Xarelto Fluid Retention (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I had to take Xarelto due to two sinus venous thrombosis in my head. 8 weeks of heparin injections showed no side effects. But with the first day of taking Xarelto my body reacted by retaining water. Within the first three weeks I gained 24.46 lb hill exercising 5 times a week and eating as I always did. After retaining more and more water I stopped taking it after three months. I started with a weight of 120 lb at a height of 5''8 and now I weigh 157 lb. I have to ad that I started taking it in the middle of March and stopped taking it at the end of June. I was not able to loose any water/weight. I eat less than I always did before even while I exercise. All doctors couldn't find the one thing that changed through Xarelto. Has anybody ever experienced something like this while taking Xarelto??

189 Replies (10 Pages)

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I was diagnosed with a DVT in May and given Xarelto. Within a week I felt strange and started to feel bloated. After 17 days I asked to go back onto Fragmin and have now been referred for an ultrasound as I has suspected Ascites. I have no doubt whatsoever that Xarelto was the catalyst / cause and my stomach is still very bloated and uncomfortable. I will keep you posted...

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I had been on coumodin since mis Oct 2015. Approx aren't three weeks ago my doctor put me on Xeralto because of excruciating knee pain. Within four days of being on Xeralto my left knee became so swollen I could not stand. Fire and rescue personnel transported me to ER. Had my knee drained and there was a lot of blood in the fluid. Last nite, @ 16 days after first episode I had to go to ER and of knee drained again. I'm away from home for two months and have talked to personal physician's nurse to keep him in the loop. Last week I had a sonogram and MRI. Negative for blood clot and knee injury. Cannot put any weight on left leg and have excruciating pain if I move leg. Ortho Doctor is having a battery of tests run on the fluid he drew out last night. Any chance it could be Xeralto?

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I started using Xarelto three months ago and I gained 15 lbs. When I notice I am gaining weight I increased my training activities and reduce my meals to one meal a day. I still gain the weight and no matter what I do I cannot loose it. I am 51 years old and running 10km each day at around 40 minutes. I am 5.9 any weigh 165 lb. After three months on Xarelto I am almost 180 lb.

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I have been refered to a nutritionist...don't think my eating habits are the problem but we shall see...another symptom I have that I forgot to mention was I feel hungry ALL THE TIME...I can eat a meal and feel stuffed and in an hour I am famished. This is just so frustrating...I take probiotics, I have tried a cleanse to try and reset thngs, cut down on carbs, I go to physical therapy 2-3 times a week and am as active as recuperating from my February back surgery will let me be. There needs to be something...if you find it let me know and I will do the same...Good luck

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Hi. I also experienced fluid weight gain from xarelto. Went off the drug in May. Was in excellent shape before. Exercised 5 times a week. Ate healthy. Began taking Green Vibrance two months ago. Also half tsp. turmeric in V8 juice. Delicious! You can buy it in spice isle of grocery store. Four days ago I began taking 500 mg of Bromelain twice daily on an empty stomach. Once when you wake up and again in the late afternoon. If you take before bed it can interfere with sleep. Also began taking four days ago 2 TBSP of apple cider vinegar twice daily. JUST LOST 3 LBS at once. I think my body is finally releasing the fluid! Also my joints and feet are LESS SORE! Yay! Try it everybody! Hope it helps us all!! :)

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Ok so still on TUMERIC every day in addition to the walking, working out & sauna. It seems the only real difference I have seen is in my ankles. My thighs, and stomach are still presenting with a dimpled appearance and have not had any difference in my weight. I was so optimistic there for a few days...it has been over 3 months since I have been off this poison XERELTO. I have never dealt with any symptoms like these before so in my heart I know Xarelto has to be the only cause. I am filing an "adverse event" with the FDA and will also consider consulting with a lawyer. The possibility of these PERMANENT strange side effects we are all dealing with were NEVER mentioned to us by our doctors or information given to us by the manufacturer or drug store. I for one would have never taken this drug had I been told if these possibilities. I have always been healthy and extremely fit. These possible irreversible side effects must be acknowledged so that others will not have to go through what we have been suffering with after taking this horrible drug.

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I'm experiencing another possible symptom caused by stopping Xarelto, in addition to fluid retention/weight gain. I stopped taking it in mid-Sept. Since about 4 weeks ago, I have been plagued by repeated superficial clots in one leg. I haven't had clots like this for 20 years and only when I was training for a marathon & flying a lot. I hesitate to start a diet (with increased Vit K) until things stabilize. I've been taking 6-8 325mg aspirin/day to help with minimal success. Thoughts?

