Xanax 1mg Drug Test (Top voted first)


How long does it take for xanax 1mg to get out of your system? I took a one milligram bar Friday and Saturday. I have a drug test Monday. Will I be clean?

3 Replies

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i need help can i pass a urine test i took 4 .5 xanax on saturday and i have to pee test on tuesday so if i drink alot alot of water and take niacin two days before test can i pass test?

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Re: sara (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

If that's all you took, now it depends on your weight, other meds, activity. I needed 3 solid days to come clean off of that amount. I'm 6ft 190 male. However, lately I'm needing 4 days to get off of the same amount that I take one day every 7 days. Body is slowing down how did you make out

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The Mystic Seer says "only a fool would ask me this"

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