Can I Take Fluimucil With Other Medicine
38 Topics Foundi need over counter equivalent to buy in usa i use it for respiratory mucovyst brake mucus due to pulmonary decease. thanks. ## is fluimucil available over the counter here in New Orleans? can i buy it on line? ## i had flu with fever 3 day allready my doctor give me a flutab but my wife is a told to me flumucil. my wife is nurse in the philippines. This kind of medicine like flumucil realy i need or ask to my doctor firts this medicine. Please tell me if possible should i take that kind of medicine? thank you..... ## what is fluimucil 600?cause my brother is taking this kind of medicine because he had a tuberculosis so the doctor prescribe this meds..thnx.. ## I have heard of PharmaNAC in USA, which has the same ingredient. You can visit and buy it. However I suggest you...
can 8 months old baby and 2 years old toodler take fluimucil 100? ## Hello, Imelda! How are you? At those ages, it is very important that you consult their pediatrician, before giving them any medication. Some aren't safe for children. Is there anything else I can help with?
what is the dosage of fluimucil to be taken daily ## Fluimicil contains the active ingredient Acetylcysteine, it is used to treat respiratory disorders. Normally one of the 600mgs if used, daily, preferable in the evening, since they can cause some drowsiness, Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments? ## I'm having a severe sinusitis, can fluimucil helps me with my sickness? pls.
what is the cure of it? ## Fluimicil contains the active ingredient Acetylcysteine, it is used to treat Acetaminophen toxicity and as a mucolytic agent for respiratory disorders. More details: Are there any other questions? ## how much the price?thanks, Franco
- When should i take fluimucil 600 mg? - How long should i take fluimucil 600 mg? (Or when should I stop taking fluimucil 600 mg?) - What are the good and bad side effects? ## Fluimucil is reported to contain the active ingredient Acetylcysteine. If you would like to read more details about this drug, please refer to the following page: This drug is used for as an agent to break down mucus, and to treat an overdose of Acetaminophen. Hope this helps! Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.... ## can fluimucil be taken for pregnant woman to increase the level of amniotic fluid? any side effects? ## WHERE can I purchase fluimucil . As soluble powder? ## as astmapatient what is the help of fluimucil? ## I have severe bronchitis and live in Thailand...
How do I take Fluimucil 600. They ar too big for me to swallow. Are they effective for clearing the Alveoli where there is inflammation and fibrosis ## Fluimucil is an effervescence tablet... You should dissolve it in 1/3 glass of water, then drink... It is not advisable to mix or crush the drug sine it will just dissolve by itself... ## where can I buy fluimucil? Is there a site where it is freely available?. ## what happens if by mistake someone take the pill without water ## BY MISTAKE I DRINK WITHOUT WATER. IS DANGEROUS FOR ME? ## Something I can't stress enough is that if you are afraid that your health or life may be in danger, then you should always contact your nearest poison control center or go to the nearest emergency medical treatment facility. While there are those that...
I have phneumonia and i take fluimucil 600mg three times a day...How many days I should take fluimucil 600mg? Is it correct that I drink 3times daily after meal? ## I have astma..and everytime i have cough its hard for me to cough out tje taking fluimucil 600 once a day..haow long should take fluimucil 600 ## Hello Nildz, According to the manufacturing website the medicine is only to be administered per your doctors exact instructions as it changes on a case to case basis. It does not specify if you should be taking this food on a full or empty stomach which I believe means that it can be taken either way unless your doctor says otherwise. If you need to know the dosage information simply contact the doctor who prescribed you the medicine and find out how they would like you ...
for cough ## Fluimicil contains the active ingredient Acetylcysteine, it is a mucolytic, meant to help reduce the amount of mucous you are producing. Common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness and dry mouth. Read more here: Do you have any other questions?
I've accidentally taken it twice within 2 hours. I took one via a nose tube as I can't swallow food due to a stroke. My problem here is that it stated "3 times a day" but my mucus is too thick unless I take it 4 times daily. Is that ok? I'm a worried mom.
Filed under Strokemy is wife taking PROGYNOVA 2mg on alternate days,can she consume FLUIMUCIL A 600 her mucous problem. ## Progynova contains the active ingredient Estradiol Valerate. Fluimicil-A contains Acetylcysteine. I didn't find any interactions listed between them, but she should check with her doctor to be sure that it is safe for her to do so. Is there anything else I can help with?
