Adderall By Mallinck

16 Topics Found

I have been taking Adderall for many years and I've never noticed a smell or taste. However, my most recent Rx (same generic manufacturer as normal, Mallinckrodt) has a *very* strong smell, like a multi-vitamin, and terribly disgusting taste. I even took it back into the pharmacy to make sure I wasn't losing my mind, she agreed but couldn't figure out why. They are the white, Dextroamp-Amphetamin 15 mg tab. Has anyone else had this issue? ## I am not sure because I refuse to take that one. They’re SUPER weak compared to Teva. ## They don't change the drug - they reformulate the drug... ## Can you elaborate because I noticed that with the 20s and for the record I'm currently prescribed Vyvanse, but sometimes switch back to Adderall and the 20s seem to work bette...

8 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

I am not sure how Mallinckrodt's generic products (quality) are in general, but if you take generic Adderall IR, it is horrible! Very weak, with an obvious lack of efficacy. Does anyone here have feedback on how Mallinckrodt's Adderall might compare to other drug manufacturers? ## What are the markings on them? Sometimes the manufacturer listed on the bottle is a licensed distributor, but sharing the pill imprint would enable others to double check on this as well as determine how the various inactive ingredients (binders/fillers) compare to other brands or generics on the market. Mallinckrodt Specialty Generics Product Catalog (1) Mallinckrodt Specialty Generics Product Catalog (2) Mallinckrodt Dextroamphetamine Saccharate Med Guide PDF (3) NIH Drug Monograph for Mallinckrodt G...

30 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Has anyone used the Mallinckrodt. I have never even heard of it, and have taken the other generics with moderate success;. This brand is horrible. Very weak. Anyone experienced the same? ## Hello, Brian! How are you? Yes, several other people have complained about this one, though some have not had any problems with it. It really depends on the person. This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, anorexia and insomnia. Can anyone else chime in that's taken this one? ## Generic Adderall made by Barr,Teva, Eon all seem to be great! No issues for over 4 years. Now for the 2nd time in the past 3 months I filled my script at Walmart. Instead of the orange oval pills, my bottle contained white, bitte...

13 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

A friend of mine went to Walgreens this month and got Mallinckrodt generic 30mg XR's. The imprint is M 8956. They look like that garbage CVS generic with a clear bottom. I have to fill my script tomorrow and I plan on asking what they have before I fill it. I suggest everyone else does the same. ## I'm new and just got my 3rd XR script filled today and immediately noticed the beads inside the capsule were white and not orange, and found they were made by Mallinkrodt. I haven't tried them yet but would the Walgreens Pharmacy exchange for a new script by a different manufacturer? Not looking forward to a whole month of something with so much negative feedback.. ## They won't exchange it. Once it goes over the counter that's it. ## Did it end up working? ## I just had m...

17 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Has anyone else tried the white octagon M 20 Adderall pill? Also, why is one pill described as 5 mg and the other 7.5 mg? Are they still the 20 mg the doctor ordered? ## A white eight-sided pill with [M] on one side and "20" on the other reportedly contains 20mgs of Amphetamine / Dextroamphetamine. (NDC 00406-8893). If your pill doesn't fit this description, then it may be something different. Does your tablet have any other markings outside of the capital M? Also, what shape is your pill? For verification, the manufacturer is listed as Mallinckrodt. Inactive Ingredients: - Microcrystalline Cellulose - Silicon Dioxide - Povidone - Stearic Acid Ref: DailyMed I hope this helps add some level of clarification. ## I've been taking 30mg generic Adderall for 17 years. They hav...

4 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

I get sick on the hydromorphone made by Mallinckrodt. Can anyone recommend a different and better manufacturer? ## Any except Arobindo brands. I have received Mallinckrodt Adderall that were so weak I had to double the dose to get it to work. And I usually take half the recommended dose of other brands. Aurobindo is the only manufacturer that I have found that’s worse than Mallinckrodt. Something in those meds makes me physically ill. ## All generic meds have fillers. That’s probably the reason you get “sick”. You should try taking your med with a meal, A small meal would suffice. ## Nausea, and dizziness can be side effects of narcotic analgesics, such as Hydromorphone, so there is also a chance that it just isn't the right medication for you. Other side eff...

3 REPLIES Filed under Hydromorphone

Turns out I'm deadly allergic to the Mallinckrodt generic to the point of going to the ER for epinephrine. Pharmacies won't order the Aurobindo for me, so I've been calling and going to various pharmacies for it and have had no luck. I live in West Los Angeles, but I'll consider further pharmacies. Thank you ## If you provide them with documentation of your allergy, they should be able to order it in for you. The only difference I can find between them, however, is that the product from Aurobindo doesn't contain stearic acid, which is an inactive ingredient in the product from Mallinckrodt. Stearic acid is a saturated fatty acid that is used in a lot of products. What has your doctor advised? Have you had any allergy testing done to get a definitive answer on what ca...

3 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Ive been on the generic adderall thats round peach tablet with a 15 one side and a b and 777 on the other side,when i went to pick up my perscription the pharmcy gave me ones that are stop sighn shape white with a box and a m in middle of box and then 15 on other side??? said was the samething but they make me feel diffrent do they have the same ing just diffrent company?? ## I just picked mine up at walmart and got the same ones, they are mallinckrodt. I've been getting the orange football shaped ones, barr, before this fill. So far I haven't had any issues but we will see. ## Hello Melissa, According to the NIH these two pills do contain the same active ingredients but have no similarities between the inactive ingredients. I will list the ingredients below but just to clarify ...

