Xanax- My Story! B Careful
UpdatedLife is hard! Sometimes we need medicine to get by. I was hooked on xanax and when I ran out prematurely- cuz we all build a tolerance- id end up in the ER w my bp 200/110! The xanax works so well, yet when you are due for the next dose, your nerves are real bad! The tolerance building makes us take more and more and more. I prob was in the er 35x w ' i ran out of my meds' problem. I have PTSD and need a benzo; nothing else touches my panic. Now, I take valium. It works and Ive never been in the ER since switching. Just a story for anyone struggling. Im a lifer, but will never touch zannies again!!
1 Reply
Good to know you are back on your feet but be warned, there is little difference substituting one Benzo for another. A Valium withdrawal can be just as deadly. After a week in the Hospital on a Xanax withdrawal I have collected thousands of spares and take less. I know better to take more and more as the tolerance is mostly in your head. Sure its real but there is no need to take more and more, especially knowing you can pass away or stroke out if they are cut off and one day you will lose you prescriber. The whole idea is to take as little as possible!
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