While in Europe I got a chest cold and the pharmacy gave my husband Fluimucil 200. It worked great. Can I buy it in the USA? ## Fluimucil is listed as containing the active ingredient Acetylcysteine, the only thing it really does or a cold is help loosen the mucous. In the U.S., it is available, in small amounts, as an over the counter supplement. ## Hi! I'm on vacation in Florida and I have sinusitis.. Which pharmacies here carry acetylcysteine? I went to walgreens and cvs and couldnt buy it...
I am taking Amitripyline 10mg for migraine, is it ok to take Fluimucil 600mg? ## Hello, Zani! How are you? I didn't find any problems or interactions listed between them, but it's always best to double check such information to be sure. The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and weight changes. Is there anything else I can help with?
is fluimucil 600 can be used by those who have sperm problem? Iam working at pharmacy and I encountered 1 patient with this kind of problem and fluimucil was prescribed to him? ## Fluimicil is listed as containing Acetylcysteine, so no, it won't help with a low sperm count or sperm motility issues. Learn more Fluimicil details here. It acts as a mucolytic agent and can be used to treat Paracetamol poisoning. Is there anything else I can help with? ## N-Acetylcysteine should increase glutathione which indirectly will improve sperm qualitu
I have had a cough and cold for a week, so my dr gave me meds and 1 of those is fluimucil. I finished my 7 days worth of meds but still have a dry cough. My dr. was out so I have been taking an over the counter med - carbocisteine, but I still have the fluimucile. Can I take them both before bedtime? ## Can I take solmux and fluimucil together 2times a day? ## Fluimucil and solmux is it okay to take both for cough
Hi i have a very bad flu that keeps on coming back. I have a lots of phlegms.... cough much, troat itchy and have a block nose with sticky mucus..been to see a hospital doctor but seems never clear off this sickness... is it ok if i take this fluimucil 600 acetycysteine? Please help.... thanks.. ## Hi Valerie, Sorry to hear about your flu symptoms. I know you posted this just the other day, so I hope you're starting to notice some relief by now. Based on my research, Fluimucil 600 (N-Acetylcysteine) is commonly used to treat respiratory tract infections - including those that have lots of mucous secretions. If this is something your doctor recommended for you, I see no reason why it wouldn't be ok to take; especially since it's specifically indicated for your type of symptom...
I have hoarse voice and short breath and asma. Can fluimucil 600 help? ## Hello, Joman! How are you? I'm sorry about the problems you're experiencing. Fluimicil is a mucolytic, so all it does it help expel built up mucous/congestion and the FDA lists its typical side effects as being nausea and dry mouth. It will not do anything to alleviate allergy symptoms, for that, you'd need an antihistamine. What has your doctor instructed you to take for it?
thank you for the info i'm taking this coz of my phlegm dr.prescription. ## This contains Acetylcysteine and it helps to reduce the accumulation of phlegm and mucous. Learn more Acetylcysteine details here. It is effective, but is considered a supplement in most countries and isn't known to really have many side effects. Are there any other questions or concerns?
Can I take Co-aleva and Fluimucil at the same time? Is it ok if I stop taking Co-aleva as soon as I feel better? How many days before you get results when taking Co-aleva? Thanks. ## I take Co-aleva every 12 hrs (7am/7pm) for 5 days and fluimucil once a day (8am) for 5 days. My doctor prescribed ENT. If you didn't get well, better go to a doctor (ENT). ## Does Co-aleva interact with Losartan? ## Can I take co aleva together with ambroxol?
is it safe to take diovan, bystolic, augmentin, fluimucil together? ## My best response to your question is always discuss your concerns with your doctor, he or she can give you the best advise on any drug interaction with another drug. ## Actually, doctors are not as well educated about the finer points of medications as pharmacists, so if you want accurate answers your pharmacist is your best bet. .....or this website, since that's what it's here for! I did run a check for interactions and I didn't find any listed between any of these medications. Learn more Diovan details here. Learn more Bystolic details here. Learn more Augmentin details here. Learn more Fluimicil details here. Has your doctor prescribed all of these? ## Not to belabor our point your doctor will always ...
How to use this tablet how much water do i need to delute this tablet and when can i drink in morning at empty stomach? ## is fluimucil can take 2x a day ## Can a child aged 12 take fluimucil A 600mg? ## It is always best to follow a doctor's instructions, and tablets should always be taken with a full 8 ounce glass of water. The NIH warns that this medication may cause nausea, dizziness, headache, and stomach pain. Lyn, how often were you told to take it? Theresa, did the child's doctor prescribe it?