Zohydro 20 Mg Supply Shortage In Wa State?
UpdatedMy RiteAid pharmacy's supplier says they cannot supply Zohydro 20 mg at present, no information supplied as to the reason why or when it might be available to fill my Rx. Does anyone else know about this as a problem presently and know of alternate wholesale suppliers who may have it at present? 2/9/17
9 Replies
Discovered 10 and 30 mg Zohydro are available; 20 mg not being manufactured at present, no info as to whether or when that will resume.
I'm in Pittsburgh PA and was told the same, none of the different mg. Are available. Don't know what's going on.
I'm in Southern CA and was told the same. Although I was given 15 mg instead. I was told 20 mg has been on backorder for 3 weeks. So no answer for you either.
Has anyone else tried contacting the manufacturer of Zohydro for more information? Perhaps they'd be able to provide up to date intel on their product's availability and distribution. My only problem is that I can't figure out who makes this drug? The "Pernix Therapeutics" webpage (whom I initially thought was the manufacturer) indicates that "Zohydro ER with BeadTek™ is manufactured for Pernix Ireland Pain Limited and distributed by Pernix Therapeutics, LLC., Morristown, NJ 07960" - So if it's distributed by Pernix and manufactured for Pernix, who is the company that manufactures it and ships it to them?
My guess is that this unknown entity would surely have the answer to any shortage dilemmas, but I find it strange that there's very little transparency in the details that are being disclosed on what appears to be Zohydro's official webpage. Am I overlooking something in fine print? Does anyone have a manufacturer listed on their prescription bottle?
Any updates to this thread? I'm in NC and have not been able to get 20, or 30's anywhere in Jan Feb and Mar. 10's and 40's were always available, 15's and 50's usually. The 50% co-insurance cost of taking a 40 in the AM then two 10's in the PM is prohibitive.
I just got a call from my pharm walgreens and they were told by their warehouse zohydro er 40mg was discontinued by manufacturers this came out of nowhere I am not sure what to do. Im in socal please help.
On Monday, Apr 24th, my Independent (Mutual) next to a hospital, Pharm in eastern NC told me they could get 10, 15, 30 and 40. They got my new Rx for 30's in on Tuesday the 25th. They told me both their suppliers said 20's were discontinued?
Manufacturing issue is the problem and the 20 mg will be unavailable until Q1 in 2018. Might want to look into Hysingla ER (25 hr dose) or Vantrela ER (12 hr dose like zohydro)...both are hydrocodone based without tylenol like zohydro.
Pernix Therapeutics makes Zohydro and their contact number is 800-793-2145 for anyone interested. It used to be Zogenix. I personally contacted Pernix three times from february through april and they confirmed that Zohydro 20 mg was unavailable but that they (customer service reps) were not told why. Apparently they have recently announced that it is a manufacturing issue that may end up affecting other dosages at least until early 2018. As I stated in a previous post if you are having issues getting zohydro filled ask your doctor about Hysingla ER (24 hour dose) or Vantrela ER (12 hour dose like zohydro) and both are equivalent to Zohydro.
Hysingla is available in strengths of 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg, 60 mg, 80 mg, 100 mg, and 120 mg taken once every 24 hours--the once a day 40 mg of hysingla would be equivalent to taking 20 mg of zohydro twice per day.
Vantrela ER (hydrocodone bitartrate) extended-release tablets is available in 15 mg, 30 mg, 45 mg, 60 mg, or 90 mg of hydrocodone bitartrate 12 hr extended release. There is not a 20 mg so if you are currently taking 20 mg of Zohydro and your doc thinks Vantrela is a better alternative than Hysingla then you will probably have to go down to the 15 mg dose.
Here are more news articles about the zohydro manufacturing issue:
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