Dry Mouth And Contrave
27 Topics FoundMy doctor believes there will not be a problem using these 2 together; perhaps it just diminished ultram's effect only. Has anyone ever taken the two together and can assure me that might be the only effect? ## Hello, Brenda! How are you? The Bupropion in the Contrave can increase the effect of Tramadol, while the Naltrexone can decrease it, but those are the only issues listed by the FDA between these medications. The FDA classifies Tramadol as an opioid and warns that it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Contrave may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, nervousness and anorexia. Can anyone that's taken them together chime in with their experience? ## Thank you sooo much...
Hello, I am on week 4 of Contrave and have lost 11lbs. Ever since starting this medication my husband says my breath is bad. I drink a lot of water and have mints but this is like coming up from my stomach. Other than that I haven't had bad side effects. I do sweat more at the gym where as before I didn't. But anyone else experience this or have a solution? I'm very diligent about oral hygiene. ## Hello, Ginaye! How are you? I'm not seeing that listed among the side effects, but it can cause some gas and dry mouth, which may be contributing to the problem. Especially, since you said it seems to be coming up from your stomach. Other side effects may include nausea, dizziness, insomnia and anorexia. Has anyone else on Contrave experienced this? ## I am currently on week 5 ...
I have been on Contrave for 2 weeks and have lost 11 pounds. I don't want to get out of bed. I feel like blah. I don't even want to do the things I used to enjoy. It takes all I have to do what I have to so I can take care of my kids. I don't want to stop taking it because I'm losing so much weight. Will this feeling go away?? ## Hello, Jennifer! How are you? Yes, it can cause depression in some people that take it, as listed by the FDA, along with nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, nervousness and insomnia. You should inform your doctor, there are other medications that you can take for weight loss and you may need to stop this one. Are you on any other medications? ## Same reaction here. Can may want to try Qysmia but that can make up jittery especially at the high doses. #...
I've taken hydrocodone for years due to chronic pain, I'm needing to lose weight but have to keep taking my pain meds. Will the contrave block the pain out like the hydrocodone does or just block the hydrocodone from working ## Hello, Rayne! How are you? No, Contrave will not do anything to alleviate pain. The FDA lists it as containing Naloxone and Bupropion, so yes, it will also block most opiates from having any effect. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness, headache and dry mouth. What has your doctor advised?
I'm on 2nd week of Contrave 1 pill Am 1 pill pm. I have had a minor procedure which requires Norco 325/7.5. Is it's ok to take. (ER prescribed) yes I told them what medicine I was taking. I also was on Vyvanse 40mg and Kolopin(as needed), when my Dr perscribed Contrave ? ## I stopped the Vyvanse due to me seeing it had a major side effect risk. The started the contrave 3 days later to be safe. ## The Naltrexone in the Contrave will most likely prevent the Hydrocodone in the Norco in working, so it isn't likely that it will help with pain, if you are still taking Contrave. The FDA warns that Hydrocodone carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, constipation, dry mouth, and headache. Have you taken any, yet? If so, what has ...
how long does it take to feel effects..been on the 1 pill only for 5 days and do not feel too much of a diminished appetite..will it be better when I start taking the nighttime dose..thanks ## Hello, Patj! How are you? Most people have reported results at about the third week, so after starting two tablets a day. The FDA classifies this as a weight loss medication and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, constipation, insomnia and dry mouth. Can anyone that takes it chime in? ## thanks for that info..i look forward to week 3 !
I'm starting my 2nd week on Contrave tomorrow and the prescription says to take 1 in the morning and one in the evening. If I take the morning dose around 7 a.m., what time should I take the evening dose? I haven't been able to find any information on how far apart the doses should be taken. Thanks. ## Hello, Bobbye! How are you? It's usually taken at meal times, so with breakfast and dinner, but are supposed to avoid taking it with a very high fat meal. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth. Is there anything else I can help with? ## When exactly should I take the medication? Everything I read so far only says with a meal....but does it mean before or after the meal? I was wondering if it made a difference. Th...
I just started my second month of Contrave and I'm not really seeing a huge difference. My appetite is less and I am not eating as much but the scale is not moving. I walk about 5 miles a day. Does anyone know how long it takes to see results? ## Hello, Patti! How are you? Not every medication works for everyone that tries it, so it could be that it's not the right medication to help you. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and anorexia. What types of foods do you eat? What else have you tried for weight loss? ## I eat pretty much meats! No veggies, I just don't like them. I've tried phentermine but it's no good without the other half that was banned years ago! I can say that the Contrave has eliminated ...
I'm wondering if it's necessary to take 4 pills per day. I'm in the 2nd week of Contrave and take 2 pills per day. Seems to me that is enough as my appetite is diminished and I've had no adverse side effects. What are the additional benefits of increasing to 3 or 4? Can I stay on 2 per day and have it work? ## Hello, Connie! How are you? For the best results, it is best to follow your doctor's instructions by taking the daily dosage that has been found effective. However, you can speak to your doctor about it to see what would be best for you. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, dry mouth, nervousness, insomnia and anorexia. Is there anything else I can help with?
I have been on fluoxetine for 2.5 years and my Dr. put me on Contrave to help me loose weight. Last week, he told me to stop Fluoxetine one day and start 1:1 Contrave the next. Yes, I've had the nausea and dizziness, but at the end of my first week on Contrave, I am down in the dumps, sleepy all the time and just don't feel like doing anything. Could this be from stopping the fluoxetine cold turkey? I don't like feeling this way, it's affecting my whole life. ## Hello, Kay! How are you? Yes, it's most likely due to some withdrawal effects, plus the side effects of starting the Contrave. The FDA lists its other typical side effects as possibly including nervousness, nausea, headache, dry mouth, dizziness and insomnia. Things should improve in a couple weeks, once your...
