supplement.


I found these pills mixed in with some Librium 10 mg capsules I have. The 10 mg capsules are half mint green, half dark green/black with RCDP and 10 imprinted on them. The capsules in question have a light green half and a white half with no imprint. These pills are from the UK. Looking online I found Librium 25 mg capsules matching these unknown ones I have but all those pictures show clear markings, these pills have no imprint at all. ## Hi Nate, Thanks for the thorough information. My guess is that the imprint wore off over time. There really is no way to identify a pill without an imprint, so if they look exactly like a different variety of the Librium, they could very well be just that. However, I would still consider taking the pills to a chemist and asking for their opinion. Lear...

1 REPLY Filed under Librium

Does Oxycodone come in capsules? ## Green and White capsule suppose to be a oxycodone 15mg. Has anyone ever heard of them? ## Yes I have seen those and 30 mg ones that are the same color. These capsules had no markings to speak of, did you find this to be true as well? ## And to clear this up, in the U.S. there is one dosage of Oxycodone available in a capsule and it is 5mgs, they all also have markings on them. The only other dosages of it that are available in the U.S. are in tablet form, the regular release and the time released Oxycontin. You can learn more Oxycodone details here. This medication is a narcotic, so it may be habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, dry mouth and constipation. Are there any questions or concerns?

3 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

I ordered 50mg Tramadol capsules from a website. The shipment came from Australia. They came in a white box with APOTEX on the outside. APO Tramadol 50mg was written on the outside. Inside were blister packs with unmarked green and yellow capsules. I have taken several and have had no pain relief. Just felt a little dizzy. Are these the real deal? ## Hello, Dawn! How are you? I'm sorry, but since they have no markings, I can't really say whether or not they are real. However, what I can tell you is that Apotex uses imprints on all of their medications, so I doubt that you actually received what you ordered. That is a hazard of ordering online like that, you just never know for sure what you might receive. This is a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming ...

3 REPLIES Filed under Tramadol

It's a capsule that's blue on one half, and green on the other half, and it's supposedly a 15 mg hydrocodone pill. But there's no markings on it at all. ## If there are no markings, it is going to be difficult to discover exactly what this contains. If it does contain 15mgs of Hydrocodone, then it has to have been something specially ordered by a doctor and compounded by a specialty pharmacy, since it is not an amount that is normally available. Where/How was it obtained? ## Are the hydrocodone 15/200 mg capsules stronger than the narco hydrocodone 10/325 ## From the dr. And they are blue and white made from a compounding shop Inc. In Houston Texas what you think they got no numbers on them

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydrocodone

No identifying #'s - black & white capules; light green and aqua blue capsules and black/white capsultes with white powder inside. Black and Red Capsule also. Can you help me identify them. My boyfriend is lifting weights - has used anabolic steroids in the past. He is overweight, is looking puffy and breathes very heavy with slightest activity. Also is constantly feeling overheated - needs air down to 60 degrees? I am worried he is taking a substance/s that can result in a heart attack. Need to intervene but need knowledge first. Can you tell me where I can get them identified if you are unable to help. ## Hello, Sue! How are you? If there are no markings, that makes it difficult to determine what they contain. However, I'll keep looking and post back, when I have informati...

1 REPLY Filed under Diet / Weight Loss

I found 2 red and clear capsules. Both with mostly dark brown and white beads and a few dark green beads inside. No imprint. Please help identify! ## I dound the same exact color capsule under my bed??!! Dows anyone know what they are? No markings just clear and red capsule with white brown and and a few dark green beads inside of it?? Help!?? ## Hello, Unfortunately pills/capsules that do not have an imprint or a marking is nearly impossible, especially online with no picture. The reason I say this is the FDA requires all controlled medication to have an imprint or a marking. Another reason this becomes so difficult to identify the pill is because empty capsules can be bought in bulk and filled with nearly anything that a person can fit in them. Even if we assumed that the capsule was ...


Light green capsule, no markings on. Packed in tin foil with chinese or japanese writing on the back. The foil is gold in colouring. The foil capsules are then in a plastic wrap and the writing on the pack is in green. ## I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything about it from this description. Where did you get them? Does anyone else have any idea what these may be? ## name of green and white diet pill with chinese writing on it


in florida they have blue and green caps and blue and white caps that are all compounded and have no markings that are roxys 30mg. theres so many ppl getting the blues out here that they're having to make em quicker and this is what theyre doing now... compounded caps....depending on the pharmacy they come in clear caps too. ## 5/28/2014 - DAYTONA FLORIDA-Blue and white ROXY 30mg capsules have made people who IV them :sweating,fast heart rate and just an icky feeling. So these are either compounded with something that makes you sick if you IV,and it doesnt matter how you wasnt cotton fever either three seperate people all using seperate methods all got the sweats and fast anxiety type heart rate increase from these. They are around $25 so $5 cheaper than usual "blues...

4 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

theres 3 diff kinds all capsules 1 is pink 2 is all white and 3 is half white half green no markings to identify them i was told it was morphine but im not sure ## Half green and white but no imprints on pill . ## If there are no markings, there is no way to be sure what they contain, unless you could actually have them lab tested. Under current U.S. law, all manufactured prescription products are required to have unique imprints to enable their identification. If a tablet or capsule does not have any markings, it could be an over the counter product, a foreign medication, or something that was specially ordered by a doctor and created by a compounding pharmacy. The FDA warns that Morphine carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, hea...

2 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

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