X112 Liquid Drops Diet How To Order By Mail


How to order x112 liquid diet drops by mail order? Can this be ordered over the counter or on the internet?

12 Replies

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It does not appear to be available online, nor can I find any information on what it contains.

I've seen many posts by people who are looking for this product:




Does anyone know anything else about this or its ingredients?

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Looking for X112. Army vet '79-'81 Germany. Is it available online? Any info would be appreciated. Thx.

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How to order X112 drops by mail from Germany?

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How to order the liquid diet drops X-112 from Germany thru the mail?

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I would like to find out to order the X112 drops frm Germany. Also does any other country sell it?

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Not sure what was in it but it worked for many of us to keep weight down and be very mellow as well. I don't think the Air Force nor Army honchos wanted their troops using it.

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How can I order this product online?

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Re: Marsha (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I didn’t understand how do I order x112 on the internet.do you have pharmacy that I could write to and order it?

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Re: RICHARDV (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I found a site that advertises it. I ordered 2 bottles but wasn’t able to use any credit card or bank card that I hold. Placed the order, but can’t find a way to make an actual payment or receive the product. Not even through PayPal.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I have been looking for this product for a number of years. While stationed in Germany, I used this product. It was recommended by a Medical Doctor, she suggested that I try it. I felt like a new person. It certainly helped to control my weight at a very acceptable reading! I do believe the feed-back I have noted is impressive. It speaks volumes, that so many of us took the time to check it out. The next step may call for a request to bring it into the U.S. or to Canada. By the way, the ingredient of concern appears to be “Cathine”, just for your info. Best of luck, please share your findings.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

My understanding, from a friend, the problem content is “cathine”.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I believe the active ingredient is Cathay. I’m not sure where that came from. It is most unfortunate that so many abuse cases seem to have created a problem that never existed not so long ago.

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