Xarelto - Can You Stop It After 2yrs Being On It


Hi, I have been on xarelto for 2yrs now, and because of being on social security disability and having partial medicare and my insurance I will now have to pay close to 100 to 150.00 for xarelto. I can't afford the expense now. I was put on it because of getting 2 P.E's in my lungs for being inactive with suffering from vertigo. I am now very active and my doctor doesn't want me to stop but that may not be a choice because I can't afford it. I was on warfarin for a while but they couldn't control my INR levels. Now I don't know what to do.

4 Replies

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Hello, Roger! How are you?

The manufacturer, Janssen, has an assistance program to help with these types of issues, using it many people have no out of pocket expense for their Xarelto prescription each month.

To find more details and see if you qualify, you can call 888-927-3586.

Can you please post back and update me on what happens, when you call them?

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Did you ask your Cardio for samples? Thats why he gets them? Or get in touch with the company!

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

assistance program disqualifies any medicare or Tricare (military) insured's. I qualified for 1 month free is all. Maybe it varies by State?

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Please get in touch with the company. Or have you doctor give you his samples! They get them!

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