Ambroxol Ambrolex Drops Dosage

4 Topics Found

What is the right dosage for a 7 month old baby weighing 7-8 kgs? ## My baby is 8 months old. He is suffering from a cough and cold. I was giving him wicoryl AF drops and coscoril drops. He was OK. But as of today he is suffering from chest congestion. What to do? ## My baby is 1 year & 1 month old already and she has a cough right now. What dosage of Ambroxol would I give her? Please reply ASAP. Thanks. ## my baby is 1 month and 11 days old.,is he prescribed to take ambroxol ambrolex syrup? and what is the proper dosage for my baby? ## Hello Wenz, I went to the manufacturers website and this is the information they have for their doses. Recommended daily dosage for children: 1.2-1.6 mg/kg body weight 6-11 years: Tablet: ½ tablet 3 times daily. Pediatric Syrup: 5 mL 3 times dai...

16 REPLIES Filed under Allergies, Cough & Cold

It depends on the weight of the baby per kg per day you give Ambroxol drops. ## If my baby is 7-8 kg..what is the right dosage for her? ## My son Have a cough. He is 6 months old. 8kl. My question is What mg/ml of ambroxol do I give to my baby? Please reply... Sorry for disturbing... Thanks.. ## I have 6 month old baby what dosagge did i gave her and how many times.tank you ## my baby is 3months and 1week 6.4kls . Twice pinag take ng doctor nya yung ambrolex 0.5ml . as of now d ko padn makita result ## RE: Interval of taking Ambroxol syrup for 3-month-old baby May sipon ang baby ko, sabi ng pedia niya 0.3ml 3x a day dapat ipainom kay baby ang gamot. Tanong ko lang. Ilang hours ba ang interval ng pag papainom kay baby ng gamot. Every 4 hours ba dapat? ## Pag po ba sinabing 3x a day ang p...

7 REPLIES Filed under Allergies, Cough & Cold

whats the proper dosage of ambrolex oral drops for a 3 month old baby? ## Ambrolex contains the active ingredient Ambroxol and is used to treat respiratory tract disorders that involve thickened mucous. The listed dosage for children under 6 months is 0.5mls twice a day. Learn more: Are there any comments or questions? ## how about for 7 months old baby? what is he dosage? ## Is it safe to give Ambroxol to a 4mos old baby? What's the exact dosage of it & how many times a day should be given?


Dosage ## This medication contains the active ingredient Ambroxol HCl, and is used for acute and chronic disorders of the respiratory tract associated with pathologically thickened mucus and impaired mucus transport. Dose regimen recommended depends on the severity of the disease. Recommended dose for children is 1.2-1.6 mg/kg/day. The dose is best taken after meals. The infant drops may be diluted with milk, juice or water. Capsule: Adults and Children >12 years: 1 cap once a day preferably to be taken in the evening. Tablet: Adults and Children >12 years: 1 tab 3 times daily. Syrup (30 mg/5 mL): (Double-strength syrup is for initial treatment; the dosage may be halved after 14 days). Adults and Children >12 years: 1 tsp (5 mL) 3 times daily. Children 6-12 years: 1 tsp (5 m...

6 REPLIES Filed under Allergies, Cough & Cold

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