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why are zohydro so expensive? Hi, my pain Dr. just switched me from 4 8 mg dilaudid 8s a day to 3 4s a day and 2 10 mg zohydro a day. however I do not have insurance and the price is $480 for the script!! that's sick!! does anyone know if there is a discount card or some thing I can use for this script?

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I've never heard or seen of any pharmacy using any discount card with a narcotics script especially a schedule drug. But hey good for you, I'm off that poison and I can deal with my C- spine disks problems, and they are bad but never as bad as waking up in such withdraw it makes junkies look like Christians. No pun intended. I truly believe it helps people and really saves lives by increasing their quality of life. But doctors now days are basically drug dealers that accept insurance and co-pays, you know. It's an epidemic, and if you don't believe me, wait 5 years or less.

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Yes there are lots of script discount cards, but, like myself who went to pain management and paid for 4 prescriptions with cash for years, all the cards and pharmacies will not take them for narcotics and usually anything associated with painkillers, like soma or ba loves. Etc... Sorry to share the bad news, but it's true, at least in Oklahoma and New Jersey. And now I'm in a methadone clinic to get off these poisonous pills, I'd rather deal with my Multiple C- disk problem then the withdrawal sickness. And I can't afford the surgery in case u wondering. I'm self employed, no insurance.?? U.S.

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Where are you? I use a discount card and I get up to 80% off. Also I do a drug cost comparison on the web and usually Kroger is the cheapest followed by Walmart. try these and see if it helps.

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