
Active Ingredient(s): Ponesimod
FDA Approved: * March 18, 2021
Pharm Company: * JANSSEN PHARMS
Category: Multiple Sclerosis

Ponesimod, sold under the brand name Ponvory, is a medication for the treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS).[1][5] The most common side effects include upper respiratory tract infection, hepatic transaminase elevation, and hypertension.[1][5] Ponesimod was approved for medical use in the United States in March 2021[1][5] and in the European Union in June 2021.[6] Contents 1 Clinica... [wikipedia]

* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.

Dosage List

PonvoryPonvory Kit
NDC: 43068-610
Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc.
Ponvory 20 mg Oral Tablet, Film Coated
NDC: 43068-620
Vanda Pharmaceuticals Inc.
PonvoryPonvory Kit
NDC: 50458-707
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc
Ponvory 20 mg Oral Tablet, Film Coated
NDC: 50458-720
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc