Xanax /cold Turkey
UpdatedI have been on .5 xanax twice a day for the last 3 or 4 months. I took my last dose 2 days ago and only took .5 for the day. I was afraid of getting addicted after all the horror stories. I don't feel sick but my eyes feel weird and my head feels funny and my lips feel numb. Is it dangerous for me to just quit? Should I go get my refill? I don't wanna be hooked on something.
3 Replies
Well. you weren't on it for a really long period of time,, however, it is normal to experience some withdrawal symptoms.
Have you spoken to your doctor about stopping this medication?
You may also experience: chills, nausea and diarrhea.
If you do feel that it is getting worse or putting you in danger, you should contact your doctor or go to your nearest ER.
do you think 2 alprazolam(xanax) tablets a day is to much for a 71 year old women? I take one in the morning and the other was prescribed to take with my norvasc in the evening. They are.05 mg. My Doctor seems to think I am addicted and is going to put me on .25 mg.
Re: Emma (# 2)
That drop from .50mg-to .25 is a 50% drop may cause withdrawals ,I've found through experience and study a lot of doctors prescribe but don't understand the titration process Emma please be careful don't assume doctors understand effects and benzodiazepine withdrawal tapering slow and steady is the absolute best bless u dear
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