Zepose 10 Spelled Zepoze
UpdatedI responded to a few posts but not many mention ZEPOZE i.e. not the s that is "supposed to" be the name? Blister pack with white, fairly large round flatish non-marked/scored (nothing) tablets. Easy to break - crumble - no odor - taste bitterly bad. This is NOT like any legit diaz I've ever had.
1 Reply
This sort of thing tends to happen a lot when people go through web based pharmacies. Most tend to operate illegally and are bound by nothing other than their word in so far as ensuring that you receive the correct medication, let alone something real. Zepoze sounds like something the distributor made up just to differentiate it from other counterfeits.
There's also another discussion thread here on this topic with similar feedback at:
A few individuals in that thread have claimed that there's no diazepam in it at all.
I hope this helps!
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