
100+ Topics Found
Actin-N Nitrofurazone

Nitrofurazone (INN, trade name Furacin) is an antimicrobial organic compound belonging to the nitrofuran class.[1] It is most commonly used as a topical antibiotic ointment.[2] It is effective against gram-positive bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, and can be used in the treatment of trypanosomiasis.[1][3][4] Its use in medicine has become less frequent, as safer and more effective products have become availabl...

allergic and cough ## Pharmicists advised to take Actinol after breakfast, the info on line advises to take medicine on empy stomach before breakfast. Which direction for use is correct I have been given the 35mg once a week ## It should be taken on an empty stomach with nothing to eat for 30 mins. Do not lay back down after taking your dose. Make sure you take it with a full glass 8 oz of water and nothing else. Take any other medications after you eat.

2 REPLIES Filed under Allergies, Cough & Cold

Can I use cipla actin while I'm breastfeeding? ## Has this medication been prescribed for you by your doctor? It is an antihistamine that is intended to be used to treat, or prevent allergic reactions. The NIH lists its typical side effects as possibly including dry mouth, headache, and weight changes. If it has not been prescribed for you, you should not take it, as it may not be safe for you and your infant. Congratulations to you both on those little angels. ## Can l use Cipla for headaches? I have migraines every day and sometimes it feels like there's heat on my head and brain. ## Hi I need to know if I can take cipla actin while I am on arvs


Hi, I'm 24yrs old and my weight is 40kgs. I am not yet on ARVs but I'm HIV positive. I previously weighed 50kgs and I would like to get back to my weight. Is Cipla actin safe for me? ## I'm glad u asked that question because I've also been asking it at the clinic I take my arvs from but was advised to tell the pharmacist that I'm HIV + before buying anything over the counter....I hope someone out there will have the answers we are looking for. I desperately need to gain my appetite back & my weight. ## Before combining any two or more substances, I think it's always best to contact your prescribing doctor first just to be on the safe side. However according to the US National Institute of Health, there are no contraindications listed between Cyproheptadine (t...

6 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

Can i take cipla actin and arvs? ## Can i use cipla actin and arvs? I want to know if there is no side effects ## . Im hiv ppsitev so i wnt to knw can I use cipla actin.while I'm eating arvs ## I want to give my 7 months old baby cipla actin is this safe for him please help ## Can I take cipla actin with my arvs? Will I gain weight? ## I want to know that tehre are no side effects if I use cipla actin and my arvs cz. I'm hiv+ Please, I need the help before I take it cz. I really want to gain my weight back. ## Can I take cipla actin while I'm taking arvs It's been 9 months but still i haven't got my weight back ## According to the University of Maryland Medical Center ( / drug interaction tool), there are no drug interactions listed between Cyproheptadine (Cip...

41 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine
NTZ Long Acting Nasal Oxymetazoline

Oxymetazoline, sold under the brand name Afrin among others, is a topical decongestant and vasoconstrictor medication. It is available over-the-counter as a nasal spray to treat nasal congestion and nosebleeds, as eyedrops to treat eye redness due to minor irritation, and (in the United States) as a prescription topical cream to treat persistent facial redness due to rosacea in adults. Its effects begin within minutes and last for up to 6 hours. Intranasal use for longer than three days may c...

pain management ## Dilaudid is used to relieve moderate to severe pain and severe, painful dry coughing. I've personally heard from a number of individuals that this is a powerful drug. More details about this medication are available at: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

1 REPLY Filed under Dilaudid

I have been taking Ciplactin for weeks now for gaining weight, but now my feet and face are swollen. I don't know whether I should stop it or what? Please help. ## Hello, Selina! How are you? Has there been any change? That is not a common side effect, according to reports from the U.S. FDA. They usually include weight gain, dizziness, drowsiness, and dry mouth. Are you on any other medications? Have you had this checked out by your doctor? Have you ever had high blood pressure? ## I have been using ciplactin for almost 2 months now, but my stomach is very big and people think I am pregnant, but im not. So how can I reduce bloating? ## I am underweight and I would like to try Cipla Actin but I am afraid of the side effects I've heard about. Does this medication have serious side...

9 REPLIES Filed under Blood Pressure

helps better than fentanyl or hydromorphone w/ oxy for breakthru .new. began with an 'e' i think . long acting ## I can't really think of anything that begins with an e and what would work better can differ from one person to the next, depending on how their body reacts to the medication. There are a few information articles you can look at, to see if they help you find the information you are seeking: Does anyone else have any ideas what this might be?

1 REPLY Filed under Fentanyl

How long do i need to use cipla actin pills to see a difference in my weight? ## Hi, I just want to know if the Cipla Actin are going to help me to gain my weight? I'm on ARVs but I don't eat well. Thank you. ## How long does take to gain weight by using cipla actin? I didn't try anything else to gain weight, but I want to try cipla actin. Before using cipla actin I want know that I can use it, because i am taking ARV and I am losing weight already. Please help me. ## Hi how long does it take to see the result,I am 32 years and underweight ## In order to get the best results with any sort of weight management program, I would encourage individuals to watch their dietary habits like a hawk and exercise regularly. For many people who are experiencing road blocks in their weigh...

