Diet Pills Start With R
100+ Topics FoundI believe my friend would take a diet pill named Marie or something like that. It was a purple pill and it seemed to really work, the results were noticeable right away, but I can't seem to find out where she got them . ## Have you asked you friend the name of them and where she got them? I'm afraid I'm not familiar with anything by that name and if it was an over the counter product, just narrowing it down by the color is a pretty arduous task. Learn more weight loss details here.
I believe John Goodman took a pill starting with the letter F. Saw it yesterday, March 12, 2016 somewhere. Bui ## Forskolin was the supplement I saw in an article. ## @Buick, Any idea if this was a supplement or a prescription drug? Forskolin is the most common dietary supplement I'm finding in this category. However I know Phentermine certainly sounds like it could start with an 'F' if you had just heard it on TV without seeing it spelled out. There's also some other not so well-known products in the realm of weight loss meds/supplements such as Fenfluramine [though some reports suggest that it was withdrawn from the U.S. market in 1997 due to potentially serious adverse effects]; as well as a product by the name of "Fruta Planta" which is discussed in other thr...
What diet pill comes in a white and yellow box and starts with the letter l? Or a white and orange box that it starts with a l? ## Hello Cheri, I would like to assist you but given the number of diet pills available and how quickly brands change their image makes this incredibly difficult with only knowing the first letter. Do you have any information on the diet pill such as what ingredients it might have contained. Was this diet pill supposed to increase metabolism or curb your appetite. These sort of things would really help me narrow down the specific one you are looking for, or at least help me get set in the right direction.
I got K 3 diet pills and I am afraid to start taking them since I can't find any information on results or side effects. It says it should be bright pink, but mine are dark purpple. Does it really help to lose weight? The ingredients are fructose and natural, so they say. Grapefruit, papaya, horse tail, magnesium estearato, malva, oxido de silicio.. Are there side effects? I would appreciate any information you can give me. Thank you... Gemma ## What you have to understand is that these types of natural over the counter products are not tested for side effects, nor for efficacy, as is done with actual medications. Therefore, there is no way of knowing if they are going to cause you any problems, or if they will help you lose weight. Have you consulted your doctor?
I rememebr seeing an ad for a weight loss pill that began with the letter F. Would you have any suggestions as to what that might be ## Hi mike, Depending on how certain substances are annunciated, phentermine and ephedrine are two that have an "F" sound at the prefix; but if you actually saw the letters written out on TV then it's probably safe to say that you can count these out of the equation. Do you happen to know whether these weight loss pills were prescription-based or OTC dietary supplements? I know that within the realm of dietary supplements, there are really far too many products on the market to single out one or another, since several may start with the same letter and many have multiple uses that might include only weight loss as a side benefit and not necessa...
I really need to start a diet. Very unhappy with all the weight I have gained. I was 140 and now 192. Please send me any info. {edited for privacy} ## Hello, Jackie! How are you? I'm sorry about the problem you're experiencing. According to the NIH, the best thing to do is to eat a healthy, balanced diet, drink plenty of water and get lots of exercise. Medications should only be used as a last resort, if nothing else has worked. Are you on any medications that may affect your weight?
I take Zolloft 50 mg a day for anxiety. Any conflict with Yeduc sibutramina 15 MG? ## I want to start taking this diet pills, but am also taking medication for my thyroid I have low thyroid. Will I be safe taking Yeduct? ## To who ever has thyroid my mom has the same problem and she has no problem taking yeduc but only one thing take it one every other day so it won't affect you. But it really work... I love it ## Since this relates to a serious safety concern, I definitely want to add some information to this post for future site users. There is a potential dangerous interaction between Sibutramine and Zoloft. They both increase Serotonin levels in the body, which can create Serotonin Syndrome. I'm taking this information from Medscape, which is an online source that allows you...
I ordered AF Plus when I heard about it on 94.9 KLTY. I only paid $7.99 s&h. I received two bottles with 30 capsules each. I can't speak for anyone else but I LOVE THESE PILLS. I've been taking them for about 2 weeks and I already lost 8 lbs. These pills help curve my appetite and give me energy. My husband recently started taking them and he loves them also. My opinion is if you want to try something that wont affect you in the long run. Try AF Plus. ## Hey Genna, How are you? Glad to hear that AF Plus works so well for you! I haven't actually tried it before, but from what I understand it's ingredient profile is just Acai berry and Green Tea, is that correct? I noticed that some webpages also have a detailed description of AF Plus noting that there's "other...
Does this diet pill YEDUC really work? What are the side effects? ## You might be interested in reading the original discussion thread about this - there are currently over 80 comments submitted to it, and you can probably connect with others more quickly this way. Please see: Yeduc Sibutramina Forum. Hope this helps! Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do... ## I want to start taking YEDUC but im breastfeeding. should i wait until im not breastfeeding anymore or is it okay to take while breastfeeding? ## I WANT MORE INFORMATION PLESASE ## These diet pills work good, they worked for me i lost 10 pounds in 2-3 weeks, and i dint even work out lol but if you dont take care of yourself after you will gain the weight back pretty quickly ## Picked up...
Hi everyone, my girl friend started taking these last week and started getting some headaches so she decided to stop. Has anyone else tried these and did they get any good results? She wants to use them to help her lose weight but doesn't like the headaches. Is it a normal side effect of this? Any other advice? ## Was she drinking enough water? Dehydration is a common cause of headaches and diet pills tend to cause it. You have to drink lots of water whenever taking supplements like this. ## I am seeing that ACE diet pills contain the following ingredients [1]: Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Chromium, Vanadium, and a "Proprietary ACE blend" of Green Tea Extract, Phenylethylamine (PEA), Trimethylxanthine, Theobromine, Methylsynepherine, Raspberry Ketone (Raztone), Green Coffee Bean...
