Green And White Capsule E91 For Anxiety

2 Topics Found

What is a green and yellow capsule that has E91 on it? ## Hi Heidi, The capsule in description is identified as Fluoxetine HCL (20 mg); which is approved for the treatment of major depression (including pediatric depression), obsessive-compulsive disorder (in both adult and pediatric populations), bulimia nervosa, panic disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Manufacturer: Aurobindo Pharma National Drug Code (NDC): 65862-0193 Learn More: Fluoxetine Details I hope this helps! ## I take an off white and green colored pill, named as fluoxetine, with markings of E91 in them. It is Prozac. I recently got put on this for my depression, anxiety, and ocd. ## Thank you, I was a little worried because mine were not this color before, it was oblong whiite pliva 648, so I was worried to take ...

4 REPLIES Filed under Fluoxetine

It's Prozac. I take one every day for my depression. ## Hello, Tront! How are you? Thank you for the helpful post! To add some specifics, the green and white capsule with this marking contains 20mgs of Fluoxetine, the active ingredient in Prozac, which is an SSRI antidepressant that is also used to treat anxiety, OCD and PMDD and some perimenopause/menopause symptoms. Learn more Prozac details here. Side effects may include nausea, dizziness, weight loss and sleep disturbances. Are there any questions or comments?

1 REPLY Filed under Prozac

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