Active Ingredient(s): ClobazamFDA Approved: * October 21, 2011
Pharm Company: * LUNDBECK INC
Category: Anticonvulsant
Clobazam, sold under the brand names Frisium, Onfi and others, is a benzodiazepine class medication that was patented in 1968.[1] Clobazam was first synthesized in 1966 and first published in 1969. Clobazam was originally marketed as an anxioselective anxiolytic since 1970,[2][3] and an anticonvulsant since 1984.[4] The primary drug-development goal was to provide greater anxiolytic, anti-obsessive efficacy with fewer benzodiazep... [wikipedia]
* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.1 Discussion
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