43 REPLIES Filed under Warfarin

Can I take Cipla Actin when I feel overworked and stressed and I need more energy for my work? ## Hello, Modise! How are you? No, according to the U.S. FDA, this medication may actually cause drowsiness and dizziness as side effects, thus it is not going to help you with energy or concentration. And the manufacturer website says "Cipla-Actin treats and prevents nausea and vomiting, including motion sickness" and contains Cyproheptadine HCi 4 mg. ## Hi am 25 yrs I have sinus problem and nose blockage due to deviation pace in the nose and I was advised to use cipla actin 10 mg..(am not allergic to any medicine) ma I know whether it will help me and plus if yes then will it have any side effects on driving cause am a regular driver going to work by my own car.. Thankx ## I have bee...

5 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

Cipla actin is used to treat different disease - so what are these diseases? It is not written on the instruction papers that it can help with weight gain. ## This medication is listed as containing the active ingredient Cyproheptadine, which is an antihistamine that is used to treat seasonal allergies, such as hay fever, as reported by the NIH. The weight gain is a side effect from long-term use, but it is generally not permanent and one will usually lose the weight, once they stop taking it. It tends to make people have more of an appetite, but as I said, that is not a permanent thing. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Hi. I want to know if I will receive beautiful glowing skin and a nice complexion when i use cipla action tablets, cuz I have black spots from mosquito bites o...

6 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine
Dactinomycin, Actinomycin D Drug Index

Dactinomycin, also known as actinomycin D, is a chemotherapy medication used to treat a number of types of cancer.[1] This includes Wilms tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma, Ewing's sarcoma, trophoblastic neoplasm, testicular cancer, and certain types of ovarian cancer.[1] It is given by injection into a vein.[1] Most people develop side effects.[1] Common side effects include bone marrow suppression, vomiting, mouth ulcers, hair loss, live...


Good day. I would like to ask if it's safe to use cipla actin while I have stomach ulcers? Thank you ## This medication contains the active ingredient Cyproheptadine, it is an antihistamine that is most commonly used to treat, or prevent allergy symptoms. According to the FDA, it may cause stomach irritation, and nausea, as side effects, along with dizziness, headache, dry mouth, and weight changes, so it would best to check with your doctor, before taking it, to be sure it is safe for you. Are you on any other medications? Ref: Medline Plus Cyproheptadine ## I have been using mayogel suspension due to the stomach pain I've been experiencing, which only tones down the pain. I would then opt to use cipla actin and the pain would simply fade away for days ## Can I take Cipla-Actin...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

I've just been to the chemist for something for my over hyperactive 3year old and got Cipla Actin 4mg. Can I use this to calm him down? ## Hello, Nikky! How are you and child? This is an antihistamine containing Cyproheptadine HCi 4 mg that's actually intended to treat allergic reactions, though it can cause drowsiness and sedation as side effects, as reported by the U.S FDA. It can also cause weight gain. I really think it would be best to consult a doctor, rather than giving your child something recommended by your local chemist, just to be careful. Is there anything else I can help with? ## Thanks so much for your reply. The doctor actually said its ok to give it to him as he doesn't eat well but his weight is ok it wouldn't be harmful to pick up more weight. We are b...

3 REPLIES Filed under Cyproheptadine

ive been on 30mgs of oxycodone for an accident in 03. now jus a couple weeks ago i got side swiped and was in a 5 car accident. needless to say i sustained more injuries n messed up my old injuries too!! im in physical therapy n go back to my existing pain managment next week i have to report my new accident. i want to ask him for a long acting but dont know what to ask for any suggerstion?? ## The best thing you can do actually, to avoid being perceived as a drug seeker, is to talk to them and let them suggest an appropriate medication, rather than asking for anything specific. You can tell him that you feel that you may need something that works longer to control pain, because of the new injuries, but asking for any specific medication is usually considered drug seeking behavior, by m...

1 REPLY Filed under Oxycodone

is metformin quick acting or long acting ## Hello, Crawford! How are you? There are actually 2 formulations of Metformin listed by the FDA, there is a regular release, which takes about 15 to 20 minutes to start working, after you take it and there is also a time released formulation that releases the medication slowly over time. The FDA lists the typical side effects of this medication as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, flatulence, stomach pain and hypoglycemia. Which have you been prescribed?

1 REPLY Filed under Metformin

My Dr wants to switch me off of fentanyl because my insurance won't cover it (except under extreme circumstances). I might qualify for those circumstances because I'm allergic to almost every pain med. But we're not sure and I need some other options. What are some of the other long acting opiates that aren't going to cause servere nausea (I have cyclic vomiting syndrome) or are patches like the fentanyl? ## Hi, CD! Sorry about the problems that you're having. However, nausea and vomiting can be a side effect of all opiates, so there's really no way to say which ones may work for you, without causing it. But you may want to talk to your doctor about Butrans and see if your insurance will cover it. It's a transdermal patch, similar to the Fentanyl, that contai...

2 REPLIES Filed under Fentanyl

what drugs are long acting for chronic pain ## There are several on the market, the ones most commonly used are 12 hour time released version of Morphine and Oxycodone, sold under the brand names MS Contin and Oxycontin. They are both narcotic medications: There is another narcotic called Fentanyl, it is sold as a time released patch, under the brand name Duragesic. These all, of course, require a doctor's prescription and carry common side effects, such as: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation. Do you have any other questions? ## im wondering if demerol is time released for chronic pain

2 REPLIES Filed under Morphine

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