Xanax 6mg A Day
UpdatedI am wanting to taper off safely from using 6mg of xanax bars a day. I am addicted and went through the worse withdrawals when I couldn't find my last 9 left in my bottle as well as my bottle missing. I just want a chart to show me how to taper off per say take 2 mg , 2nd one take 1.75, last one take 1.50 mg..how to do it in a timely manner.
7 Replies
Many posts here and on the Interne!. Look it up. 6 mg is nothing to play around with, and you should never run out and always have extras if possible?
Hello, Kev! How are you?
Unfortunately, there is no specific chart that anyone can give you. Tapering off successfully depends on the person, the dosage and how long they've been taking the medication.
Have you consulted your doctor? They should be able to help you work out a tapering schedule that will help minimize the withdrawal effects.
I am a 60 year ol woman who has struggled with addiction most of my life.I was a H addict and then turned into a great Doctor hopper.I have been on methadone which I successfully detoxed from and was clean for years until a very money hungry doc and a car accident.I was on a methadone immanence 120mgs and also getting 10 mg methadone pills from good old Doc. Well i got so disgusted and got thrown off the clinic for benzo use that I went to the local ER and begged for help.Well the good old Doc shows up and I confront him in front of the whole ER and it was chaotic.They treated me like scum of the earth.I had to say I was going to leave and ram my car into a bridge,I was that sick and desperate.Boy should never have done that they 302ed me to a looney bin outside of Philadelphia.I live about a hour away.Well they gave me methadone for 5 days and as soon as I could I split.Got back home my husband walked out on me while I was there Great guy huh?And I laid on the floor in my own vomit for 5 days when my son found me.He shoved some morphine in me and came back to life .next on to another hospital where they put me on a very low dose of subuxone.and atvan.Well they though I might not make it but I pulled through and they sent me home.Big Problem not enough sub or benzo. I found a Doctor who put me on subutex and xanax. Worked great I now was at least able to function this was in 2008. In 2011 I stupidly decided to go to a detox n Florida they assured me they could COMFORTABLY detox me. LOL they had no clue foer2 weeks I was in pure hell subutex is an evil drug and xanax is it's partner.I did not eat or sleep for 2 weeks I lost 15lbs and am petite as it is was about 90lbs looked like hell. I was hallucinating and suffering the worst withdrawal of my life. I had Paws post acute withdrawal syndrome.Well the CEO of the joint got scared I was ranting and raving about calling my insurance company and telling them not to pay.The clincher was they pay for your airfare.Well I was ready to call a girlfriend who live in FT Lauderdale to come get me. The moral of my story is if ya are gonna use either of these drugs do it short term hear me load and clear short term. I am still on 16 mgs of subutex and 4 2mg of xanax a day. I am trying to get funded for a methadone program ya all can have your subutex.It is a nasty drug at least I know if I get on done I can go down to a very low dose and with a sleep aid get clean.The benzo's i will probably die on
I've battled the same thing. I want to come off been prescribed it for 12 years. 5mg a day for PTSD. I hate the garage but it takes that will and strength. I did it once cold turkey after 10 years after 39 days I was normal again. Happy slower days you know. I kept 2 in a bottle for emergency but I will not lie the withdrawal and psychological effects are the worst I have ever encountered. I did not take the pill or even break it in half and be up all hours of the night for two weeks 10 of those nights I joke to the ER probably four of the 10 times I actually checked in for breathing problems and I didn't want to tell him it was Xanax withdrawal. The headaches are unbearable first three days is terrible I know the first week but you will have panic attacks often on throughout the 30 days when I hit Day 60 I relapsed I thought well I having Zaidi I'll take one pill because my doctor always prescribed him so I had many at the pharmacy and I picked up the prescription that was the biggest mistake now I'm getting ready to battle this one more time you think the withdrawals from the first time for anybody go through her so painful and scary I remember my ear ringing so loud that it went deaf for an entire day following our brain relies on the Strug when we are addicted it's how we function it's learning how to function without the drug again but you just have to get through the withdrawal and trust me man you can. Take two weeks off of work lay on the couch drink plenty of water and just watch movies keep the ibuprofen near I found advil works best keep two or three pills but don't take them fight it keep them around just see you can know in your head that you have them that you're not gonna die because there are withdrawal symptoms that come close when you start to shake and trimmer or your ears begin the ring so loud and you start to panic. I understand I should've never relapsed but now I'm prepared to do this one more time it's best that you just laydown keep your eyes closed phone next to you two tablets but don't take them there on my way once you hit that two week mark if you feel the need sometimes it just feels better to park at the hospital. Trust me man I've been there. You can't kill humans. It's powerful and if that's what you truly want to do just do it sounds easier said than done trust me man you can do it you just have to resist and don't relapse always remember that pain you felt.
look up the ashton guide....if you taper 10 to 15% your sypmtoms should be minimum
to taper of of benzos like xanax you need to switch to valium, and taper down 20% per week until the dose you are taking is extremely low. (Break up the pills for dose reduction) Then alternate days on and off. Then only take when you feel heavy WD, Find yourself some other medications that work on the same benzodiazepine receptors they willl be agonists. There are some decent alternatives to help taper off.
Hi Kevin.. In fact there is such a chart created by UK Professor Ashton... I became addicted to the exact same dosage of Xanax as you about 5 years ago and used the 'Ashton' tapering chart whereby you gradually replace the Xanax for Valium.. It will also clarify equivalent dosages for you, for instance 2mg Xanax = 20mg Valium. It took me a year to complete the taper including tapering off the Valium as well with NO problems at all.. I will say though that Valium doesn't quite work as well as Xanax during a full blown panic attack but it WILL get you through one if you take say 30mg Valium which still only equals approx 2.50mg of Xanax.. Hope this helps.. Kind Regards.
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