Would Methamphetamine Show Positive On A Urine Sample That Was Sent To Lab After Flushing With Baking Soda


would lab test detect methamphetamine in urine sample after flushing with gatorade and baking soda. i was tested (5 panel) test was negative. urine was sent to lab

13 Replies

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Did you pass the ua sent to lab using baking soda

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Please help, I have to do a supervised urine within or at the latest on Friday. I have only had approximately 2points of ice and half gm herion over a week ,. I am also on methadone 70 mls and valium . Is there anything I can do to clear my system quicker. I also have been told the methadone will cover the her I on, however I didn't think it would??? Can you pls help????

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Yes the lab will be able to detect it for up to 7 days after use.

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No it won't because I had a drug test. They took it to the lab. I used baking soda. My po never told me s***.

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The baking soda thing does work I put 3 table spoon in my cup mix it with water waited 2nd a half my po came to my house check me pee and boom he never called me back

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How long will Methamphetamine show up in a urine test sent to the lab?

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Seeing new PCP tomorrow for referring me for total knee replacement but I'm also addicted to methamphetamine will I still get knee surgery

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Really I hope I'm the hell it really dose still pass jus had two ua sent out and don't wanna go back

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Did it still pass after it got sent to the lab?

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I took methamphetamine yesterday, drank baking soda at 10:45. How long does it take to be clean for a U/A? Does it work if you are pooping a lot?

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I do not know why, but I cannot see the ending of this conversation! Anyway, I am very curious to know if the lab can detect the use of methamphetamines after flushing with baking soda? I have heard from several ppl that the baking soda works, and your test will come back Negative for methamphetamine. I have heard this from some ppl that I wouldn't really put any faith whatsoever in, but, I've also heard it from ppl that I would trust with my life, and my son if the need were to arise. Please, does it REALLY work as fast and as consistent as they say, or was my probation officer correct when he was pretty much yelling "You CANNOT dilute methamphetamine! It is not like marijuana, you do it, and I WILL KNOW, because there is NO WAY to hide it, dilute it or cover it up, so JUST DO NOT DO IT, because I'm telling you, THAT IS THE ONLY WAY you will not be Positive when you test!" He had me thrown in jail 2 min after that, and for the next month, I spent a lot of time doing nothing but gathering opinions and info to try and determine if he was in fact correct, or if he just wanted me to THINK he was!?

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Wanted to let you know, I took methamphetamine Wednesday evening and drug tested today. I did the "normal" instructions and my single panel home test was negative. Went straight to probation and took their UA and FAILED! They're sending it to the lab. I don't know what the lab will be able to see. I'd be curious to see if this has happened to anyone before and if it was confirmed positive and if they were questioned regarding their PH levels. However, I don't think anything is fool proof and these are the risks I took when I made the decision to use it.

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Re: Cautiouslyoptomistic (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Did the test come back positive or diluted?

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