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In addition to keeping my calories under 1000/day & jogging I have also been sitting in a sauna 30 min/day & getting weekly professional massages. I have filed adverse event claims with Xarelto & jansen pharmaceuticals which is the company who manufactures Xarelto. If enough of us come forward something will have to be done.

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Lou... Send like you were lucky enough to not have the change become permanent.. Hope you find something without harsh
side effects to control your a fib

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The one thing that made a small difference for me was the caudal injection which of course contains a hefty dose of steroids... It pulled off about 5 pounds in just a few days... I have managed to lose about one more pound with the tumeric and something called cleavers which also helps with the fluid... And tastes like tea.. Any way will never stop trying and if I find anything else that helps at all will be certain to post it here
Good luck

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Reported a couple months ago... And will urge others to do the same... This fluid retention has done so much more than weight gain... My BP fluctuates like crazy.. And my stamina is at an all time low too...I would be in for any legal action too

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Hey everyone! So I'm just touching base with everyone who's still dealing with the xarelto weight gain mystery. My CBC blood tests turned up with nothing. My next step is to see an endocrinologist & hematologist. I refuse to acknowledge or accept the change in my body as a "new normal" for me. I am getting in touch with a lawyer today & I urge everyone to share their latest experiences on this forum as I will be letting him know of this site. All we want is for someone to acknowledge this "rare" situation & to offer a substantial "cure" for it. If dr's & xarelto refuse to acknowledge this symptom then how can they offer a fix for us? This strange semi permanent & in most cases permanent weight gain must be listed as a "potential" side effect so that anyone who is urged to take this medication is warned of this possible strange side effect!

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It is working for me for sure... I have lost six pounds since I started it and it seems to keep going... Glad I might have hit on something helpful.

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I didn't take anything like that because I knew it would make me more susceptible to a bleeding incident and I still got the fluid weight... It might make the fluid retained greater but not sure

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That is interesting about the fibroids... Lo loestrin can cause dvt also just looked it up on Rx list... I know I got mine .. Left leg groin to knee... Because of my back surgery.. But if you didn't have any surgery or pregnancy that can cause blood clots I would be looking at the lo loestrin as your culprit. And people wonder why I hate to take medicine... Lol

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@SuperMommy - Eating so few calories may actually result in a weight gain... I'm having good results (started 3/1) so far: Start day with 1 lemon juiced and mixed with filtered water. 1 protein (1 HB egg or other lean protein) + 1 fruit (citrus, berries, apple, pear, low sugar fruits - not melons/pineapple). 2-3 hours later, enjoy a fruit snack, 2-3 hours later enjoy lunch 1 protein + 1 veg (unlimited lettuce, celery, stick to low carb veg, not potatoes or corn/carrots/peas), 2-3 hours later, 1 veg, 2-3 hours later 1 protein + 1 veg, 2-3 hours later 1 veg. It's more than you're eating now, but will fill you & keep the metabolism going through the day. I'm down 5 lbs since I started on 3/1 & not hungry. I enjoy black Earl Grey tea through the day. I'm hoping the weight loss will continue at a 5lb rate / week :-) I've got 40 lbs gained in the first 6 weeks of Xarelto use to lose.

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@Tamara - Re 1-2 years... Oh, I hope not!!! I've got to fit into my Scuba suit by the end of summer!!! :-)

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Definitely agree there is something inside us xarelto messed up...i guess we are all hoping all our brainstorming on here will figure out what it is that our body needs to heal...i am sure someone out there that helped develop this drug knows what our problem is... Too bad the drug company won't even acknowledge it is a problem. The lemon water seems to work for me so far so I will stick with that until we find something else...

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I know I have done many hours of research myself trying to figure this out... I was a paramedic for 30 years and before I got injured was studying to be an RN... So with all that medical education and I am still baffled as to what it has done to us... Not to mention still frustrated as hell... I have never had a problem this difficult to figure out... But I don't think any of us are ready to give up and accept this.

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Hi everyone, just wanted to chime in and add my evidence! I am 21 and got a DVT in my right leg (groin to calf) while in Italy in January. I was put on a new drug called edoxaban, but was switched to xarelto in mid February since edoxaban is not commonly used here. So far I've gained 15 pounds since being on this medication and I've been exercising extra and eating as I always have (healthy). As everyone else I am worried about the potential permanent effects and am wondering if the same side effects occur with similar drugs like eliquis? I gained weight while on edoxaban as well so is it likely that all the Xa inhibitors have this strange water retention effect? I'm considering switching my medication but don't want to deal with the frequent blood work while on Coumadin. Thanks for everyone's input!

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