Zubsolv And Smoking Cigarettes
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How long do I need to wait after I smoked a cigarette to take Zubsolv? I know the nicotine can block the Suboxone due to the same thing they attached to in the brain. I was told 20 for Suboxone. What is the time on Zubsolv?

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How do u know if your dose Is too strong,bc when I take mine I get really high and have to go throw up

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Hi Natalie,

According to Northland Addiction Treatment Rehab Center in Milford, Ohio - Patients should refrain from eating, drinking, or smoking for 30 minutes before taking Suboxone as well as 30 minutes after taking Suboxone. From what they've stated, food, beverages or nicotine/tobacco can seriously impair the absorption of Suboxone.

Ref: northlandaddictiontreatmentrehabcenter.com/suboxone
(Scroll down to the section titled "How is Suboxone Taken as a Form of Medication-Assisted Treatment?")

Since Suboxone and Zubsolv are inherently the same thing (Buprenorphine + Naloxone), I'd assume the same rules apply?However 30 minutes may be a conservative time frame to whomever told you 20... You should probably double check with your prescribing doctor just to be on the safe side.

Hope this helps!

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