What pain medications are safe to take on Contrave? I have been taking Tylenol arthritis and glucosamine daily and am now starting the 2 and 2 this week. Also large hard to pass stools, so I'm taking laxatives as well, but don't want to harm my liver. I feel great on Contrave. I was on Adipex and all it did was make my mouth very dry and make me agitated. ## Hello, Lisa! How are you? Contrave contains Bupropion and Naltrexone, the latter of which neutralizes opiates, such as Oxycodone, and Hydrocodone. So, you can take Tylenol with it, unless your doctor instructs you not to do so. Glucosamine is considered to be a supplement, so any possible interactions between it, and most medications, have not been studied extensively. Is your doctor aware that you are taking it? Whether or ...
I'm on my third day. Today I have a severe headache. But my question is this, has anyone had bad diarrhea? I get cramps, then bam. But I was feeling better by night. Today is the worst. Should I continue or stop? ## Hello, Shercon! How are you doing? I'm very sorry about the way you're feeling. Those can be normal side effects of Contrave and it may take about a month for them to wear off, as your body gets used to the medication. Other side effects, as listed by the FDA, may possibly include dry mouth, dizziness and nausea. Have you consulted your doctor? Unless they feel there is some reason to be concerned, you should most likely continue taking it. ## Verwon -- are you taking Contrave? ## I'm on Contrave and the stomach discomfort wore off, very mild headache left to...
Are these two OK to take together? I haven't noticed any major changes, but know they both may effect how you feel. A little strange. but all I've noticed is not wanting to be in large crowds or go out as much as before. I start to fell claustrophobic. ## Hello, Hudson! How are you? Is your doctor aware that you are taking both? Doxepin and the Bupropion in the Contrave tend to increased the toxicity of each other, which can lower your seizure threshold and cause other issues. That doesn't mean they can't be taken together, but the dosages should be kept as low as possible and your doctor should be monitoring you regularly. The FDA lists the typical side effects of Contrave as possibly including nausea, dizziness, insomnia, nervousness and dry mouth.
I'm now on wellbutrin, but was recently prescribed contrave. Any info on stopping wellbutrin and starting contrave? The dosage I now take for the wellbutrin will be the same with the start of contrave. ## Hello, Angel! How are you? If the dosage is the same, you should be able to just do a clean switch from on to the other. One of the ingredients in Contrave is Bupropion, which is also the active ingredient in Wellbutrin. Did your doctor provide any specific instructions? The FDA classifies Contrave as a weight loss medication. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and insomnia.
I only take Lortab when I fell I need it. Can I still take Contrave? I'm 63 years old and I'm 30 lbs overweight. ## Hello, Beth! How are you? Actually, taking them together can increase the risk of seizures, according to the FDA. The FDA also warns that Lortab carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with?
Has any of you experienced this? I took my first and last pill of contrave last Thursday and shortly afterwards experienced extreme anxiety, dizziness and later diarrhea. The following day I got a very bad headache. I then thought it was over because the drug must definitely be out of my system. But no, I woke up today 5 days after taking the feeling dizzy and had another episode of diarrhea. I had barely eaten anything these past 5 days. I have no appetite whatsoever. Is it possible this is still the drug? I was feeling fine until I took it. ## Monica, I am sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. Here is a list of reported side effects caused by Contrave - nausea, - headache, - vomiting, - constipation, - diarrhea, - dizziness, - trouble sleeping (insomnia), - dry mouth, - a...
I would like to know how anyone is doing with long term weight loss using Contrave and a healthy lifestyle? ## It has been very helpful for many people that take it, but the key is exactly what you mentioned, you have to maintain a healthy diet, and lifestyle. Unfortunately, many people expect medications to do all the work, while they continue to eat whatever they want, and/or lead a sedentary lifestyle. The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood changes, and anorexia. Ref: Contrave Information Are you currently taking it?
I tried Contrave approx. 3 months ago for one week. I experienced terrible side effects; extreme nausea, inability to eat anything other than saltine crackers, terrible dry mouth. I couldn't keep anything down for over a week after stopping. Now that I am off, it is like my taste buds have totally changed. I used to love chicken, fish, steak - now I eat only a few bites before I am completely turned off by it. I cannot even smell tuna without my stomach turning (something I used to eat before without issue.) Unfortunately, I still like bread and pasta as much as I always have - it would have been nice to hate those too. I feel like I am turning into a vegetarian. Has anyone else that has taken the drug noticed a change in their palate? I want to know if it will ever go away. ## I to...
I have tried Contrave for two weeks now. While I did lose some weight I didn't feel very good. I started noticing that I was not able to think quickly like recalling names & somtimes when I would be talking my a random/ easy word would come out as if I was slurring my speech. So I stopped Contrave. Since stopping I have had pretty significant headache now for 6 straight days. Neither Advil or asprin seem to make it better. Was wondering if anyone else has stopped Contrave & experienced bad headaches? ## Hello, Meryl! How are you? I'm sorry about what you've experienced. I was just reading over the detailed side effects of Contrave, as listed by the FDA and it has been known to cause those, along with nausea, headache, mood swings, dry mouth and insomnia. As to the he...
I accidentally took on contrace yesterday by mistake and I am on Vicodin it made me sick and I couldn't sleep last night so how long after the contrave can I take a Vicodin and how long does contrave take to leave my system it was a 90 mg ## Yes, the Naloxone in it can throw you into dangerous precipitated withdrawals. You'll need to give it about 3 days, before you can take the Vicodin, again, unless your doctor instructs otherwise. The FDA warns that Vicodin carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and constipation. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Your body will go into participated withdrawal bad. Since it had naltrexone with any morphine, codeine, opioids etc.. they give that to people that...