Xanax, Alprolazam White All Kinds Fake Or Real How To Tell?? (Top voted first)


Is this true? And how do you know? Right now I have, a couple (xanex-2) white bars, a bunch of the GG white bars, and some G3722-with the "jagged" typed back as the (xanex 2) Usually the 2's knock me out period. I can like 5 take blue footballs and be out cold. But none of thsee have the same effect. At all. There's something in them cus I'm not going through the w/d. But how do you tell the fakes from the real? Is there a test? I read something about someone using "Sprite" - is there something in that realm? I'm so tired of wasting hundreds of dollars off two people I know for sure I can't tell. I know for sure a pharmacist won't be able to do anything right? "Playing the I found this in my son's bedroom, he told me they went real, yards yadda".SOS- HELP-Pretty Please!! Sincerely, ripped off...

8 Replies

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The best way to tell is the counterfeit ones usually have benzo research chemicals. Xanax/Alprazolam has a very bitter taste. I mean you know it when you taste it. If it tastes chalky it's counterfeit.

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In my opinion the only honest way to determine if your meds are legitimate is to have your pill's contents analyzed by a lab, whether it be through GCMS or via other protocol.

Counterfeiters can not only mimic the appearance of real tablets with a pill press, but also the taste using unique combinations of chemical compounds that are unbeknownst to those who are taking the risk for a quick fix. Some people are allergic to various binders and fillers, and consequently put themselves in danger just thinking about the presence of the primary active ingredient, forgetting that this is just a single aspect of the pill's makeup.

If you were to utilize a drug panel for identification, it may be able to tell if there's a benzodiazepine class drug present in the tablet's composition, but this still leaves the "inactive" ingredients in the shadows... This is why I think a lab would be your best bet, as they have access to very thorough instruments that ensure an accurate report.

And as a preventative measure, always be sure to obtain your Rx meds through a licensed pharmacy that requires a prescription. Then the question of fakes becomes more of a matter of who you can hold accountable...

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Re: Ridgerunner007 (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I have the same ones and I am a 53-year-old woman who has taken benzos since I was 16. My family doc started me on blue Valium before Xanax hit the scene but I like you am stupified they look just like Pfizer. I have looked and looked, they are certainly perfectly made. If u figure it out let me know.

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Ask the Doctor to write NO SUBSTITUTIONS on your prescription! Most generics for benzodiazepines are seriously cut!! It’s become an absolute nightmare for ppl like me who served this country and have PTSD along w other social aniexties. You gotta fight for the right to be medicated the way the drug is supposed to help you with. Good luck and keep on top of your doc and pharmacist as well!

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I have alleged to be Pfizer Xanor. They are 2 mg bars with an embossment of "U94" They came loose on the internet. The shiny white bars have the notch for splitting into quarters, and the curvature, appears to be like factory made. They have a somewhat bitter taste, and, they do have a sedative in them, I am just not sure if they are the full 2 mg of alp or if they have another designer benzo, or, even phenazepam in them. I have taken them for over two years, and, they are not cheap. US 3.00 each for 30 bars, and, come from "across the pond from USA". I could send them to DDL Labs but it is so expensive, for a GC/MS test!!! Any comments? Maybe I am building up a tolerance, just do not know anymore.

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Re: Ridgerunner007 (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

They are putting ambien in that! That is what a lot of ppl are making gaske xanax with!

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Re: MadAsHellAtPHDs (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Seriously Cut with what? Name me a medicine that doesn't have materials to shape it into a pill or whatever form it comes in. Brilliant Idea about having your Doctor write for Name Brand Only. Instead of your bottle that might cost $10 it will cost $689, I just checked the going price at GoodRx for 90 1 mg pills.

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Re: EDDY (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Depends on the state u live in for prices. Also pharm companies fill and compress w saccharine along with smaller dose of the actual drug. I knew a few ppl who worked in their research labs not long ago and it wasn’t pretty! You don’t have to believe me-I know what I know. No need to get angry w me either since u do not know me. But that’s alright- bent away if u must. I am just passing on the knowledge that I know are facts!!!!

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