Active Ingredient(s): Hexaminolevulinate HydrochlorideFDA Approved: * May 28, 2010
Pharm Company: * PHOTOCURE ASA
Category: Diagnostic Aid
Hexyl aminolevulinate hydrochloride, sold under the brand names Cysview and Hexvix, is an imaging agent that lights up under blue light during a blue light cystoscopy. It is used to help detect non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (NMIBC), in particular papillary tumors and carcinoma in situ (CIS). In 2016, the American Urological Association (AUA) made the following statement with respect to NMIBC:[1] "In a patient with a history of NMIBC with normal cystoscopy and positive c... [wikipedia]
* May have multiple approval dates, manufacturers, or labelers.