2 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

I just picked up my prescription from a mom n pop pharmacy. Seems like every other month they have a different manufacturer. Trust me I know - they buy the cheapest brand lot available at the time. But these new ones I just got are horrible. They're produced by Lupin Pharmaceuticals. They are blue in color and HARD as a rock!!! When I visit the website they keep comparing themselves to Mallinckrodt. I used to get Mallinckrodt before I switched to the new pharmacy and they were by far the best. But just be aware these new ones by Lupin SUCK so check your pills before you leave the window and request different ones. You'll thank me later. ## Interesting. Thanks. The Mallinckrodt Adderall are awful so I would have been worried about their pain meds. ## What difference is it if they...

9 REPLIES Filed under Oxycodone

Has anyone taken this generic brand of Lorazepam made by Aurobindo pharm? How does it work compared to other brands? ## I refuse all meds made by Aurobindo. I say I am allergic. Idk what they put in the fake adderall they sell but it makes me feel awful so I will go without before I will accept them. ## Following. The only brands I ever tried were leading and watson. Would love to see what other brands are out there ## Idk about the benzos - Mallinckrodt adderall is really weak, but at least it doesn't give me slamming headaches and nausea. I have to take twice as much though. And I am a lightweight. I used to like Watson meds but I never see them anymore. ## I also refuse all drugs manufactured by Aurobindo. ## I usually find them at CVS and Rite Aid. Anywhere else I should avoid? ...

57 REPLIES Filed under Lorazepam

i found a odd white shiny six sided pill M in box on one side and the number 20 on the other can you tell me if it us an anti anxiety medicatioin ## Hello, Roxane! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 20mgs of mixed Amphetamine salts, it is a generic for Adderall. This is a stimulant that is most commonly used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, nervousness and insomnia. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Amphetamine

Please help me identify a pill I's a small white square pill with the letter M inside a box and the number 10 on the other, but on the side with the number 10 is llike A 4 way break.....plzzzz help... ## Hello, Jessica! How are you? This tablet is manufactured by Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals and they list it as containing 10mgs of mixed Amphetamine salts, it is a generic for Adderall. The FDA lists this medication as being a stimulant that is most commonly used to treat ADHD and narcolepsy. It carries the risk of being habit forming and typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, weight loss and insomnia. Is there anything else I can help with?

1 REPLY Filed under Amphetamine

Round white pill S impring otherside 30 imprint supposed to be Adderall 30mg.e ## Yes, this is a 30mg Adderall tablet, used to treat ADHD and Narcolepsy. Common side effects may include: nausea, headache, irritability and insomnia. Read more on the medication here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## I think you mean to ask if it is legitimate or not--I would say 99% sure it is NOT, due to the white color. should always be orange. ## What? They 100% Make white ones - in fact a lot of big chains are carrying these now. They are made by Mallinckrodt. (How do I know? I have gotten them from cvs on 4-5 occasions) Orange ones are the most common ones, followed by pink

3 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

Please help me figure out what this is. Also, there are 4 score lines around the 30. I was told it is a brand new generic for Adderoll (sp?). I want to know with certainty. Thank you in advance for your help on this! ## Just picked up my script for Adderall and was shocked cause I have never seen them before too. But yes they are legit, generic 30mg. ## @julzinfla, I can also confirm that these are legitimate generic 30mg Amphetamine + Dextroamphetamine tablets. These ones in particular are manufactured by Mallinckrodt, but I don't know exactly how long they've been on the market for. Another brief description of their image that I'm seeing is that these are eight-sided pills with an "M" on side in a box, and a "30" on the other side intersected between four ...

24 REPLIES Filed under Adderall

I'm on Adderall and Subutex. I'm 40 yrs old with 7 kids. I'm really ill right now and can't work but want to do better in life for once. Please let me know what a roxy 10mg pill looks like? ## Hi Regina, Sorry to hear about your illness. My thoughts and prayers go out to you for a complete recovery from whatever it may be that's causing you this pain/concern. Medications such as roxicodone may be available in a number of different colors or imprints depending on who and where they're being manufactured. However, in my findings the 10mg dosage form is one that does not appear to exist at all. Only 5mg, 15mg and 30mg tablets are available by its US manufacturer, Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals in accordance with the following National Drug Codes: 23635-580 (5mg); 2363...

4 REPLIES Filed under Roxicodone

well, I went off Mallinckrodt after being back on that for awhile at 80 mg and I had to go on the hunt again. Well there is a brand called Zenzedi that has the same 10 mg tablet as wilshire and i find those to last a little longer... not as much mentally hardcore in the focus area but at least the urge to pig out hits every 3.5-4 hours vs 2... They all beat the rest away (vyvanse, dex spansule, adderall, ritalin....) Now they need to go to a higher dose because 180-270 pills depending on the brand per month is nuts. And I respect that long acting generation and that it helps but don't think all of us on them are crackheads. Speaking of which, I used to get the brand name 5 mg ones 420 per month during the adderall boom and they were $37 at my pharmacy.... lay off the prices. These a...

26 REPLIES Filed under Dextroamphetamine

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