Xanax Bars Real Or Fake
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The xanax bars I have are white, rectangular, and have a two on the back with a line going threw it and xanax printed on the front. Any suggestions on how to identify if they are fake or not? :( any help is really appreciated

29 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: BigCatmap (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

I think alp1 is the best.

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Re: BigCatmap (# 27) Expand Referenced Message

Help your friends stay safe, just saw this commercial. Unless your pill came from a Pharmacy and prescribed by a Doctor, THROW IT AWAY!


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What’s better, Xanax bars or the pills? And how do I know that the Xanax bars actually have 2mgs of active ingredients anymore? Could be 0.25mg. As far as brands go, I think Ksoal is the best and I have been told RLAM is considered to be on the same level? I'd like to hear what other people think about that as I’ve not had bars in years. They used to be good but I have no idea now. As far as I know, the tests sent to Wedinos don’t tell me what is in there or how much Xanax they contain? Could be 0.25mg Xanax in a bar and fillers? Worth asking others. What’s your thoughts?

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I took a white bar of xanax and it said "xanax" on one side and "2" on the other. It had a bitter taste to it and did not seem to have the strength of its counterpart alprazolam 2mg. Is that normal? If not, is there anyway you can tell if the bar is old or has lost some of its potency?

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Re: Cooploop (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I just gir some and they are shorter and just look smaller in all aspects gg then 249 i can see like grainy look on sides and they have like a gliterry shine to them thats hard to explain. I also have a yellow r039 could po$ibly be fake because i taste no bitterness just a slight after taste. The gg249 whennu compare the 2 the white one is so much smaller

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Re: Bubba (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Yes i have real xanax with the 2 shiny nit they real and they hard as hell passed the sprite test and best bars ive taken.

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Re: xanmancan (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Yes i have real xanax with the 2 shiny nit they real and they hard as hell passed the sprite test and best bars ive taken.

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So someone I know recently came across actual counterfeit xanax bars. My first time ever seeing counterfeit ones. As soon as I saw the bag I knew they were counterfeit. Every single one of them was broken. The white ones, the seller claimed he stepped on them by accident. They weren't just pressed. They were totally counterfeit. I got them analyzed and they had no benzo at all. Super easy to spot them as counterfeits. They were crumbling to pieces.. Also, I recently had some pressed yellows but they at least had benzo in them. They're just weak. They dissolve instantly when put in water (or in your mouth) and the color is a darker yellow than the manufacturer's and they're soft but they showed positive for benzo and nothing else. My advice to all is buy a box of 5 panel drug evaluation kits and check anything you aren't sure of. There are hundreds of thousands of pressed bars coming from overseas and they're fine. Just spend the 10 bucks to get drug panels to make sure you're getting benzo.

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XANAX” should be on one side of the white, rectangle bar; a “2” should be on the other side. The “2” should be positioned in the middle going the way of up to down. There should be 3 scores (to break the pill). The middle score on the side with the “2” should seem like it goes through the “2”.

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G 3722 white bars are real if u get them from the pharmacy. And I'm sure there are some real ones still being sold also. Unfortunately, there are people out there being *****s and are pressing them but u can usually tell which ones are real. Especially if u know ur xanax. But yes, I know personally that not all g 3722 are counterfeit and I'd say there are more real ones going around than counterfeit ones for sure. But I guess that could depend on where u live also.

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Buy some cheap 5 panel drug kits off Ebay. Mix a piece in water and check it like you would a U/A. That is the only way to be sure you're at least getting benzo and that it doesn't have some deadly s*** like fentanyl in it.

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Re: Bubba (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Huh? I think yours are real because you're not making a bit of sense...I’m guessing ur f****d up.

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Re: Supreme1 (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

G3722 are as good as the real deal (non generic) the GG 249 are legit, but are weak... The 1 mgm football by same company is far. Stronger

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Re: Xans (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

They are not fake, but they are weak. I've been taking Xanax for 20 yrs...when these are presented to me, it's always with a sense of disappointment because all of the GG Xanax are good, except for the bars. The 1 mgm football is stronger than the bar.

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Re: Bubba (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Maybe sober up and try again. U was unable to decipher your message

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I just got a white bar with a 2 on the back and nothing on the other side it had three breaks in the middle break was half space have in it was real that was the first real one I seen with the two want it but it had nothing on the back side except the brake marks the ones with Xanax on the back or the fake ones

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Re: bigiron78 (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Pretty sure I just got some of those same ones. Look real af but never had a xanax turn into a paste when I took it... think I just got burned

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Re: Tring to help 4reel (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Not true, some have a very light shiny almost coating, tey r fine, if u feel better they good! Yes some hard, some longer, some crumble, each manfr. has different method of producing.

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Re: Xans (# 7) Expand Referenced Message
The GG 249 are made by Geneva I just bought some and they were ok. I got quite a few people I can call for Xannie sticks. I like the green monsters the best the S 90 3 they seem to be the most potent followed by Greenstone G3722 and the GG 249 are ok about on par with the r039 purepac

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If it's hard to break in half there fake plus they will taste weak and chalky.

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