Prenatal vitamins, also known as prenatal supplements, are vitamin and mineral supplements intended to be taken before and during pregnancy and during postnatal lactation. Although not intended to replace a healthy diet, prenatal vitamins provide women of childbearing age with nutrients recognized by the various health organizations including the American Dietetic Association[citation needed] as helpful for a healthy pregnancy outcome. It may be appropriate to start taking pr...
HELLO I STARTED MY PILLS ON SATURDAY JULY 10,2010 I WEIGHT MY SELF @ 190 TODAY IS TUESDAY JULY 13,2010 I WEIGHT MYSELF THIS MORNING BEFORE TAKING A SHOWER AND IT SHOWS 180 I CANT BELIEVED I HAVE LOST 10 POUNDS IN JUST 4 DAYS. AM SHOCKKK WITH THIS PILLS U WILL NOT GET HUNGRY AT ALL AND WHEN U TRIED TO EAT U FILL FULL SO U DONT EAT THE HUGE AMOUNT AS BEFORE. LOVE THEMMMM MY FRIEND LOST 30 POUNDS IN 28 DAYS AND IF I CONTINUED LIKE THIS I WILL B LOOSING MORE THAN HER BUY THEMMM IS WORTH EVERY PENNY...... ## i weight myself this morning again is being 5 days since i started taking the bethels 30 and i have lost 12 pounds in 5 days this is amazing we all do many things to get this acomplish but dont waste you money in other products this is the best thing i have ever tried so happpyyyyy.... #...
I am just starting Contrave but have been on a keto diet for the last few months & feel good on it, but nothing for weight loss. Has anyone had any experience with Keto & Contrave? I know one of the warnings is not to take it with a fatty meal, but is it ok to have high fat in between doses? ## From what I've been reading it is best, overall, to stick with a low-fat diet while taking Contrave, the reason for this is due to the fact that a high fat content can actually cause your body to absorb more of the active ingredients than you should, which may lead to problems, such as more severe side effects, and possibly an overdose. Ref: Contrave Details Other common side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, and mood changes. Are you on any other medications?
My husband is starting sintrom as he has had a very small stroke. We did not know, only noticed by numb lips. What can we expect as far as side effects are concerned and how often are blood tests done? He also has quite a slow pulse and arrhythmia. Is there a specific diet...can you eat foods with vitamin k in them? ## My Husband has just started Sintrom. Does anyone have advise. Anyone suffer adverse effects. As much information would be welcomed please.
I just want to share my adipex expierence. I took the 37.5 mg strength for 3 months and lost 20 pounds. Not the most, but it's a great start. I also started exercising-Zumba 2x a week, walks, swimming, etc. It isn't easy but if you are dedicated you will see results. I was scared to start the medication & searched forums just like these for people's opinions. The medication made my mouth dry (drink lots of water) and sometimes made me jittery/hyper but other than that I felt fine on the medication. My doctor wants me to come back in 6 months to start again (Ohio) but I think I will just continue to drop weight steadily through diet and exercise. Just with losing 20 pounds I feel so much of a difference. I have more energy & stamina & have seen great toning result...
Prenatal vitamins, also known as prenatal supplements, are vitamin and mineral supplements intended to be taken before and during pregnancy and during postnatal lactation. Although not intended to replace a healthy diet, prenatal vitamins provide women of childbearing age with nutrients recognized by the various health organizations including the American Dietetic Association[citation needed] as helpful for a healthy pregnancy outcome. It may be appropriate to start taking pr...
In the meantime, remove all sugars, carbs from your diet. You must change from acidic to alkaline. Cancer must have glucose to survive. No breads, pasta, sugars, period! Research all alkaline foods. No sodas, sugary drinks. Read your labels. Take charge of your health and start with your diet. fresh food, no processed foods.
Filed under GlucoseI have a friend who has just started taking Sintrom, I am trying to help him sort out his diet, he has been advised to loose some weight, can anyone have a link to a site that could advise what foods he shouldn't have when taking sintrom, I understand it's foods high in vitamin K, but is there other foods which should be avoided. Thanks DG ## It contains the active ingredient Acenocoumarol, it prevents coagulation by working as a vitamin K agonist, thus that is the only dietary restriction. Learn more Sintrom details here. Are there any other questions or comments?
Hubby and I will be starting Contrave next weekend. The med is over $200 but we both work with the City so our Health insurance covered most of the cost and then our pharmacy used a $10 coupon so it's costing us $70. Looking forward to sharing results. Hoping I have the same or better results as when I took Phentermine. I was on it for 6 mos and lost 68lbs. Because of long hours on my job I couldn't exercise but was very strict and stayed on an 800 Cal diet. What is everyone else doing/eating? ## Hello, Rosie! How are you? I just want to make sure that you're aware of some of the possible side effects of Contrave, as listed by the FDA, you may experience nausea, dizziness, headache, nervousness, insomnia and anorexia. Can anyone that's on it chime in to answer her questi...
I am experience severe insomnia with contrave. I've just started my second week and I'm getting frustrated because I don't feel any difference in my appetite. My dr. Started my dosage at 1pill twice daily; so I've been on 3 pills now for a day. I really hope I start feeling some decrease in appetite soon. I am beginning to feel frustrated. ## Don't feel frustrated, have you started a diet or exercise plan with contrave also? If not, I suggest you at least start a diet. Also one of the main ingredients in contrave is bupropion, which is generic for Wellbutrin, Zyban etc.. It has been known to cause insomnia, restlessness, frustration and depression. It is basically a low grade form of a stimulant. This is why you are experiencing insomnia. You can't just to expect...